

Is India willing to fight against China if the US commits to supply India with the best weapons and funds?





T Zhao

Lot of Indians do not like China right now. Indians are anything but stupid, this is a civilization that has been around for thousands of years, you don't get to be around for over 5000 years by falling for stupid proxy wars.

India will probably take all the funds and come up with some excuses and not fight. They will gladly take US money.






Don Quixote

Lol!! Given how corrupt our politicians are or how corrupt our whole sys is, I doubt if US ever do that. Even if they do, I can think of some possible scenarios:

Our politicians would become richer. May be one can see more luxury cars on road

Many of those weapons most likely be sold by those in administrative positions to other nations / groups and in turn securing more money for personal gain

May be one or more weapons would be tagged with “made in India” to fool the general uneducated mass

There will be more scams, which in turn will boost the economy of Switzerland/ Seychelles further !!









Ray Nieves

I think given the many nations who have issue with China aggression, if China were to attack India, more nations than the U.S. would support India. The U.S. would first condemn the action, call for the UN to condemn China as they did Russia for attacking Ukraine; now both countries are invaders.

The US would definitely offer PM Modi help. India has some pretty good weapons so India would need to indicate what help it needed and how the U.S. could support it.






Rahim Choudhary

If USA can have Ukraine for a proxy against Russia and India for proxy against China, then there would be fireworks in DC.

You know what happened to Ukraine. Do Indians want the same? Indian citizens should be cautious, because their government actually is self seeking and uncaring towards the citizens.






VS Param

IF China, Pakistan or other aggressive party threatens to invade India, they should remember that India has nuclear war heads and missile that can easily evaporate major cities on the asian continent. Furthur, you cant predict what will happen when an Indian gets mad. India will strike first. They dont need American support. They have Sukhoi SU-30 MKI and MIG-29 fighters that can reach Sakhalin Island and back before you realise you’ve been hit.

India will give you a run for your money if you want to test your military might.



印度有苏霍伊苏-30 MKI和米格-29战斗机,会在你意识到自己被击中之前打到库页岛并返回。





Michael X

Wonder why western China is sparsely populated?

No amount of weapon could defeat nature.




This probably is the most challenging geography on earth for military operations, even more challenging than Siberia. I hope some idiot would try it one day, so it could go down in history as the most stupid military operation. For over 2000 years, no nomadic power could enter China from the west.

I don't think the US could keep up with China on weapon production.







Ray Comeau

Thanks for request

Indians are not that stupid. They know the US is only interested in using India for American cannon fodder.

Let the Americans use the Australians or NATO countries, they are always willing to follow wars America causes.







King Stonne

If usa wants war now with china, dont be surprise that the current religious nutjob will easily be convinced to join in.








Peter Kaye

another Ukraine? I doubt it, but ask any Indian they think China will be a pushover, but I think the opposite is true, also, there is no way the US will give their best weapons away, thinking like that is a bit off track, funds? Haven’t you heard? The US is broke, they have a 34 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT, so you can forget that bit .





Alex Rowan

Why would either India or the US want to fight China? It would be very much against the economic self interest of all three countries.





Patrick Chong

It will be exceedingly stupid for India to be the canon fodder for US just like the stupid Ukrainians who do the west’s bidding and send hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to die for the the Americans and Europeans.





Agnel Fialho

From all emanating leads and surmise, it is fairly a done deal that, should China enforce its naked aggression on India; this nation, flushed with new vigour and buoyancy, will certainly rise to the occasion, defeat the aggressor, recover all territories usurped by China; all Indian areas retrieved with finesse and panache!


And if the US sagaciously commits to supply India with the best weapons & funds; including extending full moral support for ideal, India may launch a frontal attack, fight to finish, vigourously ferociously, effectively, thereby retrieving Tib from the Chinese clutches, for the free world!

This suits India & the US, very well



For the US, a highly weakened, confused, demoralised China, through India's huge punch and dent on it, after loss of & all Indo-Tiban areas; China will now be less of an irritant in the Indo-Pacific, East & South China Seas, with its drastically reduced threat to Taiwan, Japan and to US interests in this region.

Hence, it's high time that both the US and India, sincerely and rightly, evaluate, complement each other and soon become highly conscious and aware of what each other, richly brings to the table, for mutual advantage and benefits!






Stephen Richards

Exactly how would India fight China? Cross the Himalayas with hundreds of thousands of soldiers (and all the logistics necessary for that) and hope China doesn’t spot them? Try a naval attack (and lose its navy)? Or a missile attack (and face a much larger retaliatory strike)?

Realistically, the most China and India can do to one another is have border spats.






Mohan Kalaiselvan

Do you mean to ask whether India will become a pawn of America. A big no. Haven't we seen what is happening to the people of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan who faught with their neighbours with arms supplied by America. It benefited only the Arms manufacturers of America while destroying the lives of common people of the respective countries.





Param Vishnu

War is no solution , see life loss in Ukraine and Gaza. Children, women suffer the most for no fault of theirs.





Mrinal Chandra

Is Chinese Army better than Indian Army?


They are better equipped.

They are better by numbers.

They are better by infrastructure and support systems.

If that is the better you had in mind , yes, they are.





We are better prepared.

We are way more battle tested.

We regularly face situations out of the ordinary training courses in areas as Kashmir and North-East.

Our officers and men can work in complete sync.

Every soldier is taught to get the skill set to fight.









Suchak Patel

Can India trust the US for military support if it goes to war with China?


It seems you foget the 72 days long Doklam standoff with China. Military support is farthing, the USA even didn’t issue a statement supporting the Indian stand.

Secondly, History of the 1956,1971 and Kargil war suggest that the US less likely to support but now the geopolitical equation has been changed.

In fact war with China, None can support India even if they want to do and the same also stands for China.

When Dragon and Elephant fights, It’s quite impossible for the fox, rabbit etc to take a side.





此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 如果美国承诺向印度提供最好的武器和资金,印度是否愿意与中国开战
