India needs to weigh pros & cons of F-35 pitch
NEW DELHI: India will have to carefully evaluate US president Trump's offer of the fifth-generation F-35 fighter, even though IAF would love to grab it with both hands given the China factor, while the two countries take forward the procurement of six more P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft as well as joint production of Stryker armoured infantry combat vehicles and Javelin anti-tank guided missiles this year.
The expansive India-US defence relationship will get a further boost with PM Modi and Trump "pledging to elevate" military cooperation across air, land, sea, space and cyberspace, institute the 'Autonomous Systems Industry Alliance (ASIA)', streamline defence trade and technology exchange, and sign a 10-year major defence partnership framework to renew the one inked in 2015.
The sales pitch for the F-35, which is sold only to Nato countries and close allies, however, was the key takeaway. It might just be "a proposal" at this stage with the long-drawn formal process yet to even begin, as foreign secretary Vikram Misri said, but India will have to increasingly contend with a pushy Trump, whose deal-oriented transactional approach to geopolitics is well-known.
新德里消息:尽管考虑到中国因素,印度空军很想欣然接受美国总统特朗普提出的第五代F35战斗机的出售提议,但印度仍需谨慎评估。与此同时,今年两国将推进另外6架P - 8I远程海上巡逻机的采购,以及“斯特赖克”装甲步兵战车和“标枪”反坦克制导导弹的联合生产。
然而,F - 35战机的推销才是关键要点。这款战机目前仅出售给北约国家及美国的亲密盟友。正如印度外交秘书维克拉姆·米斯里所言,现阶段这或许只是“一项提议”,漫长的正式程序甚至尚未启动。但印度将不得不面对咄咄逼人的特朗普,其以交易为导向的地缘政治处事方式可谓众所周知。
"Starting this year, we will be increasing military sales to India by many billions of dollars. We are also paving the way to ultimately provide F-35 stealth fighters," said Trump. The joint statement also noted the US's "review of its policy on releasing fifth-generation fighters and undersea systems" to India.
The pros and cons will have to be weighed. "India will inexorably be drawn into the US's sphere of influence with the F-35 acquisition, iming on its strategic autonomy. Why do you think successive Indian govts over the years have acquired Russian, French and other fighters but never American ones?" an official said.
If India indeed pursues the F-35 offer, it will also have to factor in several things like the off-the-shelf price, the technologies being given, life-cycle costs, maintenance and the like, apart from the strategic benefits it can reap. Utmost care will have to be taken that India's own 5th-Gen fighter project of the advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA), the development of which for over Rs 15,000 crore was cleared by the cabinet committee on security last March, is not adversely impacted.
特朗普表示:“从今年开始,我们将把对印度的军事销售增加数十亿美元。我们还在为最终提供F - 35隐形战斗机铺平道路。”联合声明也提及美国“对向印度出售第五代战斗机及水下系统的政策进行评估”。
印度必须权衡其中的利弊。一位官员称:“购买F - 35战机,印度将不可避免地被纳入美国的势力范围,这会损害其战略自主性。不然你觉得为何多年来历届印度政府都采购俄罗斯、法国及其他国家的战机,却从未采购美国战机呢?”
倘若印度真的考虑接受F - 35战机的提议,除了能获得的战略益处外,还需考虑诸多因素,如现货价格、所提供的技术、全寿命周期成本、维护保养等。尤其要格外注意,不能让印度自身投资超1500亿卢比的先进中型战斗机(AMCA)这一第五代战斗机项目受到不利影响。去年3月,印度国家安全委员会已批准该项目的研发。
The operational 5th-Gen jets currently are the American F-35 Lightning-II and F/A-22 Raptor, the Chinese Chengdu J-20 and Russian Sukhoi-57. China has deployed J-20s at its airfields facing India and is even going to soon supply a variant to Pakistan, while it also conducted maiden flights of two new 6th-Gen prototypes in Dec.
With IAF grappling with just 30 fighter squadrons when it is authorised 42.5, and HAL struggling to produce even a 4th-Gen Tejas, Indian security planners are obviously concerned. "With AMCA still at least 10-12 years away from production, IAF will obviously be deeply interested in getting two to three squadrons (36 or 54 jets) of F-35s in the interim. If you need deterrence to prevent wars, you obviously need capabilities," another official added.
目前现役的第五代战机有美国的F - 35“闪电II”和F/A - 22“猛禽”、中国的成都J - 20以及俄罗斯的苏霍伊 - 57。中国已在面向印度的机场部署了J - 20战机,甚至很快还将向巴基斯坦提供一款改进型。此外,去年12月,中国两架新型第六代战机原型机还进行了首次试飞。
印度空军获批编制为42.5个战斗机中队,但目前实际仅有30个,而且印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)连第四代“光辉”战机的生产都困难重重,印度的安全规划者们显然忧心忡忡。另一位官员补充道:“由于AMCA至少还需10 - 12年才能投入生产,在此期间,印度空军显然会对获得两到三个中队(36架或54架)的F - 35战机深感兴趣。毕竟,若要威慑对手以避免战争,显然需要具备相应的能力。”
What garbage articles. F35 is very expensive and has huge issues, needs constant maintenance. Israeli f35 were locked by iranian radar and circled back. So it's stealth is also compromised. It would be best to buy su 57, get technology and work jointly.
Nikus Kumar Giri
India doesn,t need F35. This is the basic issue. Tejas MK2 and Rafale Super Sukhoi is enough
Tejas MK2 and MK1A are 10 and 3 years away!!! MK2 still on drawing board
Wrong the first deliveries of Tejas mk1a are expected in march this year. Second Tejas mk2 production is expected by 2029.
