

'Extending all help': India after Yemen President's nod to Kerala nurse's death sentence



NEW DELHI: The ministry of external affairs on Tuesday said that the government is extending all possible help after Yemen President Rashad Muhammed al-Alimi approved Kerala nurse Nimisha Priya's death sentence for murdering her husband.


"We are aware of the sentencing of Nimisha Priya in Yemen," MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said.

印度外交部发言人Randhir Jaiswal表示:“我们已获悉尼米莎·普里亚在也门被判刑。”

"We understand that the family of Priya is exploring relevant options. The government is extending all possible help in the matter," he added.


Kerala native Nimisha was sentenced to death for murder of one Talal Abdo Mahdi, who used to abuse and torture her, in 2017. She injected him with sedatives to retrieve her passport that was in his possession.


The prosecution established that Nimisha murdered Mahdi, with whom she had started a health clinic in Sana'a and subsequently married in July 2017. She chopped up her husband's body and dumped the parts in a tank. The motive was purportedly revenge for the torture that Mahadi allegedly subjected her to. He also seized her passport, Nimisha told the court.


Since President al-Alimi's approval could lead to the execution of her death sentence within a month, the Save Nimisha Priya Action Council and her family members intend to expedite their negotiations with the victim's family and tribal leaders.


Nimisha's mother is in Sana'a to negotiate the blood money to be paid to the victim's family.


Negotiations came to a standstill in September when Abdullah Ameer, a lawyer appointed by the Indian Embassy, demanded a $20,000 (approxmately Rs 16.7 lakh) pre-negotiation fee, halting further discussions.


Although the MEA had already provided $19,871 in July, Ameer insisted on a total fee of $40,000, payable in two installments, before he would resume talks.


The Save Nimisha Priya International Action Council succeeded in raising the first installment through crowdfunding but later encountered challenges in ensuring transparency to donors about how the funds were being used.




Yet another case where a non Muslim nurse married a Muslim doctor and paid the price for it




Working in Yemen, really?? Barring Kerala, seems these Keralites work everywhere else. Thats co sm for you. Even after "Goat's life" , they havent learnt their lesson. Should the govt really interfere? These people have zero regards to the majority and their beliefs.



Subash Gautam

it is a sad storey, Sadly lawyers every where behaves similar way to to try to get maxmum out of victims!!



sulai9211 khan

No philonthropists and public will come to help her as she is not a kerala muslim and more so she has murdered a muslim man even though he is a Yemani. True kerala secularism will be tested now…



Rajendra Singh Chouhan

Abuse and torture and rape are routine, when you marry a Muslim man in Arab countries. She is paying for it. why these people can not make a copy of their passport before traveling to these Arab countries, where they the always confiscate




India must ban foreign countries from taking possession of passports by employers etc... A person must be free to leave anytime he or she desires....



Thiri Singh

Will these Hindu girls ever learn that marrying a Muslim is a death sentence!



User Dayal

Nimsha is a criminal who planned and killed her business partner, slaughtered the body and try to escape after this crime. She deserves death penalty.



1 3 • Reply • Flag

Why should government of India interfere in Yemen Laws. She murdered her husband in cold blood , chopped his body in most cruel method and disposed it. If she's given death sentence as per Yemen Laws, then why Indian government should Interfere. Law of land of any nation be respected, especially if it involves such pre-meditated and heinous murder crime.



0 2 • Reply • Flag

Iif eomeome passport is snatched, visit indian embassy n tell ur story secretly to high commissioner, as per procedure, they would provide you temp passport, may even provide a flight ticket if you do not have money.




Oh please. She is a murderer and should be punished accordingly.



A Khalid

If people believe this is true.,All ppl of Indian origin should make plans to leave Yemen.,India is a powerful country, we better start behaving like  one.,Fight in all possible ways to save our expatriates. Since our Economy needs Foreign exchange, our expats are a National resource.




Yemen is still better than India , ask anybody in Sanaa will they leave for India ,they will say no . India doesnt have any opportunity.do you think any middle class will be left in india within another 20 years ? No way .



2 1 • Reply • Flag

Why not Government of India pay the balance Blood Money.,After all India has record number of millionaires as it's MPs and MLAs. Why can't they chip in and pay the money.



Roopashri Sinha

How come the MEA can't find a non greedy lawyer in or near Yemen, to help the alleged criminal nurse?




Let her die..after all this is as per Sharia and she shouldn't be complaining after marrying a Mohamdan!



14 2 • Reply • Flag

these ricebag converts ....why should Indian government waste time and money behind a murderer....if at all government has so much intent and interest help Hindus in Bangladesh...



5 0 • Reply • Flag

Why people blaming Islam? It the Hindu who killed the Muslim isn't it?


0 8 • Reply • Flag

who is the cause?


0 0 • Reply • Flag

killing is a reaction for cruel actions sanctioned by barbaric religion.



0 0 • Reply • Flag

someone please teach these NRIs...if you don't have your passport, please approach the Indian Embassy, they can arrange a one way ticket and passport back home


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