

Do you believe the Chinese are more intelligent than Indians?




It's obvious that most Chinese people are smarter than most Indians, and there's no need to argue about it. But for a country that has produced Ramanujan, I think the top people in India are as smart as those in China. It's just that for a country with a population of 1.4 billion, such a group is too small.



Mr. Huang

Top Indian geniuses do exst, and there are many of them, but the majority of the people generally seem to have no mental state, no fighting spirit, and no ideas.

Most Chinese people have no unpleasant body odor, no excess hair, smooth and white skin, no nose that is too long or too collapsed, no skin that is too white or too dark, and the average IQ, both in fact and in behavior, is Within the top 5 in the world What do you think?




V Navin Balaji Annamalai

I presume this is a comparison to understand which country's average Joe is more intelligent.

There are many factors to ascertain Intelligence (I may be wrong)

The quantity of education you receive (like grad school, high school, masters degree, etc)
The quality of education received (this includes the quality of resources in the education institution and ability of the professors teaching the subject)
The life experiences of an individual
The Intelligence level of the people surrounding the individual

You can extrapolate these to a population as a whole. I felt these criterion were paramount since Intelligence is not mere arithmetic knowledge, Intelligence is ability to be better than others in any field (not only in math).








Now Intelligence is not something solely you acquire through books, it's the surrounding you are part of which increases your logical and analytical skills. The people you surround with matter, as more Intellectual your group, the more ideas you share and more Intelligence gained.

Now, it's scientifically proven Intelligence is not an inheritable trait capable to be present in the chromosome of the kid from father or mother. Some kids are gifted, but that's not inherited, instead it's something inherent (there is a difference).

Now to the question, an Average Indian is neither smarter than Chinese or vice versa, since there will always be an Indian smarter than Chinese and a Chinese smarter than an Indian. This is nature, nothing is stagnant.

And since all are Homo Sapiens, we all have the same brain, may be the situations created in China may make a certain amount of their students intelligent than Indians, and the same in India.






Karthik Bala


Intelligence is an Individual trait based on direct genetics of the parents and grandparents combined with social and economic upbringing

It doesn't depend on country

Collective IQ of China is better than India but so is the level of development and economic upbringing

They have a per capita income of 13,000 Dollars and India has 2,500 Dollars

The Poorer you are, the less likely you are to get the right combination of good education, good and nutritious food and even the right amount of time to learn things







Making a random statement to consign 1.4 Billion Indians as being less Intelligent than 1.4 Billion Chinese without sufficient data is just assumptions based on other factors

I am not putting down the Chinese here

I am just saying Chinese have their own Super Intelligent and Less Intelligent population just like Indians

The number of Intelligent Chinese could be more than number of Intelligent Indians because they have more economic development than Indians

However that cannot be generalized








I don't know who is smarter, Chinese or Indian. I know who is busier, China or India, and my answer is the Chinese. Most Chinese need to work 12 hours a day or more to earn 150rmb, which is equivalent to $20.

The funny thing is that the purchasing power of $150 in China is about the same as $20 in the United States, which means we can't afford to live in a nice house, we can't afford to buy a car, although many people have cars in China now, the number of people who own cars is still very small in the 1.3 billion people.

I am a college student majoring in accounting. After graduation, I found that the salary of most accountants is 3000rmb, which is less than 500 US dollars.

However, the rent of a 100 square meter house in my city is 3000rmb, so I can only choose to live in a bad house






Sandy Ross

Intelligence is found in people regardless of their age and gender. Chinese people and even Indians have a lot of intelligent people. Both of them are excellent in math for example. But I believe intelligence is a born gift and anyone can have it.



Christ Nightingale

People are intelligent when they have health food, sufficient slee, and live in a less pressured life and feel happy and thus be able to be self-driven in investing brain powers to resolve complicated issues.

Simply comparing so called “statistic data on average IQ” and these two countries IQ ranks might not be hel to answer this question. And the data might also lie sometimes.

Let's forget our nationalities and unite as one to prepare for AI challenges and possibly negotiate with allien to protect our home - the earth.


单纯比较所谓 “平均智商统计数据” 以及这两个国家的智商排名,或许无助于回答这个问题。而且这些数据有时也可能存在误导性。



Arivalagan Arumugam

Let's not compare humans but compare what they have done for their own citizens. If they have done good to their citizens, if no one looted the country's wealth and kidnapped it to foreign banks, if they have not cheated the citizens through large scale voting machines then they are eligible for the award of intelligence.




More Chinese people are educated than Indians. However, it’s not to say that Chinese people are more intelligent.

We can’t know for sure which of the two is more intelligent. A measure of IQ is overrated.

However. The Chinese society is more efficient. Smart people can do the things they want to do more so in China than in India. Thus, the Chinese system can produce more intelligent work than the Indian system.





iao Wen

I didn't find any difference in IQ between China and Indians under the same educational, cultural and material conditions. In many cases, the intelligence of some Indians is admirable.

If you insist on discussing the national development of India. Then I will say that some Indian officials and elites, because they are too shrewd in thinking about personal interests, make them look very incompetent in serving India's own people.