Savio Gomes
Tejas MK2 is expected by 2036 and MK1A by 2027 as per IAF Chief himself. And both have old technology.
Ashok Kumar
Why Feku Need F35 Jets Now? Already Rafale Jets For Field & Navy are available plus Feku is buying few more Rafale from France. Operational Cost & Maintenence Charges besides Depreciation Is Costly Affair. Have Feku used any Rafale in last 7 years? Feku's APPEASEMENT POLICY OF TRUMP USA TO SAVE ADANI.
Vivek Kaushik
Ashok kumar, mind your language. Respect the PM of your country.
Chill Pill
Is Bharat at war with anyone?? then why this arming..?? Within 1 - 2 months of coming to power, 2laund is fleecing Bharat so easily and our feet are bending without protest, not even a whimper. Now pay thousands upon thousands of crores buying these planes to please him, maintain with spare parts Bharat can never even dream of making. Biden didn't force this on you. Foolish chaara - chewing praja looking on at hugs and thinking something great is happening. Lage rahiioo praja!
Ivan Wolf
Egypt has hundreds American F16 armed with best US missiles. However, Egypt pilots soon found out their F16 won't go near Israel and their US missiles can only fly a few kms, rendering both useless. So all those American F16s are for window - dressing, all controlled by US hidden code. Egypt finally bought China J10C and PL15 missiles with hundreds km range and NO restrictions. American F35 are under much tighter control, by USA
India does not for sure need the junk Styker and Javelin as all are much below the quality and standards of Indian products we produce like Nag, vshorad, and whap vehicle. The F - 35 is political decission though we are making stealth AMCA, and both Tejas mk2 and Tejas mk1a has some degree of radar cross - section reduction. We should get what we need as Trump sees Muslims and China as enemy, and so looks at India as natural friend. There is no bribe for friendship with America, but yes there are other sectors that can be invested like energy, water treatment, and many other sector chips. India must secure itself as America seems to failing to compete with China, and India is the only country capable of doing this. We need to reform our system so we can utilize the best talent and make India a competitive place.
Remember 1962 war. Lost Akshai Chin.
So what? It is not defeat for ever.
Ivan Wolf
Aksai Chin was never India's, so how could it LOST? A proper way to say is India the thief tried to steal Aksai Chin but got beat and thus failed
Thanks to debauch ted rose chacha.
Prad Pat
Kindly don't rely on USA. for defense. Trump is there for only 4 years. Also, most of variants of these crafts/jets, there is in - built Kamikaze control which is controlled by Pentagon through satellite. If activated, fighter jet will simply stop engine and navigational control system resulting in instant crash. Kindly ask for navigational control system software too.
krishnanmr Krishnan
We will be living in an imaginary world and fool's paradise if we do not face the reality that MIGHT IS RIGHT in the present world. I am not a defense expert, but one thing is India needs the best whether F 35 or any other and strive to achieve that. Strategic independence, strategic freedom are all illusions to justify inaction and needs to introspect whether Non - alignment or strategic freedom all these years could deter China, Pakistan and even Bangladesh from needling our country so many times. The motto needs to be to acquire might strengthen yourself, hide your strength and bide your time. No one touches a giant.
PT Teacher
though IAF would love to grab it with both hands given the China factor AND SHAMELESS desh - bakth soon start a campaign spreading false rumors that F - 35 IS INDIAN with it's similarities in design thank you NGC documentary that we watched previously hea praise about gadgets and alien technologies mentioned in ancient text mahabharat. DARE YOU ASK US HOW (for which we have no clear answer and we start stuttering) starting tonight American import is now officially INDIAN. Take that up yours REST OF THE WORLD LOSERS!! MIND IT
就因为中国因素,印度空军肯定想立马拿下F - 35。然后那些不要脸的“爱国贼”很快就会造势,到处造谣说F - 35因为设计相似,就是印度的了。这都得“归功”于咱们之前看的NGC纪录片,一个劲儿夸《摩诃婆罗多》里提到的那些小玩意儿和外星技术。要是你敢问怎么就成印度的了(其实我们也说不清楚,只能结结巴巴),从今晚开始,美国进口的这玩意儿就正式算印度的了。世界其他国家的失败者们,接招吧!!给我记好了。
By grabbing all Defence deals with India, Trump is going to Make America Great Again to run it's Weapons Factories. Hard time for PM Modi to retreat back once he is under control of Trump.
Ivan Wolf
India can buy a few F35, share it with Russia so that Russians can train their S500 to shoot it down easily
The Stryker armoured infantry combat vehicles can be easily destroyed by smart weapons.
Mahadeo Shete
Do you need policy like Congress government or leftist to loot country's wealth as they have been doing since independence and kee our armed forces weak. Every time what ever Congress government procured to earn commission. It never tried to make in India.
Feku wants to buy american and french. So he is not putting good effort towards Tejas. Indias defense industry not making headway.
As an article, I find it deeply insightful, informative and immersive, and I dare say, thought - provoking. The writer has certainly applied his research skills to bring out this excellent piece. While acquiring weaponry from a super power is the prerogative of the government, no doubt, Modi should be extremely cautious while dealing with the Don in this matter. The US has always been a warmonger with its droo economy often boosted by selling armaments to nation's in need. I'm sure India and its powers that be both, in the political and defence dispensation, would weigh all the considerations before signing the deal.
Kumar Sayani Sayani
indian even do a research before buying a mobile phone. I am sure the guys will do proper checks before deciding on anything
Mahadeo Shete
Do you need policy like Congress government or leftist to loot country's wealth as they have been doing since independence and kee our armed forces weak. Every time what ever Congress government procured to earn commission. It never tried to make in India.
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