Raimondo Says Holding Back China in Chips Race Is a ‘Fool’s Errand’
WASHINGTON—Four years after the Biden administration made the race for chip manufacturing a top priority, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says efforts to restrict China’s access to technology hasn’t held back the country’s progress, and federal funding for domestic innovation is what will keep the U.S. ahead of Beiing.
To be honest, I now believe the biggest reason why China can defeat the United States in the new cold war is that Chinese people are smarter than Americans. I know this may seem politically incorrect, but I increalingly believe it is the truth.
20 years ago, I had two master degrees from a top 20 universities in China and a top 5 university in the United States. At that time, I had a strong feeling that my Chinese classmates were smarter than my American classmates. Among my Chinese classmates, I encounter about one out of every ten who I consider to be 'very smart', but among my American classmates, I only know one but who is a Chinese from Beiing.
In the past six years, we have seen that Americans have used everything possible, trade war, technology war, military threaten, propaganda war, diplomatic war.......Although they had caused China a lot of troubles, but none of them has real and long term effect. On the contrary, China has continuously achieved strategic victories in military, technology, manufacture, trade and other aspects fo hard power. Of course, this result can be attributed to many reasons, but I think the most essential reason is that the Chinese are smart enough to come up with the most reasonable ways to deal with the American attacks.
This is completely different from the old Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. In the last Cold War, except in the Vietnam War, Americans were in a difficult position because of their arrogance. They were always in the upper hand. Americans created many traps and brought many troubles to the Soviet Union. They were constantly inspired by these small victories, and I believe they must have a sense of superiority in intelligence at that time. But in the Cold War with the China, they achieved literally nothing, I believe what they have now are just deep depression. This is alo why Americans are less and less interested in this cold war with China.
BBQ Chicken
What about Europeans? Same as Americans?
I have not had long-term contact with Europeans in work or study, but I guess Americans are about the same as Europeans, just like Chinese are about the same as Japanese and Koreans
Chinese Bro: "but I increalingly believe it is the truth."
Lol. But it doesn't take sherlock to find that out. Almost everything tech and math in US is run by Chinese diaspora
I don't live in a vacuum, and my cognition is obviously influenced by the political correctness of the United States. However, as I see more and more facts, I believe that truths are truths, whether they are correct or not.
Harald in China (Houthi Harry)
you sound more and more American with every tweet
The United States has been a superpower for the past 100 years, what are the problems for China with Chinese becoming more and more like Americans? However, the Chinese have a higher moral starting point than the Americans, and we did not sell black slaves or slaughter native Indians.
But where are the poor Manchus now?
Jonathan Herz
I kind of agree with you but there will be no new Cold War. Idk I don’t find you “very intelligent” and am surprised you got into a top school. Generally Chinese students studying in America are socially isolated.
I do agree Chinese are on average smarter the Americans
lol, it is because you need a certain level of IQ and knowledge to fully understand what I post
Jonathan Herz
No. I got into a top U.S. college at the age of 16. Maybe geopolitics is just a hobby for you. There are some takes on Sino-middle eastern affairs that I subscribe to you for however your takes on US and U.S.-China are mid at best and not as good as other commentators. Sorry.
I've read some of your comments and I'm pretty sure you're not very smart. American universities cannot prove anything. I told you in the original post that I don't think there are many smart people in American universities in my standard.
Jonathan Herz
Cope. You used American universities to prove how smart you are. I don’t care what you think about me.
see, that is why I said you are not very smart. I clearly used my unversity experience to prove my Chinese classmates are smarter than my Americans classmates, it is not about me.
Jonathan Herz
You are very insecure. If you want to improve as a “geopolitics commenter” you should think about what I’ve said. You’re obviously the one who is hurt. That happens when one has a false self-image. I am not impressed with your intelligence.
I’m going to mute you now, bye
Jonathan Herz
I doubt you really interacted much with Americans at your university.
Smarter on maths does not mean you’re smart in life generally
Howard Chew
What would you know? Many Chinese diaspora including myself often wonder how and why Westerners are so ignorantly full of themselves. The answer? Arrogance makes them ignore and fail to understand others especially their chosen enemies and rivals.
So long as the Chinese people r united behind the Central Government, China shall return to its position as World No. 1 whether American like it or not.
Finally, some words of wisdom from raimondo
I'm not blind
I’m an Anglo Saxon living in Beiing with Chinese wife with a masters degree. All evidence suggests you are right by a long way. For 20 years I’ve watched both cultures develop from Beiing. I’m terrified of leaving Beiing EVER!
Simon Jester
Umm...no, we're not smarter. Or not born smarter, anyway. China awarded 1.38 million engineering bachelor’s degrees in 2020. The comparable American number is 197,000 (144,000 in engineering and 54,000 in computer science), or just one-seventh of China’s total.
This is stupid ! No race is smarter than other race. We work better as a collective being. If you talking about Chinese smarter then for how long ?
Denver Hoxha
Chinese have a far better education system. The American education system makes people illiterate.
Buying into views of inherent racial superiority and intelligence is accepting the Western metaphysical, non-material worldview that you claim to disavow.
William Murphy
I experienced the same thing — as an American. It's been a lifetime of constant torment.
I know lots of Chinese students love to go to Top 5 GRADUATE schools in the US, not the smart ones, more or less mediocre! And US graduate schools love Chinese students not because of their IQ, but their tuition. In that case, I believe Americans are smarter!
Their evil deeds just made China stronger and more independent. Moreover the backstabbing to their allies by blowing Germany's North Stream Pipeline 2 and the genocide they committed openly live for the world in Palestine, just showed the world and Global South, they hate US!
Almost all the posts from the USA are often just downright stupid. Even from notable people!!! The average posts from China, both in English and Chinese are of a much higher quality; exhibiting more nuance and grasp of detail.
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