Brook Chou

As a Chinese person, I can’t provide an entirely objective answer.

From my personal perspective, the biggest difference between people from the two countries is that when someone praises China, for example by saying China is a developed country, most Chinese people will respond, "No, it isn't. We still have a long way to go. China's GDP per capita is still lower than that of many other countries." Chinese people have a strong desire to improve in every aspect.

However, Indian citizens may avoid confronting some of the challenges India faces and they might feel uncomfortable discussing certain disadvantages.

Is it because they lack confidence, or is it that they haven’t fully recognized these disadvantages?


从个人角度来看,两国人民最大的区别在于,当有人称赞中国,比如称中国是发达国家时,大多数中国人会回应说:“不,中国还不是。我们还有很长的路要走。中国的人均国内生产总值仍低于许多其他国家。” 中国人在各个方面都有着强烈的进取欲望。




Dipak Chopra

There are two factors in play here:

1. Environmental factors, primarily political. Indian political system is the most corrupt in the world, where goal is self promotion rather than nation promotion with a short term world view. Chinese political system always takes a long term view of the universe. Indian social equation is primarily me/my family, whereas most of the developed world consider me/my family/my city or country in consideration.

2. Social factor. Indians are one of the best individual contributors (hence you will see many examples as CXOs in F500 companies) in the world but when it comes to team collaboration for a specific goal, we suck. On the other hand, Chinese/Japanese/Korean are the best team players in the world.


1. 环境因素,主要是政治方面。印度的政治体系堪称全球最腐败的之一,其着眼点在于个人晋升,秉持的是短视的世界观,而非以国家发展为目标。而中国的政治体系始终以长远眼光看待世界发展。在印度的社会考量中,首要关注的是自己和自己的家庭,然而在世界多数发达国家,人们会将自己、家庭以及所在城市或国家纳入综合考量。

2. 社会因素。印度人是世界上最出色的个体贡献者之一(因此你能看到很多印度人担任世界500强公司的首席执行官等高管职位),但在为特定目标进行团队协作时,我们表现欠佳。另一方面,中国人、日本人以及韩国人则是全球最优秀的团队协作者。


Mark Legend Gangmei

It's important to understand that intelligence is a complex and multifaceted trait that cannot be accurately measured by nationality or ethnicity. Both China and India are home to diverse populations with individuals possessing a wide range of abilities, skills, and intelligence levels. Any comparison between the intelligence of people from different countries is subjective, potentially biased, and often based on stereotypes rather than objective data. It's essential to approach such topics with caution and respect for the diversity and individuality of people from all backgrounds.

With that being said, permit me to adopt a more comparatively realistic stance. I believe the inquiry isn't necessarily about determining intelligence or IQ superiority. Accusations of bias hold little weight when confronted with a wealth of factual evidence.

It is attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous quote: "Let China slumber, for when she awakens, she will shake the world." We don't hear such things about India, do we?



有一句名言,相传出自拿破仑·波拿巴:“让中国沉睡吧,因为她一旦醒来,将会震撼世界。” 我们可没听过类似针对印度的言论,不是吗?

China was not accommodated on the international space station. China built their own space station. Now let me not bore you further with GDP and other statistics.

Americans harbor animosity towards China, yet they harbor both fear and admiration for the Chinese. Conversely, India struggles to command respect from outsiders due to the lack of mutual respect among its own people. Indians often engage in belittling each other, making it challenging for external observers to hold the nation in high regard.



Most Indians spend their days contemplating how to scam others while China is showcasing its flying cars in Dubai. While India boasts numerous picturesque locales and impressive shop malls, its appeal diminishes when populated. This is largely due to the perceived lack of fashion sense among the majority of Indians. India lacks a sense of "soft power." Despite the production of thousands of Indian movies annually, the nation fails to garner significant global esteem. Moreover, Donald Trump's declaration of "India is so filthy" exacerbates this perception. Each day, foreigners endure harassment and unwelcome attention, particularly from auto-rickshaw drivers. Yet, there is a conspicuous absence of Indian voices speaking out against such behavior. This apathetic attitude is consistently rationalized with the "chalta hai" mindset.

Upon examining the success of Indian diasporas in foreign lands, it becomes evident that Indians are second to none when it comes to intelligence. However, it's the Indian mindset, culture issues and the Indian system that stand as the true adversaries to its development.

多数印度人每日挖空心思琢磨如何欺诈他人,而中国却在迪拜展示自家的飞行汽车,尽显创新进取之态。印度虽坐拥众多风景如画的地方与令人称奇的购物中心,然而一旦人潮聚集,其吸引力便大打折扣。这在很大程度上是因为多数印度人被认为缺乏时尚意识。印度缺乏 “软实力”,尽管每年制作数以千计的电影,却未能在全球赢得广泛尊重。再者,唐纳德·特朗普那句 “印度脏得要命”,更是加深了这种负面印象。外国人每天都要忍受骚扰,尤其是来自机动三轮车夫的无端纠缠。然而,明显鲜见有印度人站出来谴责此类行为。这种冷漠态度,总是以 “随它去吧” 的心态来自我开脱。


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