

Why are Southern Koreans so inferior in sports ethics?




Scott P

The Korean Peninsula has been a slave to China since it came into power, then to Japan, and now to the United States. For more than a thousand years, they have never had the ability to be independent, their hearts desire to be independent, but there is no ability. As a result, all of them began to distort the mentality, psychopathy, to achieve the goal without shame. They always think about how powerful they are, they don't want to face the truth, in their imagination they are the origin of the universe, everything is theirs.


Im Yang Gyoon

Why are Southern Koreans so inferior in sports ethics?

You ask me questions and I know you are trying to make money by posting the answers on Chinese social media.

However, I will tell you the truth.

Why don't you talk about Chinese soccer in your questions?

If you look at Chinese soccer, you wouldn't have to ask me the above question.

As various Korean cultures became known to the world, China began to curse Korea.







Is this the only way to promote Chinese culture in such a petty way?

I used to really like Hong Kong and Chinese movies

That Chinese and Hong Kong movies captured the truth of people's lives

It is not shameful that not only Korea but also China's society is poor and difficult

What is truly shameful is that the chinese is manipulating to hide their mistakes

When they make absurd comparisons with Korea, which is better off than China, and spread propaganda like "We can't even eat watermelon" or "We can't even eat meat"...






当他们与比中国富裕的韩国进行荒谬对比,还传播诸如 “韩国人吃不起西瓜”“韩国人吃不上肉” 这类言论

Chinese people may believe those lies, but when Koreans watch those videos, it shows how ignorant Chinese people are

People with knowledge know very well about "the difference in GDP" or "the difference in the Engel coefficient"

However, Chinese people who come to Quora don't even know about the "Engel coefficient:"

The reason is that the chinese does not teach its people knowledge that can be compared with other countries

When Korea was poor, Korea did not use the same methods as China

They say that if you work harder, you can make a better country to live in, and they only give positive and good examples from foreign cases. Informed the people

In other words, Korea showed a country that was doing well when it was poor, and enlightened the people that Korea could also do better


有见识的人很清楚 “GDP的差距” 或是 “恩格尔系数的差异”。

然而,来到Quora的中国人甚至都不知道 “恩格尔系数” 是什么。





However, China, comparing Korea to China, which was doing much better than China...

They propagandized that Korea was also having such a hard time, but the Chinese people had to endure all the economic hardships

This kind of propaganda method by China is a way to make the people more ignorant and ruin the Chinese economy

Using this method means that China did not spend the money on the people even though it had made a lot of money in the world

A lot of that money went into the pockets of politicians and was embezzled abroad

As a result of not spending this huge amount of money on the people, the people could not become wealthy

The fact that the people could not become wealthy means that the chinese blocked the path for the people to use their wealth to develop further








I pointed out these contradictions and problems a long time ago, but the Chinese people were brainwashed and did not want to listen to the right story, and instead used all kinds of dirty words

This kind of country can never develop

The development of a country is not about insulting other countries, but about their own development No

Because being friendly with other countries and having international exchanges and active trade is what develops that country





The answer is very off-track, but if you look at Chinese soccer as I mentioned earlier, you can see everything you are asking me.

If the Chinese people think, "Korea beats China in all sports by fouls," then there will never be any development in Chinese sports in the future.

If Korea wins by fouls as China claims, they can sue various international sports organizations.

They can sue Korea and deprive Korea of ​​its victory.

Why don't the Chinese people use such a simple method?


要是中国民众认为 “韩国在所有体育项目中都靠犯规战胜中国”,那么未来中国体育永远发展不起来的




Rick Targaryen

Why is South Korea reluctant to show sportsmanship in any sport?

The ‘Sportsmanship’ of South Korea is so famous in 2002 WORLD CUP (The biggest sport event in human beings). They did not even shame with bribe referees, but proud of it.

Korean will not admit all of cheating, because they don’t count their cheating as ‘NOT Sportsmanship’. So every competition which holded in South Korea(Sport,E-Sport etc), they can change the score, change the equipment, ignore the rules or sabotage their competitor.




In E-Sport game for example, they can change the map values of WAR3 to make sure the home team can get advance expect no one can find out. NO applause to their competitors also a normal behavior in their game event.

In reality, South Korea also has a lot of thing rigged. Politics(Presidents in jail), Entertainment industry(Nth Room case, Jang Ja-yeon sucide)… these caused them to habitually choose to operate in the dark. Sports is just one part of these.




Why is South Korea not as successful in sports as other countries? Does this have anything to do with the Korean education system and culture which focuses on academic achievement over athleticism/sportsmanship?

Perhaps the question is about “professional” sports, such as pro football, basketball, baseball etc, ion which case it is true that Koreans like HeungMin Son or ChanHo Park are relatively rare and recent.

You could say all sorts of things including the “racial factors” but my hypothesis is that Korea’s domestic leagues are shit. In the end, all things follow money, and there’s just not that much money in Korea’s leagues for really good players to emerge. This has been slightly different for baseball, but for others, not really.

The big professional sports that get a lot of global TV coverage are football (soccer), basketball, baseball, American football, and ice hockey.





Korea doesn’t have professional American football and ice hockey leagues.

