How strong is Vietnam's industry compared to China's?
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
I visited Vietnam for 8 days recently
No comparison whatsoever
Here are some points :-
#1 Vietnam has virtually NO supply chain
Every factory in Vietnam runs on Chinese Machines most of the time Or in some cases German Machines
Most of the parts for Final Or Secondary Assembly come from China
#2 Most of the Industry is still Low Grade
The Largest Four Factories in the Mekong region make Textiles, Textiles, Bakelite Moulds for Phones & Cardboard Boxes
Vietnamese Industry is close to 90% Low Grade and 10% Medium Grade - similar to what China was between 2003–2007
越南近90%的产业为低端产业,10%为中端产业,类似中国2003 - 2007年的水平。
#3 Vietnam has a Pretty Low Supervisory Force
Vietnam has a some Engineers educated in places like Singapore but even so 80% Supervisors are Chinese
Vietnam as yet don't have the volume of Skilled Workers that is needed to migrate to Medium Or High Grade Manufacture
However some positives include
A. Vietnam has a decent Skilled Labor Force and a lot of women laborers
B. Vietnam has 15 Industrial Parks where they now make Mid Quality Products like Branded Razor Blades & I Pads
However Vietnam lacks the Logistics & Supply Chain potential of China by a very long way off
A. 越南拥有相当数量的技术劳动力,且女性劳动力众多。
B. 越南有15个工业园区,现已能生产如品牌剃须刀片和iPad等中等质量的产品。
Eastern Laos Legend
How can a country of 100 million people, still backward, be stronger than the industrial powers as China, Japan and South Korea?
NO! no way.
Vietnamese people are making slow progress in heavy industry development, but have made great strides in the fields of information technology, AI, and telecommunications. Of course that is not enough.
Vietnam has no breakthrough in research, education and self-reliance development. Attracting foreign investment capital and foreign intelligence is only a short-term problem. Until Vietnam's natural resources are exhausted, every thing will go in another direction.
If this country do not study, learn and work diligently to grasp the future destiny of the country, this country will certainly become an economic vassal of China or the United States in the future.. Currently, the major powers mainly dominate the economy, which is the ultimate card that influences politics.
Tufshini Dash
What does Vietnam do better than China?
Asians love noodle dishes, especially noodle soups. Asian countries have their variety of own versions of noodle soups such as Mongolia’s guriltai shul, China’s niurou mian. And we often compare Asian countries by their noodle soups. Vietnamese noodle soups are definitely superior to Chinese ones.
Koreans enjoy authentic Vietnamese food
亚洲人喜爱面食,尤其是汤面。亚洲各国都有各自特色的汤面,比如蒙古的古日勒泰舒尔(guriltai shul)、中国的牛肉面。我们常常会通过汤面来比较亚洲国家。越南的汤面绝对比中国的更胜一筹。
The Vietnamese food craze in Korea started about 20 years ago, as Vietnamese restaurant Pho Hoa opened in Gangnam area in 1998. A number of restaurants followed suit, building on the fad. “Pho is well-liked by Koreans because it appeals to the local taste that favors soup,” says Park Hong-in, chief editor of Bar & Dining.
大约20年前,随着1998年越南餐厅“Pho Hoa”在韩国江南区开业,越南美食在韩国掀起热潮。众多餐厅纷纷效仿,使得这股热潮愈演愈烈。《酒吧与餐饮》主编朴洪仁(Park Hong-in)表示:“越南河粉深受韩国人喜爱,因为它迎合了当地人喜爱汤品的口味。”
Banh Dau
Is made in Vietnam better than made in China?
Can you tell which spoon is “made in China” and which one is “made in Vietnam”?
Place of origin does not decide quality of products. What decide the quality are the specifications of the customers and the quality control.
A little while ago, I saw a set of American branded silverware in Costco, and expected it to be “made in China”. To my surprise, it was “made in Vietnam”. The quality is just as good as “made in China”. I would have bought it if I didn’t already have too many forks. So on my trip to Vietnam last summer, I bought a bunch of “made in Vietnam” spoons (I picked the cheapest in store, so there are even better ones). Can you tell which one in the picture?
