

India-France strategic ties to get major boost with Rafale & Scorpene deals


NEW DELHI: India's expansive strategic partnership with France is set to get a further boost with two mega deals being virtually finalised for direct acquisition of 26 Rafale-Marine fighters, as well as the construction of three additional Scorpene submarines, which will collectively be worth almost Rs 1 lakh crore (Euro 10.6 billion).

As PM Narendra Modi left for Paris on Monday, government sources told TOI that the Rs 63,000 crore deal for 22 single-seat Rafale-M jets and four twin-seat trainers for Navy is now with the cabinet committee for security (CCS), awaiting the final nod.

新德里消息:印度与法国广泛的战略伙伴关系将进一步得到强化,两项重大交易几近敲定,包括直接采购26架阵风 - 海军型战斗机,以及增建三艘鲉鱼级潜艇,这两项交易总价值近1万亿卢比(106亿欧元)。

周一,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪启程前往巴黎,政府消息人士向《印度时报》透露,价值6300亿卢比的交易,即采购22架单座阵风 - M战机以及4架双座教练机供海军使用,目前该交易已提交至内阁安全委员会(CCS),等待最终批准。

The Rs 33,500 crore deal for 3 additional diesel-electric Scorpene submarines, to be constructed by Mazagon Docks (MDL) in collaboration with French Naval Group, in turn, will soon head for CCS after inter-ministerial consultations. "CCS will take up the Rafale-M deal after the PM returns from France-US trip. The cost negotiations for Scorpenes took a little longer because MDL had originally quoted a high price. The aim is to ink both deals before this fiscal ends on March 31," a source said.

The two countries are also discussing a possible collaboration between French major Safran, which already makes helicopter engines in India, and DRDO to co-develop the 110 kilonewton jet engine for the Indian fifth-generation stealth fighter project, AMCA (advanced medium combat aircraft). But that is in the future. The impending government-to-government Rafale-M deal includes weapons, simulators, crew training and five-year performance-based logistics support as well as spares for the 36 Rafales already inducted by IAF under the Rs 59,000 crore contract in Sept 2016.

而价值3350亿卢比的增建3艘柴电动力鲉鱼级潜艇的交易,由马扎冈船坞有限公司(MDL)与法国海军集团合作建造,在经过部委间协商后,也将很快提交至内阁安全委员会。一位消息人士称:“总理结束法国 - 美国之行回国后,内阁安全委员会将审议阵风 - M战机的交易。鲉鱼级潜艇的成本谈判耗时稍长,因为马扎冈船坞有限公司最初报价较高。目标是在本财年3月31日结束前签署这两项协议。”

两国还在探讨一项潜在合作,已在印度生产直升机发动机的法国巨头赛峰集团,有望与印度国防研究与发展组织(DRDO)共同为印度第五代隐形战斗机项目“先进中型战斗机”(AMCA)开发110千牛推力的喷气发动机。但这是未来的事。即将达成的政府间阵风 - M战机交易内容包括武器、模拟器、机组人员培训、为期五年的基于性能的后勤支持,以及为印度空军2016年9月以5900亿卢比合同引进的36架阵风战机提供备件。

战略自主是法国和印度外交政策的核心原则。两国对战略自主有着共同的愿景,均渴望成为“平衡塑造者”,然而,印度和法国有着各自不同的策略。虽然两国在抗衡中国在印太地区的影响力方面存在共识,但是法国最近对中国的示好已经引起了印度的担忧。 同样,在俄乌冲突问题上,印度拒绝跟随西方国家谴责和制裁俄罗斯、继续购买俄罗斯石油等行为,招致了法国的不满。即便如此,两国关系仍在不断深化。


Kishor Kumar
India is so slow!! Even this government bought only 36 fighter jets in last 11 years, practically if they ink the deal now, it would be another four years to procure. Means in 15 years only 36 fighter jets while our airforce is depleting so fast.



Jayaraman Sundaramoorthy
Aren't you ashamed to report this in gloating terms? As I suspect, every Union government at the centre, including this government, has acted as the commission agents to international armament industries. Instead of working to develop our own R&D and advanced technical base to design, develop and introduce superior armaments of our own into our defence forces, we are gloating over this kind of signing ceremonies. Shame. Our enslaved Media that has failed to raise its voice against these failures is equally guilty. Perhaps it has more areas to gloat, like the ethnic cleansing in MANIPUR.



Abhijit Kambley
We are proud what this govt is doing and if you are ashamed then your parent country China is waiting for you.



Vivek Bharathi
That's the difference between UPA government and NDA government you have failed to understand. During Congress times, all defence deals were done by middlemen. These middlemen will cause hundreds of crores of loss to the country. During present NDA government, all defence deals are done by direct government to government contracts. There is no middlemen involved to get their commission or cuts.

你没搞懂团结进步联盟(UPA)政府和全国民诸联盟(NDA)政府的区别。国大党执政那会儿,所有国防交易都靠中间人经手。这些中间人让国家损失了几十亿。现在全国民 主联盟执政,所有国防交易都是政府间直接签合同,不存在中间人吃回扣的事儿。


Abhijit Kambley
On one side you talk that congress gave IITs and IIMs to this country and on other side you say lack of R&D in technology. That means past govts didn't do much in develo it. Hence we are buying with technology transfer. That's what China did.



Arindam Mukherjee
This statement "is now with the cabinet committee for security (CCS), awaiting" we are listening for so many months now. So this statement is not convincing at all. Until the approval happens please do not publish this kind of report.



Ivan Wolf
Same OLD buying spree of India to France, don't see how it would improve ties. China's 80,000 tonne Fujian carrier will soon fly 5th gen fighter jets J30, India will not get obsolete till 2030, what for?

印度还是老样子,一个劲儿地从法国买买买,真看不出来这能怎么改善关系。中国8万吨级的福建舰马上就能搭载歼 - 30这种五代机了,印度到2030年都还得不到(先进装备),图啥呢?


Ppaappuu has said that govt is trying to tease me & robber thru this deal nevertheless I will still shout againstrafael to unite congislaves.



Deals? Whats that. Its one sided and whats India going to sell to France.


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