Korea’s baseball is very popular, and it’s usual for good players to cost +1M US$ salary these days. This isn’t Major Leagues money but it’s enough to get many, many Koreans playing baseball from a young age.

Not so with other sports. We have professional soccer league (K-League), which has always been shit. Koreans are really into supporting Korea’s national team during Word Cup, but for the other 3 years, nobody goes to watch K-League games. Accordingly, K-League salaries are shit.

Basketball used to be very popular but ever since Koreans could get NBA broadcasts relatively freely (2000s), domestic pro basketball league has been stagnant, and players’ salaries are shit too.

This picture is NOT likely to change — because, above all, Korea’s population is shrinking fast. You will have pockets of individual excellence in football and perhaps even basketball, and a trickle of good baseball players making it to either Japan or Major Leagues.






Panda KKK

What do you think of Korean's sportsmanship?

It is generally believed that South Korea is largely unsportsmanlike.

Regarding how foreign media view Korean sports spirit, you can find some opinions from the victims of Korean sports. apart from our sports

The most spiritual contact and the deepest feeling, the rest of the victims were Italy who felt the deepest.




In 2002, in the 1/8 final of the Korea-Japan World Cup, Italy lost 1-2 to the host South Korea. During the game, the referee ignored violent fouls by South Korean players many times and helped

South Korea made it to the semi-finals.

At that time, some Western media commented on the black whistle incident at the World Cup in Korea and Japan, and believed that the black whistle had great influence and profound exemplary significance.

The moment and the high awareness can almost become unprecedented.

In 2015, 13 years later, the front page of the famous Italian sports media "Corriere dello Sport" published heavyweight news, the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan.

The match-fixng has been determined, Italy and Spain are the victims, and the beneficiaries of these two games are the host South Korea. But no follow-up.

Thirteen years have passed, and the Italian media have not forgotten it, which shows the depth of resentment.

2002年韩日世界杯1/8决赛中,意大利队1 - 2输给了东道主韩国队。比赛期间,裁判多次无视韩国球员的恶意犯规,助力韩国队闯入半决赛。




Dong-Yoon Lee

How do you view South Korea's controversial behavior at the Olympics?

In general, if someone is upset, you should ask the person who is angry the reason and should judge after that. It is never enough to hear the reason from the person who made him angry. right?

So in this case you had to ask the Korean why. However, you have only recently become interested in the conflict between the two peoples.

First of all, many people think that this is the first time we South Koreans know that Korean-Chinese live as one of 56 ethnic groups in China, and South Koreans are angry because we South Koreans are ignorant of it. However, it has been 40 years since South Koreans and China reconnected diplomatic ties, and there are 700,000 Korean-Chinese people of Korean descent in South Korea who work extensively in restaurants and other places. How could we not be unaware of the exstence of Korean-Chinese in China and their way of life?





Rather, the ignorance of the Chinese, who think that South Koreans did not know that there was a Korean-Chinese population living in China, is even more startling. They probably didn't know much about neighboring countries because they have been arguing with the US.

Put simply, China has been coercing South Korea into its shadow over the past 40 years. Although there are very many examples, as very representative example, they diluted the meaning of the King Sejong prize of UNESCO by pressing UNESCO to designate a Confucius prize in a hurry when UNESCO designated King Sejong prize in honor of King Sejong the Great of Korea, famous for his character set(:Hangeul) creation based on the spirit of love for commoners who have not sufficient time for learning characters.

In addition, Arirang, the traditional Korean music, has independently attempted to designate an intangible heritage by UNESCO, by China.




It wasn't that we South Koreans had an exclusive attitude towards it from the begng. However, strangely, Chinese did not seem to recognize the indigenous culture of Koreans as Koreans’ own culture, and in the vast personal contact with neighboring countries, many Chinese have said that we, Korea, are culturally and politically dependent on China and it should be restored to that state. The accumulated experience of impolite remarks was the cause of our South Korean reaction today. The South Korean politicians who made radical remarks were merely representatives of the current sentiment of South Koreans. That's how angry we South Koreans were.

Seeing the phenomenon of many famous media providing insufficient background information within their knowledge with very little knowledge and causing a huge misunderstanding to readers, I realized how far from the truth the current media can be.

How many people who fell unjust situation have exsted because of this kind of media? I say only one word. Just because more people say it, doesn't mean it's true. And, about the conflict, listen to the person who is angry, not the person who made opponent angry.

And I want you to know this. You're probably like, "Yeah, I wanted a logical explanation like this. You know what you're talking about." However, when China speaks favorable to them with a tough attitude with the population and makes us South Koreans bad like this time, South Koreans with a small population cannot respond one by one. And if we get frustrated, it will turn to you one after the other. And, we need explicit support.




我希望你明白这一点。你可能会想,“没错,我就想听这样合乎逻辑的解释。你说得头头是道。” 然而,当中国凭借庞大人口基数,以强硬态度为自己发声,像这次一样把韩国人塑造成坏人时,人口较少的韩国人根本无法逐一回应。要是我们感到沮丧,负面情绪就会接二连三地发泄出来。而且,我们需要明确的支持。

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