PUNE: Alerts from three Pune hospitals to local authorities last Monday about a higher-than-usual occurrence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a rare but treatable autoimmune disease, blew up into an unprecedented cluster of 73 cases by Friday - almost trebling in four days from the initial 26 cases that caused alarm. No GBS-induced death has been reported. Although GBS is known to occur in communities, large hospitals typically admit 1-2 cases a month.
Fourteen of the patients hospitalised over the past week were on ventilator support as health authorities in Maharashtra started door-to-door surveys, looking for signs of infection and raising awarness about GBS. Officials said municipal and district health workers surveyed about 7,200 homes in two days.
Experts said the pathogenic bacteria Campylobacter jejuni was a known trigger for GBS, in which the patient's immune system attacks the nerves. The recent detection of the pathogen in stool samples from multiple hospitals adds to evidence linking this bacteria to the outbreak.
Concern about the spread deepened with reports of an infant and a toddler being among new cases. Health experts and doctors suspect the cluster formed on Jan 9, with the first patient to be admitted being an eight-year-old boy.
Union health ministry's Central Surveillance Unit (CSU) has taken cognisance of rising GBS cases in Pune and decided to send a team of doctors to assist local authorities. Healthcare facilities, including Sassoon Hospital, are stocking up on injectables and medicines required to combat the outbreak. The hospital is treating 16 GBS patients.
User Bassa
I was struck by GBS in 2013 after returning to USA from a visit to coastal AP and I was treated here in the USA for the same. It might be worth sharing my experience in detail. I through up one night when I was in India. The GBS symptoms started exactly three weeks after that. I was back in the USA by that time. The first symptoms were the tingling of my fingers. Then slowly I started falling whenever I tried to walk. I later visited a primary care physician who then referred me to a neurologist ...
GBS is not contagious or inherited and the exact cause is unknown. Since the body's own immune system does the damage, GBS is called an autoimmune disease. it is possible that GBS is transmitted through food or by the fecal-oral route.
Recovery can take months and even years. avoid food from unknown untrusted sources or places..…
Sunil Jha
It is a very rare disease and treatment is expensive. My mother was affected by gbs 2 years ago and she is still facing a little numbness in toes and fingers. As I remember ivig injection(very costly) is the only way to cure. Be safe.
Ramesh Xyz
Unless we improve our Hygiene standards across the board, right from schooling, We cannot prevent communicable diseases in India. We should put in more efforts on Swacch bharath, rather than just TV ads.
I hope they contain and stop it from spreading.
Sujen Shah
I am from Mumbai I had guillan barre syndrome in 2023... doctors could not detect it and checked for stroke,heart problem so on....after one year at Lilavati hospital detected as gbl ....but by then bacterial infection had subsided...I still have numbness in the feet...it's a very uncomfortable disease...potentially fatal if treatment not right....
I had GBS in 2006 when I was 17. I was treated at Fortis by Dr Shobhit Sinha
2006年,我17岁的时候得了GBS。富通医院的Shobhit Sinha医生把我治好了
Amit The Great
meat and egg eaters suffers from various kinds of cancer and auto immune diseases and mental conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar , psychopath etc , veganism or vegetarianism should be way of life..
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The scare created through headlines only helps the pharma companies. Proper investigation and containment measures must be adopted so as to contain the spread of the disease.
India will remain a 3rd world country . All our boasts about being a VishwaGuru is utter nonsense. We have the highest number of TB cases and deaths in the world .
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This kind of incidents will keep happening. the entire healthcare system including pharma companies and hospitals got significant revenue spike from Covid. Their revenues, share prices and profits have become stagnant after 2022. Many vaccine manufacturers had to take back stocks leading to losses. So what next.... leave new microorganisms that will give another chance to boost revenues.
0 1 • Reply • Flag
Since 2000, the world has exceeded its human carrying capacity. We always talk of food production, but this is not the only criteria to decide our fate. Urgent action is needed to bring down the human population, especially in India, to pre-2000 levels. A one child policy is an immediate urgent requirement. If not, we will add another 300 million humans in India before the population begins to decline.
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Kindly specify the main causes of this GB syndrome, other than specifying number of patients. People will be helped if the main causes and sources are explained.
1 0 • Reply • Flag
Another scare ? Seriously? Soros game again ? Fauchy meantime in US has been stripped of all security and might evrn get sent to russia cos Putin wants to qs fauchy for vaccine crimes hahahahahaha
15 0 • Reply • Flag
Good promotion to increase earnings of doctors.
0 2 • Reply • Flag
if you don't know the seriousness of this illness, keep quiet. I know what my 75 year old .other going through for 5 months admitted in ICU for 3 months and hooked on to ventilateur.
Jagdish Madan
Best solution lies in consuming home cooked meals.
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When my friend returned from a vacation in India, she was hit by GBS. One of the biggest issues with GBS is mis-diagnosis as the symptoms are very similar to a stroke... she got paralyzed and the onset was sudden.,The prognosis is good if treatment begins early which includes, plasma therapy or IVIG treatment. She did make a full recovery which doctors attributed to her relatively young age as she's in her early twenties and also the fact that her treatment was started ASAP at one of the best hospitals in Australia.,Pray for all those affected and their speedy recovery
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Yes true but not Chinese guava but Desi Guava.
This seems to be the adverse effects of COVID vaccine. Patients who showing GBS, their history of COVID vaccination should also be checked.
3 4 • Reply • Flag
Dont speculate without scientific knowledge. Its an acute illness, this outbreak occured 3 yrs after covid pandemic. No corelation.
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