

Why India Failed. But China Succeeded.



We Chinese should work harder & start catching up with Superpower India --- India is the #1 Superpower



Well, in China there are internal conflicts but it's not broadcasted in mainstream media. They are private people for the most part as most Asians / Indians are. Their strength is to keep going at any cost regardless of any setback or backlash. Resilience is a piece of cake to them which is applauded and respected.



2024 world manufacturing output by country.
China - 31.6%
US - 15.9%
Japan - 6.5%
Germany - 4.8%
India - 2.9% (Most populated country. Global superpower because of biggest population. Quantity and not quality)
South Korea - 2.7%
Russia - 1.8%
Italy - 1.8%
Mexco - 1.7%


中国 - 31.6%
美国 - 15.9%
日本 - 6.5%
德国 - 4.8%
印度 - 2.9%(人口最多的国家,就因为人多号称全球超级大国,重数量不重质量啊)
韩国 - 2.7%
俄罗斯 - 1.8%
意大利 - 1.8%
墨西哥 - 1.7%


China is in de - population mode, but with higher life - span longevity and increased in productivity supported by Ai and Robotics technology will fuel further monumental growth in the next 100 years.

India is in a super - breeding cycle mood, but life expectancy is 10 years lower than the Chinese average, with a decreasing productivity return in 2025 and beyond, the economic growth will be dwarf in percentage term as compared to the Chinese at just 5% Annual GDP.




Biggest problem India has is it's low quality human capital, they economically grow while socially regress backwards. So as a society India is going backward not forward. Then what happens to all that GDP, Government earnings via taxation? How much of that goes to corruption? Does the Government spending somehow benefits every citizen? Indians should ask these questions and hold their politicians accountable.



The SCREAMING red sirens of how much ECONOMIC trouble incredible! superpower! india! IS IN is that FACT that OPEN ADVERTISING FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS SPREADING THROUGHOUT ALL OF incredible! superpower! india!



Unless Indians prioritize progress over religion,there we won’t see much movement. The Delhi results show that India is not watching these videos, but government controlled TV channels and WhatsApp University!!! corruption needs to be fixed for India to move forward.



This right here is the truth everywhere where people are religious the country is poor run down and people are suffering I see it in Jamaica churches everywhere and crime is sky high something is very wrong with religion



Q: How can the Union of India be united collectively as One united People?
The challenge of uniting the diverse populations of the Union of India, comprising 28 states and 8 territories, is a complex but essential endeavor. To rise above the divisions of religion, language, and ethnicity, it's crucial to foster a sense of collective identity and purpose...



Bharat India ---> United We Fall; Divided We Rise.



Just back from Delhi, I told them for India to progress, they need to work in 2 areas the next 20 years, 1) Adequate food 2) Adequate shelter. Forget high tech industry first.



U want honest truth?
ok, chinese really is hardworking. We are born to work Work and work
while Indian, besides being obsessed with women with a mind of rap* always.. i couldnt think a way Indian can succeed





There is no magic, no short cut. Everyone knows the things a country must do to develop its economy, its position in the world.
Educate your people, build infrastructure,, create a stable social and political environment for business, fight corruption, break up monopolies, eliminate unnecessary government regulations, create a circle of peace around your country, be friendly with your neighbors, coordinate different areas of government policy so that they do not conflict with each other. Finally, and most importantly, listen to regular people and poor people and make improving their lives at the center of all government policies.
Do all these things consistently over twenty years.




India people deserve better! India needs a drastic mental shift imo, need to take a strong stand! Starts with humility. government is corrupt, bribery is the middle man, half the polulation going to bed hungry, building a bridge with people dying from accident is ok, asking BYD to build electric buses and not willing to advance half payment, these are not acceptable.



India can only succeeds if they have only one India. If they can can consider every Indian as India irrespective of his class or religious affiliation. If you can set your differences aside only then you can succeed. But a situation where 900m people consider their other integral part of 400m people an outcast, a minorities, development in that kind of situation for the same goal without sabotage is far fetched. India needs to unite like Chinese to achieve any of your dreams. That's the blunt reality you can not escape. United we stand, divided we fall.



china doesn't have conflict between ethnic groups.