Apparently, Samsung, and many other manufacturers: Canon, Brothers, Intel etc. consider “made in Vietnam” is just as good as “made in China” since the process, the specs, and the QC are from those manufacturers themselves; Vietnam only supplies the labor. So there should be no difference in quality when it comes to foreign brands.
If the comparison is between homegrown Vietnamese brands, and Chinese brands, then Chinese brands may be better (for now, and only in high-tech products), since China has a head start on tech transfer from foreign companies, and Vietnam’s firms are not as knowledgeable and advanced yet.
David J Wong
Here’s an anecdotal story.
A couple of months back, I visited a potential OEM partner in China. They had a major manufacturing facility in Ningbo and an even larger one in another Chinese city (can’t remember which one, maybe Chongqing). Notably, in 2014 they had also set-up a company and manufacturing facility in Vietnam — before the first Trump presidency.
I commented to the person hosting me how prescient this decision appeared to be, particularly given the trade war that subsequently erupted between the US and China.
She agreed that it had indeed been a smart move by the CEO of the company. But she also commented that finding skilled labor in Vietnam was difficult; their Chinese employees still had to fill most of the supervisory positions in their Vietnam factory. Bear in mind this is not a technology company making high-end tech products.
On the other hand, we just hired a software developer out of Vietnam. He’s proving to be quite a good addition to our dev team and our head of product says he’s pretty skilled. And there isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t receive an email from some software outsourcing company in Vietnam offering their services.
I think this sort of shows where Vietnam is at the moment. It has huge potential. It will benefit from the Trump tariffs on China as more Chinese companies look to offshore their manufacturing. But there are also very clear barriers.
Alex Smith
Is China's manufacturing sector under threat from Vietnam's raising manufacturing industry?
Any country that produces low end manufacturing is always facing threats from other low-cost countries. With that said I have done work in Vietnam and China. This also means partnering with China and Vietnam for 1 project.
Here is my observations.
Vietnam is already dominate in fields of apparel. The main reason is the skill required is very low. Apparel is one of the easiest industries to move country to country, as long as the country has plenty of labor, where they can learn cut/sew.
(Clarification) Vietnam electronics is strong because of those big, branded companies that partner with experienced suppliers who bring in the skill to train the local workers. For example, Foxconn (Taiwan) and Apple (USA). Without Foxconn, Apple wouldn’t think about starting from scratch. But the consumer grade electronics manufacturing is non-exstent (poor). Like 3rd party blue tooth speakers, devices, etc. Amazon is pretty much filled with 3rd party consumer grade electronics; Vietnam is unable to fulfill this because it really requires partners with larger brands who have their own support teams.
Vietnam do not have a robust manufacturing industry for consumer items, like drinkware, houseware, every day to day used things.
Vietnam does have furniture industry because it’s one of the few countries that have legal sustainable wood available. Wood industry has a lot of restrictions, especially when it comes to exporting wood (insects, etc)
Of course, Vietnam has an Agriculture industry, all countries have this.
But the question is, does it threaten China manufacturing?
Actually, Vietnam manufacturing goes hand in hand with China. I can explain why in simple reasons.
China factory owners, are always looking to upgrade, extend their capacity. Because of this, many Chinese manufactures already went to Vietnam for joint ventures. That is why in the past you saw news about Vietnam workers angry at Chinese manufacturers in Vietnam and this was in 2014. So as you know, China has always had an interest in Vietnam since the early days.
Many raw materials are brought in from China to Vietnam. For example, the Apparel industry. Many Vietnams factories buy/source for yarn, accessories (buttons, zippers, etc) from Zhejiang area. It’s very common to visit Vietnam factories and see cartons from China (materials). This is not just limited to Vietnam. I know clients in Mexco that has to buy certain fabrics from China because Mexco can’t produce it. So just think about that for a few minutes. Just think many manufacturers from other countries have to buy certain things from China still.
