Throats slit on wedding anniversary: How aspiring south Delhi boxer executed chilling plot to wipe out family
NEW DELHI: In a chilling case that has shocked the capital, a 20-year-old Delhi University student, Arjun Tanwar, has been arrested for the brutal murder of his father, a retired Army officer, his mother and his sister at their home in Neb Sarai.
The murders, committed early Wednesday—his parents’ wedding anniversary—were allegedly driven by a deep-seated grudge over property disputes and familial resentment. Police say Arjun carefully planned the crime, even attempting to mislead authorities by feigning innocence.
Motives rooted in property and resentment
According to investigators, Arjun believed his father, Rajesh Kumar (51), was planning to transfer their family property to his sister, Kavita (23).
This, combined with his father’s stern disapproval of Arjun’s boxng ambitions and repeated public humiliation, ignited his fury.
“He told us he opted for slitting their throats as he knew it would prevent them from screaming. He was so enraged with his father that he stabbed him in the head,” said the police.
A well-planned deception
Arjun followed his regular routine, heading out for an early morning run at 5.30 am to stage a facade of normalcy.
Upon returning, he ran to his gym and informed the owner that his parents had been murdered. He then alerted neighbours and relatives in a bid to avert suspicion.
However, a police investigation uncovered inconsistencies in his account. "When we questioned Arjun, he started giving different answers and there were multiple contradictions," said Sanjay Kumar Jain, joint commissioner of police (South).
Arjun, a political science student and a trained boxer who had won a silver medal representing Delhi, harboured a profound grudge against his family.
He resented his father for supporting his sister, who was pursuing a master’s degree and for frequently reprimanding him about his studies and routine.
“Arjun felt neglected and isolated,” police revealed. “He also suspected his father planned to hand over their property to his sister.”
Rajesh’s treatment of Arjun, including physical reprimands in public, further fuelled his rage. Sources disclosed that tensions escalated during his sister’s birthday on December 1, when Rajesh allegedly assaulted him again.
It’s better to be childless rather than to have such devils in the guise of children.
So sad that the family had to die this way
生这种魔鬼孩子, 还不如不要生孩子。他的家人就这样白白丧命了
And we think Hindu vs Muslim is the major issue facing us...
我们认为印度教vs MSL是我们面临的主要问题…
Brajesh Singh
20 year old thinking of parents money shows he has no caliber hence wanted free money of parents. Deserves death and nothing less.
Megha Astro
This guy should have just left home and lived his life as per his wish. Killing own family is horrific. If what he told police is true about his bad treatment by father he became bigger evil than his father by murdering. He wanted their money. No sympathy for him. Hope he gets harsher punishment. Parents should not humiliate children in front of others.
Sajid Lashkari
Sad that our country is driven by hatred towards families, religion, region, caste and what not?? Why is such things happening lately?? We were known for tolerance, love and peace, but what are we turning ourself into?? I pray for the family RIP and hope the son realised his stupidity and will repent his whole life for his deed. Jai Hind!!
可悲的是,我们国家怎么这么多家庭、宗教、地区、种姓等仇恨?为什么最近会发生这样的事情?我们以宽容、仁爱与和平而闻名,但我们把自己变成了什么?我为他的家人祈祷,安息吧,希望这个儿子意识到自己的愚蠢,并为自己的行为后悔一辈子。印度必胜! !
Syed Zuhair
Hard to believe where our society is heading.
V Ramaswamy
violence, murders and various similar plots are learnt from TV serials and films. Censor Board and Dept. should ban scenes depicting plots and violences. Education should preach moral conduct.
Clear case of mental illness. No one in proper sense would murder mom and sister. Even reprimanding father. Whatever may b grudge. His psychiatric assessment should b done Before hanging.
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please in today's environment parents are requested to treat children with love & affection. These days children have become stubborn & want to live in their on way.
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boy was forced to be in a very bad situation. where he was abused everyday by his father and sister was cunning.
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Terrorism bhi tum log hi karte ho
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This criminal will get bail bail soon,will be out ,get property and and enjoy life as case will drag for 30 years.
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it was imminent. only because of father because he was biased.,I support Boy
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In this era parents tilt towards a particular child and intentionally neglect and abuse other child. and they gave all property to their chosen child.,in many cases I have seen that particularly Father Is the sole reason. In most cases father is a drunkard cheap character and he fight with his wife and children.,today particularly father has a very bad image among children.
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Delhi is the capital of culprit
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NCR is probably the worst place to live in India. Everyday you read such monstrous news there. Do people live there or demons?
This is horrific. Clear evidence of a Godless society.
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Godfull in Palestine...
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The man is a spendthrift loafer, a narcissistic beast who pinned his future prospects to his father's hardwork and frugality. Hang him.
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Very Very bad parenting - senseless foolish parents can't recognise the grudge of their children - not only bad parenting very bad natured people - they must have United mentally tortured him for years - guy lost his sense and committed big crime very sad but the parents & sister are also devil & demon
Pranil Khadke
While what the boy has done is definitely not justified and is heinous to say the list, there are certainly issues with the father's treatment of the son as well. No one should physically assault or publicly insult a grown-up child. It shows total lack of any rapport or relationship built between father and his grown up son, who the father should have tried to counsel/deal with more as a friend than severe reprimand.
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