

Why do a lot of people want China to replace the US as the world's leading hegemon?





Richard Kenneth Eng

The reason is simple: China is a peaceful and benevolent nation, while the USA is a militant and imperialist nation.

China has fought no wars since 1979.

The USA has fought in Afghanistan, El Salvador, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Yugoslavia, etc.

China brokered an historic rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The USA actively blocked peace negotiations in the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas conflicts, while China actively promoted them.





China helps other countries build their infrastructure and economy. Over 150 countries participate in the Belt and Road Initiative. The USA has done nothing for these countries.

The USA has sanctioned dozens of “disobedient” countries. The USA has overthrown numerous foreign governments, even de ocratically elected ones!

When the USA hoarded its vaccines, China helped poor countries vaccinate.

A lot of people — most people, in fact — believe China will be a far better steward of the world order than the USA ever was.








Valerie Van Kerckhove

I’m not sure who ‘a lot of people’ are. To my knowledge, even the Chinese don’t want to be the world’s leading hegemon (Chinese people don’t want to bother with other people’s problems). ‘A lot of people’ might not like having the US as the world’s leading hegemon, but they don’t necessarily like China either.

I’m half-Chinese and what I want is a healthy multi-polar world. I want a strong America, a strong European Union, a newly strong South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and even Arab nations, a strong India and a strong China as well. We’ve got so many problems with the world. The more healthy civilizations there are out there, the more problems we’ll get to solve sooner.










Benjamin Kirk

Because they think that China will be a Peaceful Hegemon, when in fact it will likely be not

Projecting the last 50 years of Chinese History is not Useful at all at Projecting how China will behave as a Hegemon in the Next 50 years because China will Change beyond Recognition

in most of the last 50 years, China is a Poor, Poverty-Ridden black hole that few westerners ever ventured to





while China today and in the Next 50 Years will be an industrial Superpower that will be rivaling US and Europe



How would you Expect these two radically Different Chinas to Behave the same way Geopolitically, Because it would not!

Insignificant Countries becoming much more Interventionist after they become Powerful and Realized it is such a common occurrence within History that it is Practically a Law and Human Nature that Stronger Nations are more Aggressive, we saw this with nearly every Power like the Romans, Arabs, Spanish, Portuguese, Ottomans, British, Soviets, and the Americans, and it is safe to assume that a more Powerful China will likely continue this Trend and become more and more Aggressive as it gains more power.



well, what's Expected is already what’s happening, and China is Already Becoming more Aggressive, as the SCS dispute, which has been mostly Peaceful for Decades, is now Heating up Again, the same is Happening with the Taiwan Dispute, and Relations with India are souring to their worst point in Decades so no, China will not be an Exception to this Rule

Also, Another Good way to Predict what a Potential Hegemon would be if it becomes the Hegemon is to Check how it Treat its Neighbors as a Young Power first




for example, there are actually parallels of how the US treats Central American Nations in the Early 20th Century to how it Treats the Middle East Today

And China isn’t treating it’s Neighbors so well, as Mentioned Earlier, and it is Picking Fights with many of It’s Neighbors







This question is a false proposition,Chinese don't want, Chinese just want to develop their economy and live a happy life. To be a world leader means to fight a bloody war with the US.





Minsu Kim

I don't know what basis your opinion has, but at least South Korea won't want China to replace the United States. It will lead to the worst in our history.





Chien-Sheng Tsai

It is not that a lot of people want so but that the pendulum has swung, and the USA is on the decline while China is on the rise. As the Chinese saying goes, 30 years to the West and 30 years to the East.





Rodrigo Locatelli

I want to understand the question, basically it is: Which bully do you prefer?


With that said, let's look at the pros.

USA, western country, with some ideas that Argentines (I am Argentine) share. Relatively easy to learn language.

Bad: Messianic view of themselves, little knowledge of the outside world, extreme aggressiveness, racism, etc.

China: Country with a culture far removed from the "Westerners", its sense of is almost non-exstent. Complex language to learn.

Good: Relatively peaceful, isolationist and merchant country.











Nick William

Because they don’t like the U.S., and China is the only serious contender that could supplant the U.S. in this regard so it’s the only real option.


That said, China wouldn’t be any better than the U.S. as Hegemon and people are kidding themselves to believe otherwise. People point to wars and hypocrisies on the part of the U.S. and want to pretend like it’s the incarnation of Satan, but that’s malarkey. It’s not like any other Hegemon would be any more benevolent or less belligerent. It’s not a question of good and evil, it’s a question of power, and any Hegemon, whether it be America or China or some other party, will certainly get involved in a great many things good and bad in the pursuit of maintaining its place of power as Hegemon. In the same way the U.S. gives Humanitarian aid but fosters wars, protects international trade but also uses economic pressure on its rivals, follows idealistic principles but also breaks those principles sometimes for material gain, etc., so too would China do all of those things. It is inevitable when a nation has such a great amount of power that touches such a vast quantity of people that said nation will ultimately be morally grey, not good, not bad, but having committed numerous actions both good and bad.





Of course I believe that there won’t be a new hegemon though per se, I believe that in the coming decades we will see a new situation arise where there is no single dominant power, but instead many equivalent major powers that balance one another. But I guess we’ll see.






China is the only economy that nears the USA. Post WWI and WWII, the once powerful economies of Europe collapsed. The USA filled that void and holds the position as top economy. However, the glue that once held the 50 states together is weakening. The battle between conservative and liberal states embarking on drastic policy differences is weakening the country. It's demise will allow China to be the next to assume economic superiority.





Nathan James

The reason is very, very simple: China will be a far more peaceful steward of the world order than USA ever was.

In the last 42 years, China has not fought a single war! Think about that for a moment.

No other major nation in human history has ever had such a long period of unbroken peace.

Throughout 5,000 years of Chinese history, China has never been colonialist. But guess who has. Rome. The Ottomans. Portugal. Spain. Netherlands. France. Great Britain.





USA can be lumped into the same group because it exerts great control over most of the nations of earth. USA has 800 military bases in 70 countries. USA has 12 supercarrier battle groups.

USA exerts further control through the US Dollar hegemony as the world’s reserve currency. USA has used this to rip off other countries in what is essentially a Mafia-style protection racket.



Instead of waging war, China prefers to trade with the world. That’s the reason for Belt and Road. That’s the reason for the CAI deal with the EU. That’s the reason for the 25-year cooperation deal with Iran. That’s the reason for RCEP.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 大国 » 为什么很多人希望中国取代美国成为世界头号霸主
