Why is Europe so technologically backward compared to the USA?
John Barber
In the early 90’s as digital mobile (cell) phone networks were replacing analogue networks, the Americans opted for an open slather “solution”. Telcos would buy spectrum at Auction and implement whatever digital technology they saw fit.
The result being that the more populous licence areas were snapped up by big telcos and smaller ones would get less populated areas, smaller towns, rural areas etc.
Your mobile number also used the same area code as landlines, so callers couldn’t easily tell if they were dialling a landline number or a mobile.
The result was you could drive only a few “miles” from home or work, and be roaming onto a different cellular provider, incurring roaming costs. Adjacent licence areas may be using CDMA whereas your phone used TDMA technology, so you had no service.
上世纪90年代初,数字移动(蜂窝)电话网络逐渐取代模拟网络之时,美国人选择了一种放任自流的 “解决方案”。电信运营商通过竞拍购买频谱,然后自行决定采用何种数字技术。
这就导致,你离家或工作地点仅行驶几 “英里”,手机就可能漫游到另一家移动运营商网络,从而产生漫游费用。相邻的牌照区域可能使用码分多址(CDMA)技术,而你的手机采用时分多址(TDMA)技术,这样一来你就没有信号服务。
Also, you wrre paying to RECEIVE calls since callers had no indication they were dialling a mobile number, the airtime surcharge was to the recipient of the call. Cold callers and time wasters were costing you money.
Meanwhile, in Europe, where they had learned from incompatible analogue networks, they formed a Special Group for Mobiles, or “Group Speciale Mobile”.
These backward Europeans developed a system with a standardised frequency band/s and communications protocol (TDMA). They used the SIM card concept to aid consumer choice with handsets, ease of changing phones or using a roaming SIM.
They also incorporated pagin type services (SMS) and established a protocol for video calls which still exsts today and is universal across handset brands, unlike Apple’s incompatible “Face Time”.
与此同时,在欧洲,鉴于此前从互不兼容的模拟网络中汲取的经验教训,他们成立了一个移动通信特别小组,即 “移动特别小组”(Group Speciale Mobile)。
这些看似 “落后” 的欧洲人开发出了一套系统,采用标准化频段及通信协议(TDMA)。他们引入了用户识别模块(SIM)卡概念,方便消费者选择手机,更换手机或使用漫游SIM卡也更为便捷。
他们还整合了寻呼式服务(短信服务SMS),并制定了视频通话协议。这一协议沿用至今,且在各手机品牌间通用,不像苹果不兼容的 “Face Time”。
The latest Samsung Smartphone can make and receive video calls with a 20 year old Nokia.
Oh, and GSM countries used unique “area code” prefixes for mobiles (eg 07 in UK, 08 in France IIRC, 04 in Australia, 02 in New Zealand, etc) so callers knew they were dialling a mobile and that there would be a surcharge.
Of course airtime surcharges have been absorbed into monthly fees and many plans are pretty much “all you can eat”.
The backward Europeans developed a far more elegant, integrated and capable mobile phone system than the US “market driven” cockup.
哦,还有,全球移动通信系统(GSM)国家为手机号码设置了独特的 “区号” 前缀(例如,我记得英国是07,法国是08,澳大利亚是04,新西兰是02等等),这样拨打电话的人就知道自己拨打的是手机,也就明白会产生附加费。
当然,如今通话附加费已被纳入月费之中,而且许多套餐基本都是 “不限流量” 式的。
这些 “落后” 的欧洲人,打造出了一个远比美国 “市场驱动” 模式下混乱局面更为精妙、集成度更高且功能更强大的移动电话系统。
America has developed some great technology, there’s no question about that, and some of their engineering and manufacturing is second to none, but they are not the be all and end all.
Christian Wartner
How would you measure this nowadays anyway. All the old metrics like infrastructure, number of gadgets, number of cars etc, do not support that and are partially outdated anyway. Then they also are so different from area to area.
I believe it could be argued that patents or stock market numbers allow that statement but they mean nothing in practice or usage.
Technology is not really owned by countries. Most research is public. It is rare for companies and even rarer for government institutions to be ahead of the international research communities in universities etc. Even if companies would own the top technology (on paper via patents they can) they sell it world wide for everyone to implement or use as a service.
Do countries have the money to use the most advanced tech? They try but nobody replaces high tech infrastructure yearly. And often the most reliable is not the most advanced.
Then you have consumers. They update their stuff but what gets accepted is based on trends/money and not level of advancement. The cheapest tech with visible advancement to the last iteration will be used everywhere. But what does that say about a country?
I can not tell the difference of technological level in Top Tier Cities on any continent. The level of digitalization used everyday is probably worse in the German countryside than some areas in Africa. Then again US infrastructure would look surprisingly out of date (telephone poles, random power outages, non underground powerlines, decades old bridges, public transport) compared to German infrastructure everywhere.
