China unveils first-of-its-kind container ship powered by futuristic fuel source — here's how it could make waves in the industry
Could hydrogen-powered ships be the future of global ship and trading?
As Interesting Engineering reported, China released its first hydrogen-powered container ship, Dong Fang Qing Gang, and it could change the industry. Running on hydrogen fuel cells, it is a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to the ships still using dirty energy.
Ship is essential for global trade, but it's a major contributor to pollution. It accounts for about 11% of the transportation sector's pollution output, which is the second-largest source of emissions worldwide. As trade continues to grow, these numbers are expected to rise significantly by 2050 unless action is taken.
Hydrogen fuel cells, including the ones used on this ship, offer a promising alternative. They create energy through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water vapor as the only byproduct and no heat-trap gases. Compared to regular fuels or electric batteries, hydrogen has a better mix of energy density and weight, which is important for long trips across oceans.
据“有趣工程”(Interesting Engineering)报道,中国推出了首艘氢动力集装箱船“东方氢港”号,它有可能改变整个行业。该船以氢燃料电池为动力,相较于仍在使用传统污染能源的船舶,它更加清洁且可持续。
Dong Fang Qing Gang is a 211-foot ship that can carry up to 1,450 tons, or 64 standard containers. It's powered by two hydrogen fuel cells, each with a 240-kilowatt rating, and made by China-based Sinosynergy. With these systems, the ship can travel around 236 miles on a single hydrogen charge and is expected to cut about 700 tons of carbon emissions each year.
The ship also has a lithium battery that stores energy from the fuel cells, hel it run smoothly and making it more energy-efficient. Other steps in hydrogen-powered ship, including Greenpeace's hybrid ship that uses hydrogen, sails, and solar panels, show how the maritime industry is trying different approaches to cut pollution. The U.K. startup GT Wings is also bringing wind power back with its AirWing sails, which could lower fuel use and pollution output by 30%.
该船还配备了锂电池,用于存储燃料电池产生的能量,这有助于船舶平稳运行,并提高能源利用效率。氢动力航运领域的其他举措,比如绿色和平组织使用氢气、风帆和太阳能板的混合动力船,都表明了海运行业正在尝试多种不同方式来减少污染。英国初创公司GT Wings推出的AirWing风帆,也让风能回归航运,有望降低30%的燃料消耗和污染排放。
The International Renewable Energy Agency says hydrogen could play a key role in the switch to cleaner energy, especially in areas such as ship and aviation, where electrification is harder.
Dong Fang Qing Gang runs an inland route between Jiaxng and iasha port in Hangzhou, marking China's first hydrogen-powered water transport route. This milestone could pave the way for expanding hydrogen technology in the global ship industry.
As hydrogen-powered ships and solar energy systems become more common, they can help big industries lessen their impacts on the environment. Using these kinds of solutions brings us closer to a future wherein our most-used methods and tools can be sustainable in the long term and help both the environment and people.
What’s happen to the Toyota’s Hydrogen cars? Is Toyota still develo them?
There was a time when the US was first with these kinds on innovations. Now we're all about who can be an influencer and banning books which is pointless because there's no kid today that's going anyhwere near a book unless it's about how to get more likes on social media.
US has already stopped the fake Hydrogen fuel cell cars, trucks, and buses because it takes to much electric to make Hydrogen so not so cheap. Rainbow and unicorns government another failed program.
No, now Americans do not believe in science and everything is a conspiracy. They think banning immigration is a good thing. Where do they think we got smart people from.
their goal is producing an AI controlled manless fully automatic loading and unloading container ship. some ports in China already have fully automatic loading and unloading system. this is why they want to invest in more major ports around the world to allow their container ships to automatically unloading as well, not just loading in Chinese ports. we on the other hand is trying to hamper their plan by discouraging more countries not to allow the upgrades. our port unions will never allow this fully automatic unloading for sure.
"our port unions will never allow this fully automatic unloading"
They can fight but eventually they will lose. They'll be like a blacksmith fighting for the continued use of horse and buggies over those automobile contraptions.
We make excuses. Others make progress.
And exactly where are they getting the Hydrogen? Hydrogen gas is generally created from water (H2O) where large amounts of electricity are used to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen through a process called electrolysis. When the broken bonds are then allowed to recombine to form water, releasing energy for the ship, energy is also wasted in the process in the form of heat. The electricity used to create the hydrogen is being produced in some other way using fossil fuels most likely, and the amount needed to do so is greater than the energy provided to the ship. So you are getting the pollution on that end where the hydrogen is being created, and having to burn more fuels to do so. The idea that this is "green" is ridiculous. The net effect to the earth is negative.
We are repeating the same mistake to India who never give up any chance to stab USA in the back and now modi is cooperating with China and Russia, but we still send tech and money to India for free. For example, Google CEO is encouraging moving job and tech to India. This is just an edge of the iceberg. Far more USA companies are sending techs and money to India, which is actually hel India to steal USA techs and money. Boeing moving jobs to India and using Indian software is the main reason for its quality decline and the recent failures. India will soon become strong enough to defy USA global dominance. USA should not help any country with more population than USA because USA cannot control them when they grow up.
Do not worry world, Trump with fix everything, he knows all. His plan is a simple one that can articulate: End all trade with tariffs. So, easy peasy!
Ships pollute a lot, I think more than all the cars in the world. The type of fuel they were using actually prevent the sun from heating the ocean because of the excessive smog of ships. It turns out the dirty ships are hel prevent global warming. If you don't believe me google "ships pollution prevents earth warming"
It's also far more economical than other means of global transportation of goods.
I think that people still do not understand what hydrogen is. Green hydrogen is the best energy source in the Universe. It is the cleanest, it’s the most versatile, it’s the most powerful and it is the most abundant. The whole world right now is running on the hydrogen economy. What do you think fossil fuels are, and what do you think the sun is
Time will tell if this will be successful for the long distance ship routes and not just limited to short Island trips.
Meanwhile Trump and friends redirect funding of alternative energy sources to building more oil production and infrastructure.
Almost everything is invented by China these days
While China moves ahead technologically, Trump and Republicans ban books, close down aid and the Department of Education. I have a bad feeling about this
Anyone for the US to sanction?
hydrogen-powered ships are already out.
How long until it sinks? Remember, it’s made in China.
So are electric cars, solar panels, wind turbines, etc. All considered the best in the world.
About as long as an American made Boeing falls out of sky
when it sinks there will be no report about it as China blocks news which are not in their favor
LOL...Just as bad as all those SK and Japanese autos on US roads. Obviously no one should buy them...
oh no another China first steal from us never dream of ?
Interesting but 64 containers is practically nothing.
It's just a small ship running in inland waterways. It's like a short-haul trucking company between two large metropolitan areas. It's a start. It'll either work, or it won't. Give it time.
WOW! A floating Hindenburg? What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
More lies coming from China...stay tuned
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 大国 » 美媒:中国推出首艘由未来燃料驱动的集装箱船,或在行业内引发变革