Why CHINA was the WORST and the BEST travel of my life
I in hope to help others not to make the mistakes that I did on my first travel to China. As a Russian passport holder I can have 144 hours or 6 days visa free in some cities of China, so while traveling in Asia I arranged my connecting flights in China to use this visa free opportunity. I will visit two cities: Shanghai and Beiing.
When US holds the initiative, they can do as they please. But when chinese apps enter their country, national security is a concern. It's all about discourse power.
I'm an American and I've been to China twice. It was over a decade ago, but both times I had locals or at least someone who spoke the language with me. That was a huge help and made things a lot smoother. There are definitely things you need to adapt to, but overall I had an enjoyable experience both times.
Took my son to china in 2008. He was 16. We knew a little Chinese. Had a wonderful time. It was refreshing. There was a free and easy feel about the streets. No signs everywhere telling you what you cannot do. People dancing in parks in the evening. Actually felt there are less restrictions in daily life there than in Australia.
zzlz - cu7wh
China has changed rapidly. I worked outside for three years and didn't go back to my hometown. When I returned to my hometown again, I got lost in the street.
Many years ago I had health problem with my spine and we had a Chinese doctor here in my town who used a traditional Chinese methods to cure. He went on for years with a succesful treatment, and I still feel well. After achieving the age of a pensionist, he went back to China to his family. I still remember him with a great respect and recognition for his medical knowledge, and I am very thankful for his help.
I once read somewhere that ancient Chinese doctors were actually paid to prevent the disease rather than cure it. And if, the personal medic failed to prevent the disease and only cured it, they weren't paid... don't know if that's true though
When I traveled to China my friends helped me with all the things that were mentioned in the video. China is uniquely good the way they use their own web of fiber optics. I had a fun time in China.
I am a Malaysian. There will be "difficulties" if you travel to China and insist on using "Western" apps ONLY. There, they have their own techno ecosystem, totally independent from the West. I am sure you know geopolitics enough to understand why this is so.
I have been to China recently. It's not seamless but it's no where near the "worst" experience. I went to a "third tier" city. If you insist on using Western apps only, then use your own data package. I used my Malaysian one and had no issues at all accessing YouTube, google, whatsapp and the like. Payment, I used Malaysian touch and go apps which was easy peasy. I didn't need Alipay or any Chinese apps for payment. I didn't use any "Western" credit cards, not accepted by most(? all) shops. No issues at all. As I said, it will only be an issue if you insist on using Western apps only.
I am not going to comment on some of your stereotypical "questions" which reek more of ignorance. You know the West well, maybe too well, but lack understanding of the non - Western world.
One child policy was only really enforced in urban areas, and meant the second child had to pay for their education /healthcare, while a third incurred a fine. Minorities were exempt to help prop their numbers. Most Chinese actually still had two or more children in this era, which is why most Chinese you meet still have siblings, with the population growing by 10 million a year as late as the 2010s. The policy actually powered the 'China Rise', artificially creating what is called a demographic dividend that marks a country's economic rise from Develo to Developed.
Basically a huge age bulge enters working age with few children, whose parents are young enough to not be retirees - thus you create a massive, mobile workforce without dependants, and spending power enough to push their own domestic market. This happened in the US for the Baby Boomers 1945 - 55, in Europe it was Les Trentes Glorieuses 1945 - 75, in Japan the Miracle Generation 1968 - 88, for China it was the China Rise 1980 - 2010. This age bulge can also be squandered by politicking and overt capitalism, such as the Lost Generation of 1970s/80s Latin America, and how the Middle East will play out - theirs started in 2010, a year later the Arab Spring started among the youth across the region, protesting the lack of jobs and opportunity, the foreign - backed oppression and inequality etc. India and Bangladesh started in the 2010s also, whose birthrates are below or barely above replacement level. Africa's will start in the 2030s.
计划生育政策其实主要在城市地区严格执行,意思就是生二胎得自己掏教育和医疗费用,要是生三胎就得罚款。少数民 族可以例外,这样能保证他们的人口数量。实际上,在那个时代,大多数中国人还是有两个或更多孩子的,所以你碰到的大多数中国人都有兄弟姐妹,直到2010年代,中国人口每年还能增长1000万呢。这个政策实际上推动了“中国崛起”,人为创造出一种所谓的人口红利,这可是一个国家从发展中走向发达的经济标志。
基本上就是大量处于劳动年龄的人口,孩子少,而且他们的父母还年轻,还没到退休年龄——这样就形成了庞大且流动性强、没有家庭负担的劳动力,他们的消费能力还能推动国内市场。美国1945 - 1955年的婴儿潮一代就是这样,欧洲1945 - 1975年的“辉煌三十年”也是,日本1968 - 1988年的“奇迹一代”同样如此,中国则是1980 - 2010年的崛起。
不过这种人口优势也可能被操弄和过度资 本主义浪费掉,就像20世纪70 - 80年代拉丁美洲的“失落一代”,还有中东地区,他们从2010年开始出现这种情况,一年后整个地区的年轻人就发起了“阿拉伯之春”,抗议就业机会缺乏、外国的压迫和不平等等等。印度和孟加拉国从2010年代开始也出现这种情况,他们的生育率低于或勉强维持在更替水平。非洲要到2030年代才会出现这种情况。
lijackson - x6r
the rular villagers have a birth control policy that if the 1st born is a boy, then no second child, if the 1st born is a girl, the villagers can have the second child, if the 2nd child is still a girl, the villagers can not have the 3rd kid. some villagers tired to have 3rd kid and they have to hide into some other villagers. the minorities can have more kids as they want. Han people only can have 1 child.