There is not a single technology widespread in the US that can not be bought in any country or even would be unavailable specifically in Europe.
Alex Evans
The querent is an idiot.
We have a interconnected world, particularly the developed nations. There is no significant difference in how technologically advanced they are. Differences in the banking systems between the US and western Europe are just that differences. The US has the technology to do it the way that Europe does it. Same thing goes to basically anything that one chooses to compare.
Joan Vredik Broadley
I’m sorry you made a keyboard error in ty your question. Of course you meant, why is the USA so technologically backward compared to the REST of the world? Even street markets in Africa have vendors with cell phone money transfer capability! In the USA, if you win big in Vegas you are forced to carry cash back over the border to your home; casinos say they can’t do internet bank transfers. The world has chip “swipe” payments in stores and restaurants. In the USA they still want to take your credit card “to the back” to process the transaction. And don’t get me started on the use of fax machines still common in The States!
Ronald Mills
Shit, apparently you got sucked into some kind of weird, bizarre, exact opposite of this reality, Star Trek mirror universe. Here in this reality it’s the exact opposite. I say this as an American who was stationed in Europe in the early 2000s. We still don’t have shit they’ve had for decades. The only place you’ll find a check or checkbook there is in a museum and it’s been that way for decades. Contactless payment? Yeah, that was the standard there while here people were just getting adjusted to this new fangled debit card thingy you didn’t have to swipe.
Don’t even get me started on healthcare systems and tax policies. Although to be fair those tax policies were modeled very closely after what America was doing from the late thirties through the early seventies. Except, you know, they were smart enough to keep doing it and we were dumb enough to get taken in by the first B-list actor huckster (Reagan) we elected and thanks to that we’re now the proud owners of a straight-up oligarchy.
You see during the aforementioned 30’s through 70’s those tax policies were so successful and built an economy and middle class so envied Europe said “hey let’s do that” while a gaggle of goobers here voted in a guy that said “hey give all your money to rich people” and thus the Nigerian prince scam was born but was then called trickle-down. Yes that is exactly what Republicans’ economic policies are: “send rich people all your money and we’ll send you back much more”!!! The money is sent, the “more” never comes, and they stop answering your emails. Now Europe has a thriving middle class and we have…well…richer rich people and a rapidly disappearing middle class.
Which brings us to education. After reading the above paragraph do I even have to explain that at this point?
Better, faster, cheaper internet and that applies to dam near anything technology related you can think of. Aside from a few bleeding-edge, still in the trial phase, bank-busting treatments most of the medical breakthroughs are coming out of Europe.
You know what? Just buy a plane ticket, take a vacation, and go tour Europe if you don’t come back seriously pissed off at what you’ve seen you’ve got one hell of a learning disability and you might want to get that checked. Well if you’ve got the insurance and the cash to actually do that in this country.
Europe invests a lot in research, and publishes and patents many ideas. But it fails to compete with the US and China when it comes to translating its innovation effort into large, global technology firms. The seven largest US tech companies, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla, are 20 times bigger than the EU’s seven largest, and generate more than ten times more revenue.
That isn’t to say Europe has no tech success stories. The world leader in music streaming is Spotify, a Swedish company. Dutch company ASML produces the world’s most advanced computer chips, and Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk is leading the extremely profitable market for weight-loss drugs.
Timothy Ellis Author
That’s a weird thing to even think.
Here in Australia, we’ve been using technology as standard that still isn’t normal in the US.
Last time I was in the US I couldn’t get over just how far behind they were with even basic tech.
Anyone holding the US up as the pinnacle of technology in the world obviously hasn’t been outside of the US
Arkadiusz Jenczak
Just this week I was looking for a good internet service provider in city of Helper, Utah. My friend is going to move there for couple of years and asked me for help since he is not very tech savvy. I reside in Poland, so by default my help can only be provided remotely, but thanks to internet you can find information independent on where you live. So anyway, I went to search for ISP. TOTAL DISSAPOINTMENT.
Best service provider in 2024 (I was looking for fiber/FTTH connection) I could find, provides worse service than I had in Poland when I installed my fiber connection - in 2015. Literally, slower, with transfer caps, and price for the 100 Mbit/s connection+TV is 7 times higher than I pay for 1Gb/s connection + TV with more channels.
Got it? I have 10 times faster connection, no transfer limit, twice as much tv channels, for 15% of american service price. I am not sure if it is even fair to compare these services since american one is so far behind. Many providers do not even have the 100Mb/s option anymore.
Oh, and Poland in not even in the lead when it comes to internet speed and quality in EU.
Jorge Avila
Because in the United States big companies, startups, universities, research institutions and government agencies have been able to build and maintain a dynamic and collaborative/competitive business environment that promotes innovation faster and deeper than anywhere else in the world.
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