I believe India should cooperate with China for her faster development. The efforts of India to build cooperation and friendship with Western powers will never take to a faster development of India.
Western countries will never go for a deal with develo countries if that deal directly benefits the host nations. Last 300 years western nations colonized Africa or other countries. They made treaties with those nations, that only benefit the west, through the exploitation of mineral sources from those countries. India has similar experience from British colonialism.
Even after 300 years of colonialism and cooperation, still African people lived in poverty. But China started investing in African countries only last 30 years and you can see the fast changes happening. I know India can get little jealous over China because China developed at the speed of light, but India still far far behind. It almost look like India can not catch up. I believe India will catch up by aligning itself with China. But the Indian mind is filled with Chinese hate. For what reason???
India can learn lessons from African countries or from India's own experiences.






Both countries have ancient civilizations, but the Chinese one is traditionally more pragmatic with regard to religious beliefs, etc., which is an important advantage in the challenging task of mastering the industrial based modernization process.



You've done a pretty good job of identifying India's macro - level hurdles holding them back from superpower status. What can India do to address these issues successfully?



India will continue to play a big role in some compromised sports such as cricket but must decide to be independent and direct their attention to India and not to China or what USA wants.



India can be successful too. The first step is to remove Palk. She has driven too much division among the people.



Chinese love Indians and their culture, and our cultures share all common values. We respect Buddhism from India. We both suffer from colonizers fron west.
We as neighbors can flourish together. Please use your videos to enrich mutual understanding from both sides, and spread love and friendship




Fools rush in where angels fear to tread



No worry, there are a lot of 'Indian Angels' doing the Bollywood Song & Dance



India has the Idea but lacks on polishing the final product, the only way is, better machinery and infrastructures, especially on water



It's absolutely possible for india to become a great country. But that will take a lot of work. They are obvious reasons why india is still struggling besides the great strides being made. Some are cultural reasons or religious issues.



dxJ - qt2th
Sure! It is entirely possible for Congo to become a great country, but it needs a lot of work. Go on... Go on... Maybe one day India will become a superpower, but I'm not sure when it will be, and I'm not sure whether the sun will have burned out by then!



@dxJ - qt2th India is in better position in geopolitical terms, even if they are trying to pretend for the sake of USA and Europe. But DRC is in totally different position. The forces involved in that conflict have to be dealt with before we can talk about true development. Of course there is lot of ignorance as regards anything in Africa. But India can actually achieve it's goals if they are honest with themselves and put their talents together instead of the current blind patriotism and religious fanatics not hel the situation either.

@dxJ - qt2th 从地缘政治角度看,印度的处境更好,就算他们为了美国和欧洲在装样子。但刚果民诸共和国的情况完全不同。得先解决冲突中的各方势力,才能谈真正的发展。当然,大家对非洲的事儿了解得太少。但印度要是能正视自己,把人才凝聚起来,而不是现在这样盲目爱国,还有那些宗教狂热分子瞎搅和,实际上是能实现目标的。


Both countries are part and parcel of remarkably old civilizations, but the traditional Chinese way of thinking about life is since ancient times, in particular since Confucius, more pragmatic with regard to religion, the "afterlife," etc. Subsequently, the Chinese, although also religious or superstitious in many way, are less deeply preoccupied with metaphysical questions and are more pragmatically focused on mastering the "here and there" through hard work and by having solid and well organized families and communities, which according to Chinese understanding goes hand in hand. Thus, in my view, the Chinese civilization, because its fundamentally pragmatic outlook, is better geared towards the type of modernization that is required in the wake of the industrial revolution, etc., whilst modernizing India's ancient civilization is, in that regard, a much greater challenge.



Don't forget the fact that if the Vishva - guru from India can only stand while he is urinating, his students in China can urinate while they were walking or even running with his pants on



when past year, China polluted, the whole world jump into it criticize about this matters. Why India only a few,but yet hit head line around the Western media. Always double standard.



Many many are enjoying lazy luxury life at the cost of a few sincere hard - working people. Most of the roads have continuous damages. Only few roads are good and they are projected.



China still has room for improvement, things like animal rights, eating less meat, continuing the crack - down on corruption, imo.



I think all Asian work first. But india always dream dream and dream. Until almost all Asian country walk pass u. Do not need china. Look other Asia country in the South East Asia.



India is based on class distinction and oppression. The ruling class establish a hierarchy of barriers and glass ceilings to limit each succeeding class. Instead of elevating all and enabling the clever leaders to emerge they hoard to themselves exclusive of others. So they progress a little if at all. This racist oligarchy and it cannot become a fast - paced leader. Perhaps this has been embedded for thousands of years. China has transformed its society in the last 70 years, barriers removed, education and services for all and a million flowers now bloom. Go for equality and mutual uplifting and then there might be a better society.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 为什么印度失败了,中国成功了
