

China celebrates Trump's talks with Russia | DW News


Donald Trump's outreach to Vladimir Putin has shaken European delegates at the Munich Security Conference, especially in the light of JD Vance’s rhetorical attack on European de ocracy. But they’ve been welcomed by China, which sees an opportunity to profit from divisions between the US and Europe.

特朗普向弗拉基米尔·普京示好,这一举动在慕尼黑安全会议上震动了欧洲代表们,尤其是在 JD·万斯对欧洲进行言辞抨击的背景下。


据航空信息网站“flight radar 24”显示,一架美军飞机于当地时间13日晚抵达俄罗斯首都莫斯科。多家关注此事的媒体表示这一情况非常罕见。




NATO searchs War. Unfortunatelly, Europe followed this Russia surrounding strategy made by the US


China is smart. I have to give them that.


More like opportunists. Comes down to countries you can trust and rely on and ones you can't. China is the latter.


Of course they would love for Europe to drop US. Esp that Europe is adopting a authotean rule. Life is fun


China hasn't been in a war in over 40 years. Now they are the second largest economy and everyone in the world depends on their manufacturing. It's crazy what can happen when you don't run around the world starting a bunch of dumb wars and focus on your own development.


周羽 - v3j
Regarding the DW journalist's question about why China needs to increase its nuclear arsenal—it's because the Chinese people have endured nuclear threats that Europeans never faced! During the Korean War, when conventional warfare failed to defeat the Chinese volunteers, General Douglas MacArthur repeatedly advocated for the U.S. to use nuclear weapons against China, which ultimately contributed to his dismissal. Then in 1969, after the Sino - Soviet border conflict, Soviet leadership explicitly threatened to conduct a'surgical nuclear strike' on Beiing. When China was still a vulnerable nation, it faced nuclear coercion from both Cold War superpowers—a historical trauma no Chinese can ever forget.
The innate sense of crisis in the Chinese DNA teaches us: Nuclear weapons may never be used, but we must possess them—and not fewer than the United States or Russia. Zhou Bo's remarks are entirely justified. While most military rankings place Russia second and China third, everyone knows Russia's conventional forces and combat capabilities pale in comparison to China's. Why does the U.S. dare to confront China in the Pacific while avoiding direct conflict with Russia? The answer lies in nuclear deterrence: The U.S. and Russia each have over 5,000 nuclear warheads, while China possesses only around 600.
So when the U.S. and Russia propose nuclear arms reduction and demand China's participation now? Sorry, but as Chinese people, our stance is clear: Only when China possesses a nuclear arsenal comparable in size to that of the U.S. and Russia can we sit at the negotiating table as equals. Until then, there's nothing to discuss.





Poignant historical trauma. When China tested the nuclear bombs, they showed the documentary films to all Chinese people. Watching the destruction we were scared shitless. My mom, tried to assuage us, with same fear in her unconvincingly voice, "Don't worry... they would never use these kind of things on us..."



Effluent. China went to war against the United Nations and then was defeated by conventional forces under the commands of American and Australia to be forced back to North Korea under UN resolution



Aleph - alpha
@seanlander9321 First of all, that’s not UN army, just US and its puppets. Secondly, when the Chinese joined the war, the “UN army” was at the China - Korea border, where did they end? I think that tells you how defeated was China.

@seanlander9321 首先,那根本不是什么联合国军,就是美国带着一帮小弟。其次,中国参战的时候,所谓“联合国军”都打到中朝边境了,最后他们到哪儿去了?我看这就知道到底谁输谁赢了。


Are you seriously trying to say that Europeans never faced a nuclear threat????? What do you think EVERYONE in Europe, WEST AND EAST were terrified of during the cold war? It permeated everything from politics to culture. Films were made about it, numerous songs and works of art and literature. Generations of people had nightmares about it for years. What do you think people were feeling during the Cuban missile crisis? Europe would have been the most densely bombed region of the world if nuclear war happened. Just look at the plan for "7 days to the Rhine" scenario.



Aleph - alpha
@honved1 But you can’t understand why China wants to increase its nuclear arsenal?

@honved1 可你咋就不明白中国为啥要扩充核武库呢?

@honved1 What he is referring to are the actual, specific acts that were to use nukes against China, like, during the Korean War, or during China's confrontation with the USSR. Europe was only under strategical threats, even as of now. But then the whole world has been under such threat, if the MAD is activated by the two nuke monsters.

@honved1 他说的是实实在在要对中国用核武器的事儿,像朝鲜战争的时候,还有中国跟苏联对峙的时候。欧洲就算到现在,也只是面临战略威胁。但要是那俩核大国把“相互确保摧毁”机制给触发了,那全世界都得遭殃。

"China's rising global dominance has always given America headaches. It's impossible for America to contain China when Russia is isolated. America needs Russia to counterbalance China, and China needs Russia as a potential ally in case of a conflict with the US. However, America's efforts to isolate Russia, along with its allies, have inadvertently pushed Russia towards China."


Jack - 4v
Basically, Russia may be no superpower but it is an extreme good ally both in resources and locations, plus the Russian and the Chinese don't exactly get along.


loco - tw8rj
@Jack - 4v China is now Russia's largest trading partner.

@Jack - 4v 中国现在是俄罗斯最大的贸易伙伴。

Jack - 4v
@loco - tw8rj Yes, but that allies for convenience. If one get a chance to subject the other and become the dominant one, they will take it.