The one child policy is strictly enforced on government employees and employees in state own corporations, or they loss their job, one child policy is enforced in rural areas but 95% families in rural area have more children more than one, myself have three siblings, I never see a family only have one child in my generation who from rural area
martinLim - oj2tn
My relatives in mainland china have 4 girls born in the late 1980s, the use the same tactics taught by my country Singapore, cuz Singapore is one of the overseas Chinese who built china
Today china built overseas Chinese
Beiing and Shanghai are relatively expensive compared to elsewhere, although it is still possible to live very cheaply in both cities
I'm from Malaysia and I have no problem traveling to China to access the internet and whatever. Just activate the roaming package which is cheaper and tata everything is find. As a Russian you seems to forgot that Russia and China are genuine government which both can trust each other where is goes well with apps or whatever.
Many many Chinese young people (40 years or younger) can speak English, it’s weird that you don’t get answer when u ask questions in English in China.
A citizen of the new era, a digital native. I'm close to 50 and my generation is very paranoic of situations unfortunately you had to live in China. Only being over - prepared when we travel to a different country give us peace of mind even if is an English - speaking (or Spanish and English speaking in my case). We keep all the information if have contacts in that country, embassies and so on. But you are the best traveler in all YouTube (no kidding) and your sense of adventure is wonderful but sometimes that get you in trouble like other journeys you have taken. At least this was a frustrating experience but not dangerous, China seems a very nice and safe place for wanderers
My only paranoia is the toilets. I'm traumatized by the thought of anything other than a western toilet. For women (at least this woman) this is A HUGE deal! Why is noone talking about this?
They have western toilets in China
They just have a ton more of the public squat toilets where you will find those every few blocks. Where you will have to look for western version at these toilets
This Russian woman has absolutely no understanding of Chinese culture, customs, or social norms and made no preparations whatsoever before traveling to China. Her ignorance and arrogance were truly shocking to me.
@divaextraordinary It wasn't a big deal for me. After some time I had very trained thighs.
In addition, there are always "Western Toilets". By the way, I thought it was great that there were free toilets everywhere. I'm not used to that from my home country.
PS: I loved traveling in China and miss it very much.
@divaextraordinary 这对我来说不是啥大事儿。过段时间,我的大腿都锻炼出来了。
This sounds like my adventure in Japan. No one there speaks English. I got stuck in the Tokyo metro for hours until I finally communicated with a police woman by hand signals and she guided me out. Eli or anyone else, if you go there, prepare yourself. And Japan has their own maps apps a other stuff doesn’t work.
China is a self - sufficient country. They have no google, youtube, wiki but look at them they are one of the most technologically advance country
Very interesting. I had a short stop - over in Shanghai and had bought a guided tour by two very friendly guys. It was early morning, and I had to take my luggage with me when we visited the old city. It was great and I had an informative discussion with my guides, but I had not slept on the plane overnight, so I asked to be taken back to the airport at midday. Then I found I couldn't book in my luggage until 6 pm and also there was nowhere to sit. I could not buy anything, so it was a long day. I hope to go back, but I will be better prepared.
I have lived in China for years now
Regarding annoying tourists. All tourists are annoying to most local peoples, and many tourists, from every nation, will do things that go against local culture. The other thing I noticed is that some people do not always behave well if they are away from home. We tend to notice the few people who behave badly, not the majority that behave more normally.
This lady is Russian, but her speech is like that of people from the Five Eyes countries. It is evident that using the American Internet has had a significant impact on her thinking. This is the reason why the chinese wisely chose to build its own Internet. It is also one of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The tour guide answered her question very superficially. Perhaps he didn't want to engage in too much debate, after all, he's here to make money.
In the West, eating dog or cat meat is considered a moral issue. The tour guide also answered in a way that caters to Western thinking. However, in reality, this is a matter of cultural perspective and should not be judged from a Western standpoint as to whether it is morally superior or not.
The correct answer is: In many parts of Asia, unlike in the West, eating dog or cat meat is not a moral issue but a difference in custom. It's similar to how in India, due to religious beliefs, people do not eat beef. In most parts of China, there is no custom of eating dog meat, and there are no vendors selling dog or cat meat. However, in some cities, the culture of eating dog meat is still preserved, and dog meat is actually quite delicious. If given the opportunity, most Chinese people would not refuse to eat dog meat.
I love listening to them speak Russian because I have been learning it for a while and I should probably know more than I do but i hear words I know and could kind of understand the conversation. I never gave up completely on learning Russian always returning after a break from it. You know how you get down on yourself and wish you had not stopped. I am thriving now and want to learn more each day.
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