Land mass is also very important to a country who wishes to threaten China title as “the worlds manufacturing”. China is 2,798% larger than Vietnam. Which means Vietnam is limited by land for manufacturing. I highly doubt many residents want to live near factories, so a good part of Vietnam land needs to be preserved. But Land mass is important if you wish to take over “China” as the leader in manufacturing. China land mass allows their factories to support a complete eco-system.
What do I mean by complete eco-system? For example, I will use this picture.
In Vietnam, the garment factory (Vietnam) has to contact the fabric manufacturer (in China), where they also work with the dyeing manufacturer (in China). 2/3 of the supply Chain is still in China. Of course, there are dye factories in Vietnam but from my knowledge only a handful, meaning if the Vietnam dye factory is busy, you have to look somewhere else and also not all dye factories have all the latest technology. So typically, Vietnam factories will continue to buy/source China in these area’s (speed/technology).
Normally, when things are smooth (world economics), there is a cost savings at the Garment Manufacture (If it’s in Vietnam) due to labor wages.
But when you throw in world economics…. things start to look cloudy. For example (transportation/logistics events)
If you understand the recent gas/oil prices and logistic challenges, you will understand why some suppliers are thinking, the savings I receive from cheaper labor in Vietnam, is really no longer savings because my logistics cost has gone up. So now the question is, do I go back China that offers a complete eco-system that makes my prices stable? Or do I wait and hope the world economics gets better.
但一旦涉及全球经济因素…… 情况就变得不明朗了。例如(运输和物流方面的问题):
Of course, you are wondering, why can’t Vietnam just build their infrastructure to have all the complete systems like China? Well, the #1 reason is you need a lot of cash to invest and then #2 hope you have enough customers to get that initial investment back. These 2 reasons cause a lot of countries to hesitant on investing.
Take for example the recent Intel wanting to open a Chip manufacture in USA but they won’t do it without USA $52 billion chip act. Because without this Chip act, Intel has a huge risk if they invest all of this by themselves and then do not have the customers to recover the investment.
This is Intel with Billions in cash, just imagine the smaller manufacturers who don’t have this cash flow.
So, when people say, let’s move manufacturing back. It’s really not that easy. China invested into the future; they built this eco-system (losing money in the begng) into a complete eco-system that is self-reliant. Now with China moving into high-end manufacturing, the big boys are scared because the Big Boys are using the traditional method (use the cheapest), while China is dead set on “Investing with risk” to create an eco-system that doesn’t rely on other countries system.
Simply put, what China did to become the world manufacturer of low-end goods, they are trying to repeat it with high-end manufacturing.
So, is Vietnam a threat? Sure, if they can compete with China mindset (building an eco-system) but based on Vietnam current direction, they still need China for many parts of the supply chain and they seem to be happy with this status. So, both countries go hand in hand, it’s a win-win for both countries.
Mickelson Moaselle
Vietnam population is around 70millions that's let's say that 50% works in the industry
That's barely a capacity of one or two Chinese province lol
Also wages in Vietnam is fucking low
They make more money doing crimes in Japan
越南人口大约7000万,就算假设其中50% 的人在工业领域工作,那也仅仅相当于中国一两个省份的劳动力规模,哈哈。
Charlotte Yeung
It grows remarkably, we must admit that our city can merely exceed Vietnam GDP 1.14 times in 2023.
With this kind of growing speed of industry, I wish Vietnamese give up their dreams to conquer Guangdong n Guangx.
Hoa Cỏ May
Vietnam cannot compare with China because China has 75 years of peace and Vietnam only has 29 years of peace to develop. If there are another 46 years, Vietnam will be better than China today
Mo iao
When did Vietnam compare the industrial level of Japan or South Korea? It is estimated that many people will show the expression of looking at a fool, thinking that it is unlikely.
So what causes these people to think that Vietnam, which cannot compare Japan and South Korea, but can compare to China's?
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