@loco - tw8rj 没错,但这结盟就是图个方便。要是一方有机会压制另一方,自己占主导,肯定会这么干。

@Jack - 4v After the Korean War and the split between China and the Soviet Union, Both The capitalist camp and eastern bloc, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, contain China from 1960 - 1980 Simultaneously

So, of course, Russia is not an ally of China, Because even though the Soviet Union was an formal ally of China in 1969, China attacked its only ally, Since then, China has stopped expanding its alliance system, Today, China's only ally is North Korea.
China deliberately don't want to maintain the alliance system, China has also refused to form an alliance with Russia many times, because China is not the United States, Chinese is not white, is not capitalism, So don't project yourself on Chinese.

@Jack - 4v 朝鲜战争之后,中苏关系又破裂了,从1960年到1980年,美国领导的zb主义阵营和苏联领导的东方集团,两边同时围堵中国。


中国就是故意不想维持联盟体系,也多次拒绝跟俄罗斯结盟,因为中国又不是美国,中国人不是白人,也不是资 本主义国家,所以别拿你们那套想法来揣度中国人。


"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu ("Art of War", ca. BC. 5.)

“不战而屈人之兵,乃战争的最高境界。”—— 孙子(《孙子兵法》,约公元前5世纪)

wow,well said China!


China: "We cannot change Russians mentality"
Germany: not wanting to fight this time



Down - tyme
China shys away from war as much as possible, though it may change if directly threatened like increased US arms supplies to India for one thing.


@Down - tyme China knows it had the best chance of wng an economic war rather than a military one. At least for now

@Down - tyme 中国心里明白,打经济战比打军事战胜算更大。至少目前是这样。

Down - tyme
@nhatho1723 Chinese don't see it as economic war perse. They are into cooperation rather than war. It's the West which seems to engage in far flung wars and regime change.

@nhatho1723 中国人可不觉得这是经济战。他们更愿意合作,而不是打仗。倒是西方老喜欢到处挑起战争,搞政权更迭。

Russia and China should join NATO. Lets forget all this conflict. Why is it so hard to come up with peace?
Oh I forgot. NATO will not exst without Russia as a threat.



This war started because Russia saw Ukraine’s desire to join NATO as a major security threat.
This membership would allow NATO expansion to deploy missiles and weapons along Russia’s border with Ukraine.



Ukraine wanted to join NATO after Russia had occupied donetsk, lugansk and annexed Crimea!


MAKAKA2024 - b7y
@Petal4822 No. Putin can not let Ukraine to become de ocratic and prosperous nation, because russians would start questioning their gobernment about things. Also Putin thinks he is a tsar. Look guys, even this all does not look good for Ukraine, we may still see some major changes and things can turn the other way round. Peace for people of Ukraine.

@Petal4822 不对。普京可不想让乌克兰变成繁荣的国家,不然俄罗斯人就该对政府有意见了。而且普京还觉得自己是沙皇呢。各位,虽然现在局势对乌克兰不利,但说不定还会有大变化,事情可能会反转。希望乌克兰人民能迎来和平。

@lantrick Finland is a stable country with a long history of neutrality and smart balanced politic. Finland doesn’t have nationalists marching in its capital chanting anti - Russian slurs. Finland wasn’t leasing any land to Russia’s navy. There is not CIA proliferation on Finland Russia border; or at least NYT did not tell us yet. It’s a less populous area and not so easy to infiltrate into Russia like it used to be from East Ukraine, which was like a border between Canada and US and people speak same language. It doesn’t matter that Finland is in NATO. It’s not a threat, if it acts as a threat, no it would not, much smarter and less corrupt politics than in Ukraine.

@lantrick 芬兰是个稳定的国家,保持中立的历史悠久,政治上也很明智、平衡。芬兰首都可没有民族主义者游行,喊着反俄口号。芬兰也没租地给俄罗斯海军。芬俄边境也没有中情局到处搞事儿;至少《纽约时报》还没报道。那地方人口没那么密集,也不像东乌克兰以前那样容易渗透进俄罗斯,东乌克兰就跟美国和加拿大边境似的,两边人还说同一种语言。芬兰加入北约也没什么大不了的。它不是威胁,就算想当威胁,以芬兰比乌克兰明智和清廉得多的政治状况,也威胁不起来。

Practically all this conversation was about NATO and western allies incompetence against two countries (China, Russia)


Appropriate, logical and valid answer from the China's Colonel to pointing USA feels comfortable to threaten, surrounding with allies(Japan, S. Korea) and military bases around China but dare not against Russia. This is due and because Russia having 6500 nuclear bombs which is about 500 more than USA having 6000.. China has far less(600) from both USA and Russia!


user - ggyy34wsk575
He did talk about India's role in peacekee. As a rising super power, India indeed can help to make india great again, MIGA

他确实谈到了印度在维和方面的作用。作为一个正在崛起的超级大国,印度确实可以助力实现 “印度再伟大”

China is a peaceful country... and it celebrates peace in other countries.

中国是一个爱好和平的国家, 并且乐见其他国家也享有和平。

China shouldn't get involved, it's not your problem and not your responsibility. It's a European situation for them to decide


EU needs to grow bigger balls and tell trump to take a hike.


AlexKaehler - qc8kd
The US has been in Europe since '45 to protect itself. 2000 years of history inform us that leaving Europe to its own devices is a bad idea. The US formed NATO to protect itself, and West Germany first pushed for the integration that would become the EU to further that goal. Multiple world wars and ethnic cleansing and interfering with US trade, etc., came first.


From what I've seen of the war games, some the US win, some China win. Either way it would be a huge loss to both nations. War is not inevitable.


afnir - santpoon84
I never supported Chinese expansion, but this Chinese delegate changed my mind, his intellectual and choice of word is so balanced no one gets hurts of other national interests. i dont know much of Chinese foreign policy, but the win - win policy is the way China has advanced so much this era and coming generations


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