

 US needs Indian students in sciences, Chinese students in humanities, American diplomat says


Deputy secretary of state Kurt Campbell emphasized that while the US should welcome more Chinese students, they should focus on humanities rather than sciences due to security concerns over sensitive technology. He highlighted a shortage of Americans in STEM fields and stressed the need to recruit more international students from India, a key US security partner, rather than China.


Kurt Campbell said not enough Americans were studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


In a notable shift in educational and immigration policy, the United States is actively seeking to increase the number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students from India while limiting access for Chinese students to certain technological programs. This development was highlighted by deputy secretary of state Kurt Campbell during a recent discussion at the Council on Foreign Relations think-tank.


Donald Trump, in his 2024 presidential campaign, has made immigration a central focus. However, his recent proposal to grant green cards to a substantial number of international graduates marks a significant departure from his typical stance on foreign nationals. This move would entail a considerable broadening of the U.S. immigration system.


The potential offering of green cards, which provide a route to American citizenship, to such a large group of foreign graduates stands in stark contrast to Trump's usual rhetoric surrounding immigration. This shift in policy could have far-reaching implications for the country's approach to welcoming individuals from abroad.




No more BS

The satani variety of Indians, are ever ready to do the white man's bidding. Satanis make great, unquestioning and highly obedient servants of the whites. The whites even use them to head white corporations and now even countries, to loot India and other third world countries.




Nope - the current situation in US schools is not conducive for Indian students. You forgot the deaths of 10 plus students last year. The atmosphere on the campus is completely anti-Indian, anti-Jewish - In certain universities professors are spreading hatred against Indians. If you decide to come, make that decision at your own risk. Right now, the US needs young people to pay the taxes to support the expensive Social Programs for the millions of illegal immigrants. Who will pay for the currently young people when they retire?





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China is a big country



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Most chinese students in the US return back to China. The US knows Indian students never return back to India. So, its a win-win situation for both of them



Rao Rao

The present trend of TOT is great, Shree Modi Ji is doing a great job on this indeed, however once TOT is sought by India it ought to build upon this to become World leaders in the same field and for this India should NOT loose it's best brains who could be the keys to the Future R&D and for all this to happen the right environment needs to prevail and a willingness by our country to contribute financially and otherwise as well.Stop Quota systems in the educational Institutes as well.



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Cos they can SPEAK good english and are loyal. Theu dont steal technology and pass it to x regime. Plus Of course indian stufents like jew hav family values and are INTELLIGENT



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some points of Trump makes sense- an undergraduate student is in its mid teens and formative years and can get easily adjusted to American ways of teaching and living, which is better for both US and student. Further, with immigration with diversity from Mexco. Latin America and Africa, they do not get STEM quality workers so makes more sense using diversity quota for STEM students. and finally, Indian students have a trait of being loyal and don't steal technology or we would have had Indian Baidu and We chat by now



Dee Kay

China must be stopped at all costs.



No more BS

Lunacy, hate and bigotry are a bigger threat.




China is fine. Learn from them.


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Too late.The Chinese are far ahead and where they do not have they buy the companies that have technology.They beg ,borrow or steal.No qualms and the west bends backwards to accommodate.



Sanjoy Pandey

America can't trust any Chines. as their competence can be used against them.



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Jagdish Chandra

The United States of America is without a doubt the world's only superpower, and as such, it has international responsibility. The technically formidable United States of America has a unique gun-free culture, which has even led to the highest number of gun-related incidents. Despite the best efforts of succeeding administrations to modify or remove this harsh law, it continues to stand because it is a valued aspect of the country's liberal culture. The USA has granted visas to Young Turks worldwide in order to fulfill the demands of numerous fields. However, an American diplomat has disclosed that in the event that the United States requires scientists, it will favour India over China or else a large portion of the planet Earth. It is, nevertheless, good news for India's brilliant academic Young Turks, but is an irreversible intellectual property loses.








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Immigration issue in the US is like kashmir issue in India. Politicians keep talking about solving it but never will. If they silve they will not have any issue to talk about later, so they keep pouring oil over fire.



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If you believe in everything that Donald Trump says them i have Brooklyn Bridge for sale. I will gove it to you dirt cheap



You have only Brooklyn Bridge for sale. I have the entire moon for sale.



Bala Srinivasan

AMERICA committed a mortal sin for few decades allowing CHINESE students who took advantage of litterally scoo up all technological developments in its academic level enabling CHINA get infront of USA.But they learnt from their mistakes while INDIANS are genuinely truthful research oriented¬ stealing info like the chinks.



Even if some are casually racist like you.




Sure. Chinese now have more patents and more research papers. They lead in most critical technologies. If they copy how is it that they have more patents and how is it India can't copy?




What non-sense.




It is against the law to disseminate students from choosing their major.


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