Why is China much slower on transition to high-end manufacturing than Japan? What should China learn from Japan to make a faster transition from low to high-end manufacturing?
Malleus Sinarum
Because China did not invent the modern world, America, and Japan and Germany did. Modernism is a idiom. China did not speak or invent the idiom of modernism. So they are the outside looking in still. Western live is something they copy but it’s nothing indigenous to Chinese culture.
Yausi Tamn
no expert , perhaps China was on the phrase of development which was still remote from high end perhaps because China that time found it more right to go for low cost consumers products to go into high end will mean direct rivalry with Japan and the entire western world which at that circumstances will arouse the west and Japan to rage on China , the low cost consumers products was no offense to anybody until the era had changed for China to find survival gradually at high end , I think times had changed that Japan and the West is not after even the high end and times are such that Japan and the West are seeking to even outsource the high end and had secured themselves on other high level developments
John Thacker
If the premise is “China is much slower in transitioning to high-end manufacturing than Japan did at a similar level of development / income,” then the premise is incorrect. China is not being slowing in transitioning to high-end manufacturing than other countries of a similar per capita income. China is still a middle-income country, of similar per capita income to Thailand and its position in the manufacturing value chain compares reasonably, even favorably to Thailand (and to other Asian countries at similar stages of development.)
China is a very unequal country. Because it is a large country, there are individually wealthy people and wealthy cities, just as Bangkok looks quite modern and rich. But once you take into account all the rural areas, it is a middle income country.
Now, if the question is, “Why is China much slower on becoming a high average income country post World War II than Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.” that’s a much more complicated question worthy of study.
Scott Rong
You really need read the history book to understand China & Japan in 1950, 1960, 1970, etc.
What China learn is to develop step by step, from low end to high end, learn and work hard.
iao Nengshou
You may not have noticed that Japan was already very developed before World War II, at least in terms of technology and industry. Technology is not instantaneous, and it will take many years or even several generations. When China first developed heavy industry, it encountered the Sino-Japanese War, and there has been little progress since the latter half of the century. The huge volume also makes China very difficult to manage. More importantly, China does not have the kind of urgency that South Koreans feel. At least from the low suicide rate in China, we can see that the Chinese people's sense of competition is not very strong. National peace is a prerequisite for the development of science and technology. However, the main experience of China in the first half century was war and revolution. In addition to the continued development of weapons, other technologies are almost stagnant. In addition, the relationship between China and the West is not very good. In strategic considerations, China cannot purchase advanced civilian technology. In fact, the United States once sold many civilian technologies to Japan, and China can only rely on its own research and development.
Deng in
Japan is one of the oldest capitalists countries on the earth,it reformed and begun to industrialize in the 19th century ,Japan got a huge “compensation “ from China (Qing government)through the treaty of shimonoseki (马关条约)at the end of 19th century,it helped Japan laid the foundations of high end manufacturing and high literacy. Even the remote villages had already had electricity at that time ,you can’t imagine that in China.As a result Japan had the power to start the war in pacific area. After WW2 many infrastructure in Japan were damaged but the technology foundation remained,so it turned to civil science and technology with the help of USA and became the representative of high-end manufacturing.
So I think you should compare Japan with Germany instead of China ,they are more similar in development history
Ron Berkes
Quality systems are needed for high quality manufacturing. Its not China compared to Japan. Its companies that embrace quality systems and ones who do not. High-end manufacturing requires a solid quality system behind it and many factories in China have adopted those systems based on global demand.
Mark Jordon
The economic of America is better than Japan and much more better than South Korea while South Korea is still far more better than China.If China want to caught up with South Korea,what will happened???
From the picture we can see that there are 17 Korean company reach to top five hundred companies in the world.If China caught up with South Korea ,consider that the population of China is 27 times bigger than South Korea,There will be more than 459 Chinese company reach to top five hundred companies in the world .
Yes,if China want to catch up with South Korea,it means that more than 45.9 percent of the best company will belong to China,it is a impossible aim for China ,so China will always be a develo country.
Mike Wu
Very good answers have been given. But there is one more point I'd like to raise, China’s population and geographic size. Education and economic opportunities are not evenly distributed across the country. And the supporting infrastructure is still heavily concentrated along the eastern coast and large cities.
China is still investing to bring the hinterland into the economic fold. In the meantime one still needs low end high manpower industries to provide jobs for the “teeming masses”.
M. Stan
I think the question should be rephrased to: Why is China much slower on transition to “high-end-only” manufacturing than Japan?
Joseph Wang
I don’t think that China is mostly about low-end manufacturing, and the transition time from low end to high end seems pretty comparable.
The low tech factories have moved away from China, and most everything that I’ve seen manufactured in China nowadays has some computer chip in it, so people aren’t manufacturing shoes but rather smart phones and robots (and robots to make smart phones).
Martin Basinger
The basic assumption your question contains is flat out wrong. Basically all high-technology that sells around the world today is manufactured in China, not Japan. China’s rise is actually faster so far, and with no external help like Japan received.
I don’t think Japan is a good example to learn from - because they did not do the transition on their own, they were propped up as it was merely a nice present given to them by the US after WWII because the US thought they needed an economically strong “wall” against the rise of co sm back then. And look how little is left of their wealth - they are piling on debt like no other country in the world, they can’t seem to turn around their economy no matter how drastic the measures they try to apply are (Abenomics = Quantitative easing at never seen before scale), and they seem to fall back into the dangerous old ideologies (superiorism).
Winston Chen
She's not-unless you consider manufacturing iPhones “low-end manufacturing.” Presumably what you're asking is why China is not a high-income country like Japan is, which can be attributed to most people being employed in middle income industries instead of high income industries (manufacturing vs engineering (or service industries in general), i.e.). There are a lot of reasons for this: Japan essentially exported her way to prosperity, China is too big for that, also China is a less open society, which impedes transition to innovative knowledge economies, the relatively opaque legal system….but mostly, it's the fact that she's been integrated into the global economy only since about 1980 at earliest, and in fact not really in truth until much later. Ask again in 10–15 years, and we’ll see how much further along she's gotten.
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