If the US were to start a war with Canada, which countries would support Canada and which ones would support the US?
Ron Bouley
Simple answer, all of the members of NATO, minus the United States, which would be ejected from NATO for attacking another member of NATO, would be on the side of Canada.
Guess who would be on the side of the United States.
Likely no one, since no one would want to face off against NATO, unless they are crazy.
Now you might say “Well, the United States has the largest military of all countries. We could fight NATO.”
Sure, the United States could ‘try’, but all of NATO put together has about 10x the military of the United States alone.
That is putting aside the idea that the US military would go along with an illegal order to attack Canada in the first place.
Only way the military (United States military that is), would attack Canada, is ‘if’ Canada would do a military strike on the United States first. Canadians might talk funny to some Americans, but they are not stupid enough to do that.
当然,美国可以 “试试”,但整个北约的军事力量加起来大约是美国一国军事力量的10倍。
Brian James Fretwell
Well if the Canadians invoke sause5 all NATO coutries would be obliged to support them I wonder if the US would too, if Trump doesn’t cause them to ext first?
Keith Hylands
I feel sure that the UK would run to the aid of Canada, plus lots of other countries, the yanks are all mouth, very little real action, unless of course we come to their aid and they claim the victory. Honestly, they may have more cannon fodder and more up to date weapons, but I am sure they wouldn’t know how to use them, unless we showed them. As you have probably guessed, I have no time for wet nursed yanks. What wars have they really won !! of course WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, well that is what they brag about in their history books and being only a 2nd rate education, they believe it, the truth for nearly all Americans is lie after lie after lie, it has to be true, our history books wouldn’t lie to us. Grow up and join the real world, you are not as popular as you think you are.
Gawain Hill
The whole world would support Canada except Russia. Even China would jump on the band waggon as it'd be an excellent chance to destroy some American infrastructure while the American navy was busy being demolished by the rest of the world. America would be destroyed as a functional country.
Jonathan Stubley
The USA would get zero support.
Canada could call on the support of NATO and the Commonwealth (King Charles lll of Canada also being King Charles lll of England and 13 other Commonwealth countries) so that is 56 Commonwealth and 31 NATO Countries.
These are Countries that used to be your friends and this is all about American Big Business wanting to rape Canadian oil reserves for profit.
Matthew Campbell
All of Europe ,Britain ,Australia ,New Zealand ,all other members of nato and most of the civilised nations would support Canada .
Mats Andersson
Supporting the USA:
North Korea. Russia, although mainly in the form of enthusiastic hollering. Possibly Israel.
Supporting Canada:
At the very minimum, NATO: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Probably also Australia and New Zealand. Possibly Morocco, Mauretania, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt. Expect Mexco, Brazil, and Venezuela to do some enthusiastic cheering, possibly hel out with trade embargoes or something.
Brian Davion
Canada would be supported by NATO, likely supported by China (real Politik) and most other countries
The US..
I dunno Maybe Iseral would make some mild words of support.
The US would have no support and is rapidly headed in that direction
China is the only alternative in terms of world, power and economic leverage and Trump is essentially giving the world to China as countries and blocks of countries will increasingly give in to Chinese subversion.
They will no longer trust the United States and we will become increasingly isolated with ever increasing Chinese power and presence.
This could also significantly raise the possibility of a nuclear exchange with China as the United States find itself increasingly threatened, isolated, Outnumbered, and outmaneuvered
so ironically, Trump's put America first would actually do exactly the opposite of hisadvertised agend
Substantial damage has already been done. It is the 11th and 1/2 hour. America wake up!
Barry Wood
31 other NATO countries with support Canada. No country would support the USA. The reason this would happen is because when you attack one NATO country you attack the other 31 which is in essence what the USA would be doing. And since the US is not liked by many other countries the US would not be able to count on too many countries to get any support
Cheryl Williams
No one would support the US. The entire Commonwealth of Nations that includes the UK, Australia, New Zealand and others would come to Canada's defense because Canada is part of the Commonwealth. NATO would come to their defense because of Article 5. China would try to take the opportunity to take Hawaii and Russia would go after Alaska because they are opportunists.
It would be batshit crazy to behave like Russia and start a war with our neighbors. There would be massive protests because not even the MAGA minions want to be drafted to go to war. The expense would also be a serious issue for Congress. There are a lot of deficit hawks and the majority in the House is so slim that they couldn't pass a declaration of war anyway.
Every country in NATO would support Canada. (31 countries.
the Commonwealth realms.
Most of the Commonwealth countries
All EU countries.
Supporters of the U.S.:
0 .
Gary Newcombe
53 countries will support Canada
NO countries in the free world would support USA
however, before their inevitable defeat, Trump will call on his buddies in Russia, China and North Korea
sorry Dupuis, all too late
now Canada has a choice of countries to sell the US to
George McCann
No one would support the US, for such an illegal act (except maybe Russia & China). Whereas every NATO member would support Canada, as well as all the British Commonwealth countries too.
Mike Webster
Basically all of NATO, the members of the Commonwealth of Nations and the majority of virtually everyone else would support Canada with direct military intervention, military aid, financial aid and other assistance. Virtually nobody would support the United States.
Tony J Woods
There are 135 countries in the world.
133 would support Canada.
0 would support the USA
and the other two?
Canada and the USA, I think even a retarded yanker like you would be able to work out who each of those would support.
No countries would support the USA. All of NATO (except the USA, obviously), all of the Commonwealth, and most likely a good portion of la Francophonie would support Canada. The USA would become a pariah state like Russia; nobody would trust it and no first world countries would trade with it.
Jeff Pellarin
I think it would depend largely on the reasons why. If the US were to do so simply to expand its borders, I'd think most of the world would be in opposition. Now if, in your fiction, it happened in response to, I dunno, Canada launching nukes on Washington (or anywhere in the world), I'd think the world would be supportive of the US.
Adam Wu
Canada and the US have been allies for such a long time, and are culturally so close to one another, that it would take some SERIOUS provocation to get the US to start a war with Canada.
If that provocation by Canada were legitimate, and the US military response considered to be legitimate, one of the nations that would support the US would be Canada. Quite simply, there would be public uproar, government deemed responsible for the provocation would fall to a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons, and the new government would immediately seek to mend relations with the Americans, including payment of reparations for the legitimate transgression.
If the provocation were not considered legitimate, and the war started by the US without good cause, oh, say, by a certain orange-haired commander in chief who shall no be named inexplicable acting even crazier than usual one day, it is highly likely that one of the countries that would support Canada over the US would be the United States. We would likely once again see a huge public uproar, followed by impeachment/recall of the American politicians deemed responsible for this reckless and crazy course of action, and change in government, followed by the new government immediately ordering a halt to all military actions and offering sincere apologies to their Canadian friends.
All of this would likely occur rather rapidly, and probably faster than the time it would take for any other country to formulate a response to the situation.
Tom Attwood
Should that happen then the USA would have broken treaties including military ones. Canada being a member of NATO would have the backing of the rest of the NATO countries under the treaty that states all member countries agree to support one another if one should get invaded or war declared upon it. Canada would also have the backing of the Commonwealth countries and the French speaking nations group. Add to these all of the countries that the USA has pissed off and abused over the years. So pretty much everyone would side with Canada. Canada is universally liked and has really no other nation that it considers an enemy though there are some it does not trust. It is doubtful that there are many, if any, nations ( Iran excepted due to our assistance to the USA in getting their ambassador out during that crisis) that consider Canada an enemy. The USA on the other hand….
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