

 'I hope your beeper does not go off': CNN guest banned for explosive remark


TOI Correspondent from Washington: The argument on whether some American rightwingers deserved to be called Nazis was already heated when a liberal guest said he was a supporter of the Palestinian cause and he's used to being called anti-semite. "Well, I hope your beeper does not go off," snapped the rightwing MAGA guest. There was a moment's stunned silence on the panel as the import of remark sank in; it was a reference Israel's infamous targeted killing of alleged Hamas operatives using remote triggered explosives in beepers.



"Did you just say I should die?...Are you a racist violent person inciting violence against me?" the liberal commentator Mehdi Hasan asked amid cross talk, even as the CNN host Abby Philip and other guests came down on Ryan Girdusky, a MAGA commentator, for the explosive. He could be heard saying he thought Hasan was supporting Hamas and apologising as CNN cut way for a break. When the program returned, Girdusky was not seated, and CNN later said he had been banned from the channel.





Mohan Kumar

When you call the Mehdi Hassan a libral, you are a hypocrite.,There is right wing media and a hypocrite media. That's all.



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When we teach our children "win at any cost", these are the consequences to be expected, whether it is the politicians or the media, or businesses. Why are we acting so shocked?




Ask Liberando Mehdi Hasan to openly criticize Hamas n Hezbollah for killing innocent 1200 Israelis. He won't do as he is one of them. Jihad is in his heart and he breaths. There are many Jihadis like him




Can you expect a Jihadi Mehdi Hasan to be a saint. It's like expecting a cobra not to bite you.gy



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There is a quality problem on the left side too. Calling somebody Nazi is not very different from beeper joke. Both are same.



3 0 • Reply • Flag

Mehdi Hasan a Liberal??? that's a joke




Well this is the situation you have invited for yourselves. Now every where you find partisan polarised and mutually distrustful and chaotic societies in the entire Europe and America's. Your stupid idealism has caused immense harm to humans which is irreversible.




Medhi Hassan is a white-collar terrorist himself. As expected he gets the support of the leftist dems. Time for Americans to vote wisely if they don't want terrorists thriving in their backyard.

哈桑本身就是一名白领恐怖分子。不出所料,他得到了左翼民 主党的支持。如果美国人不想让恐怖分子在他们的后院滋长,是时候投出明智一票了。


Raj Singh

Chidu as usual, shameless that he is, slants his article against the Republican. As if the lunatic Left hysteria is completely invisible to him



Sanjai Sashi

Why are we so enamoured by America? Their de ocracy works well unlike our fake one. Ours is a HIndu goondacracy ridden by violence, hate, division based on religion, caste, language and region, led by our own home grown Hindu terrorists like Modi, Shah and the rest of the fanatics supporting them. Just today Canadas RCMP openly said that Amit Shah was involved in directing the murder of a Canadian citizen, directing the intimidation of others and plotting the deaths of Canadians and Americans. Not a word from the saffrom extremists here. Even the media is silent. Our country is run by criminals using gangs like Bishmois to intimidate, murder innocent civilians. Shame on those voting and backing these extremists. They are no different than the mullahs of Iran or the Taliban. Modis closest friend is Khameini of Iran as these two extremists share a lot in common, extreme relious views and wear black and saffron. Their basic ideologies are the same.

为什么我们如此迷恋美国?他们的民 主运作得很好,不像我们印度的假民 主。










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Though there may be some truth in what is said , it is said in such a hatefulvway & almost with personal enmity . Where is the middle ground both sides are equal terrorist



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When it comes to oppressing the truth and honesty debate, so called liberals are unmatched.




pur gangsters in power can learn a thing or two about murdering foreign citizens from Putin. Putin and Modi are best buddies and must be sharing notes on how to kill without getting caught. Modi and his gang are slow learners so they got caught red handed by Canadians. Will someone teach these saffron ducks how to do a job properly???




Why has the Modi government kept quiet about Canadian RCMP directly accusing Amit Shah with directing the killings of Canadians and intimidation of many Canadians. Canada needs to put out an arrest warrant for Modi and Shah to begin with so they can be tried at the international court of Justice.


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Canada is not wven giving the death certificate of Nijjar which tells the cause of seath. So, what are you talking?



Ishwar Rao

Whyare we worried about America when our own Hindu goondas led by Modi, Amit Shah and the rest of the goons have instigated riots, lynchings, genocide in Godhra and Manipur resulting the the deaths of thousands of Muslims and Christians.



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I do think the beeper is a good joke. Of course making jokes is taboo to some peacefuls



4 0 • Reply • Flag

Mehdi Hassan...a liberal commentator..what a joke?? is this writer going nuts?? he is no less dangerous than any islamic terrorist. only thing is he has pen instead of guns.


27 1 • Reply • Flag

And don’t know when he will pick up a gun




America has same dirty politics like India bu it has vast resources and Bigland and 30 trillon dollar economy.Our 29 state politics is much dirtier than 50 American.



More like 35 trillion dollar debt.



5 0 • Reply • Flag

Polarisation is going to be the norm in the world. Nothing wrong in it. America must choose it's leader based on who would bring economical growth, reduce debt, reduce peice rise and ensure safety and security for the country . The persons hold be able to play a leadership role and bring lasting world peace.,Dump the current leadership and choose Trump.



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