

What culture shocks do you face coming to China for the first time?





Jason Smith ShangguanJiewen

Foreigners in China learning Taichi

Honesty in the west has a hue of grey gradation. The term white lie is often talked about by people to jump start a conversation. Successful husbands know to say their partners look good when they ask. You can imagine the reaction to a young married woman if her husband said something like ‘You’ve looked better and those shoes are awful.’ The American south is also fairly famous in the states for being a people high strung about manners and kind words. Some folks coming to China might be surprised at the extreme honesty of their new Chinese coworkers and friends.





I am not thin. That is a sort of lie. You get the idea. Often, and even sometimes as a compliment in China, I am told things like “You are so fat.” Or I can hear people saying so in Chinese. This can be taken wrong by foreigners. Sometimes it is meant as a compliment, like you are so prosperous. At other times when people tell me I should lose weight for example, people honestly think they are being kind and helpful. I have never heard it as meant to be an insult. This is the definition of a cultural difference. For some people, I have seen this as enough to cause them to move back to their home countries.



The life of an expat is thus. In order to be able to live in another place with a people whose values and habits are so different we must be able to accept, even embrace these differences. Nay, some expats don’t. Then there are those who live in an among the people of their chosen country. This obviously requires that they learn the local language, customs, and even habits ever becoming more like the culture they’ve adopted in the new country.


If someone can fully adapt that means they can embrace, even love new ways of doing things. This is telling not about ‘tolerance’ but about real open mindedness. It requires one put away their trained cultural perceptions and really undo their ‘programming’ to move beyond it and experience new ways of living reality.



Foreigners learning to make zongzi in China

Living in China is a unique experience and fun journey. On this episode of The Bridge, a podcast show that I record with my standup comedian and new media freelanser/writer friends in China, you could explore this exotic place with me and with a new perspective.






Jeremy Hayes

I have been living in China for 10 years and there are some things which are still difficult to deal with. The problems of public space and personal space above all.

Outside of major cities like Shanghai and Beiing (and some others), there seems to be little or no concept of public space. This is best understood with the example of elevators or subway cars.




When you are in an elevator or subway car and you want to get off, you are often met with a surge of people trying to get on. There are signs and announcements explaining that it works faster if you let people out before trying to push your way in, but these are largely ignored. I don’t think this is selfishness or stupidity, just an absence of the concept of public shared space.


Personal space differs from one culture to another, but in much of China the idea is completely absent. You can be sitting having a coffee and reading an interesting article on Quora when suddenly someone will sit down in the empty chair beside you and look at your screen, not just look, but put their face in close, something that as a westerner, makes me uncomfortable. Again this isn’t rudeness I believe, just the absence of the concept of personal space.


The biggest culture shock on arrival however is one that continues to bring me joy. It’s a feeling I first experienced on the streets of New York city: people are so free! Yes you read that right. People do whatever they please with little or no regard for rules and regulations, I still find it exhilarating this sense of freedom.





Jiahong Chen

Actually to me is more on Reversed Cultural Shocks. When I returned to China after my 10 years staying in Malaysia, everything was a great change and great challenge to me.

Although I speak Cantonese from this town, I couldn’t understand them. When I returned there, I had forgotten a lot of people there already, so any relationship was new.

As one of my friends who had returned earlier said, when we were first time to be abroad, we tried using the China way on our new life which never works, when we returned, we used the western way on China’s living, it doesn’t work either.




After 5 or 6 years, we then slowly fitting in. For example, when I was in Malaysia, I went out for my lunch and dinner daily, which is general, but when I am in China, eating home for dinner seems more suitable, and China’s communication way is quite different with us.

For example, when Chinese say let’s have a meal together sometime, for us, it’s a deal, and then we wait the time, but they never think that’s a deal or an agreement, for Chinese, only something is scheduled, then it’s an agreement or a deal, but for us, if someone offers a deal and you say yes, then it’s already been a deal, time is just a kind of details to be discussed.






Kevin Anderson

I was at the museum in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province.

A Very Important Person was leading a delegation through part of the museum.

Some background: for me museums are like oxygen - a necessity. They feed my historical curiosity, my artistic craving, my desire to better understand the human condition. In this case it was my deep gaze into ChangZhou and local history. I appreciate the original artisan, worker, artist, blacksmith, jeweller, stonemason etc. who originally created, the conservator who conserves, the museum officials who design, select, rotate the exhibit for the public’s enjoyment.





This Very Important Person had momentarily stopped and was explaining something of great importance. The group listened.

The Very Important Person was smoking. Under a “non-smoking” sign.

I stepped forward, pointed to the sign, pointed to the burning cigarette and said “不让” bu rang, not allowed. I repeated “不让”

No different to if I was about to board a plane, and saw the refueller smoking a cigarette.








Chris Robinson

As we now know, the Chinese will eat anything. To see rare animals like Pangolin, civet cats, lizards, snakes and bats for sale in wet markets is a shock. But top that is the unbelievably cruel process that are used to prepare these animals for sale. Not unusual to see the animal suffering intense pain as its skin is ripped off or it is gutted while still alive.





Gary Price

Language culture, lack of open affection (people bowing to each other at weddings), cohabitation without marriage frowned upon (in rural areas and Beiing where it has been illegal); foods especially, and non attention to sanitation.





Adam Johnson

I visited there about ten years ago, and this was really the first time I found myself in a place where English wasn’t spoken and a Latin alphabet wasn’t used. Prior to going there I’d travelled in Europe where you can almost always find plenty of people who speak English and you can read street signs. This isn’t the case in China, especially outside of Beiing/Shanghai and Hong Kong.





Steve Tony

Just shocked how can China developed so fast and infrastructures are 30 years ahead of the US and West.

It keeps me asking who are developed and undeveloped countries.






Masaco Miyamae

When I traveled to X i’an, China last year, I was shocked by the words of my tour guide, she told me very proudly that we were riding on the tombs of ancient emperors. I swear I have traveled X i'an with awe.


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