

What aspects of Indians are disliked most by people of other nationalities?


随着印度的发展,经济和人口上都在逐渐的追赶。两国成为世界最大的人口大国 ,在各国人眼中,他们就开始对比中印之间的区别了。



Ian Melville

Having been to India several times, had countless interactions with Indians at all levels of education.. the thing I found most frustrating was the inability to realise that sometimes ‘no’ is the correct answer..

You might not know how to do something, or where to get something, or the right person to call.. just say so. Then we can move on together to determine the right way forward.

我去过印度好几次,与不同教育程度的印度人有过无数次交流。最让我沮丧的是,他们有时意识不到, 很多时候就该直接说“不知道” 。




I can’t thing of a damn thing. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to come up with something, maybe I’d say the caste system and their polluting their rivers in India? Never met one who crossed me wrong! Delightful people, truly. The ones I met were all polite and well educated. When I was about 7 years old my mother had an Indian friend who cooked for us one night, and I forever fell in love with their food too.




Peter Kaye

From my perspective? Pride and arrogance, as a group, but individually? No difference between them or any other nationality, even had a very good Indian mate ( Arule ) don’t know if that’s the correct spelling, because never saw his name written on anything, while in India, now getting back to the Question, I’ve developed a bias against Indians because of their arrogance thinking they are better then a lot of other people, especially against the Chinese, with whom I have a close affinity with seeing I married one, and lived and worked there for four years, that’s where my dislike stems from,






Joe McCracken

Americans often knock Indians because they like to bargain and make offers over every transaction, this is more an American problem than an Indian one as bargaining is the norm in most of the world.

I'm from the UK but now live in the California Bay area. When I first arrived in the early 90s, I behaved exactly the same way. It's completely normal and accepted in England. Not as much as in a Turkish market, but somewhere in the middle.

When I first arrived in California, I was haggling over every deal, wanting a discount for cash and using incentives to try and get a reduced price.




When I went to get a car, I wanted to know how much of a discount I could get for paying in cash, and for paying all upfront, the salesman just looked at me confused. “It's the same price”, he replied awkwardly.

The USA has a very different culture, but at the same time, some Americans take advantage of it and overcharge, knowing most will pay face value and never question it.

I did find that when it came to big negotiations, like buying/selling property and businesses, that this tactic of haggling works just as well as anywhere in the world. In the end, money talks!

In the end, while it may be confusing, even a little insulting to some Americans, but knowing how to haggle and negotiate deals is a big advantage and can actually result in some big wins. Didn't belittle this skill, question everything, just choose your moments






Tim Newberry

Englishman here:

The fact that they whooped us in the 20/20 series and are in the process of the same in the ODIs.

Other than that, nothing in particular.

(Only a small proportion of us Americans will understand this answer)






Dida M.

Their blatant racism towards anything not white.
Lack of boundaries. I don't understand how they believe it's okay demanding for nude pictures or sex in their first encounter with a woman. Not even your name is important first.
They believe that people who work under their supervision should never be treated with kindness.
They think they should be worshipped.






Bill Chang

My interactions with Indian students and co workers is that they are hyper competitive, they kiss up at their bosses and are hard on subordinates.

The bottom line is that the class system from India still permeates in their behavior when they are overseas.

Some are wonderful and so we should not dislike people from the entire continent.





David Ireland

The fact they talk so fast you can’t understand what they are saying. I told one of our truck drivers once “Fucking slow down! Talk slowly! I can’t understand you!” So he did “Do you want me to talk like this?” “That’s bloody perfect!” I said “Why don’t you talk that like that all the time?” He didn’t answer.

他们说话速度太快,让人根本听不懂他们在说什么。有一次我对我们的一个卡车司机说:“慢点说!说慢点!我听不懂你讲啥!” 于是他照做了,问我:“你是想让我这样说话吗?”

我说:“这样太完美了!你为啥不一直这样说话呢?” 他没回答。


Lala Singh

I guess the biggest one is looking down on other nationalities for their flaws but then doing the same things. For example, they want to shame Americans for being racist but skin color matters in India.

Will never own up to their flaws and, when they get called out, gaslight and double down. No, we don’t still have doweries or arranged marriages, or we do not have a misogynistic society. What about what is going on in the news? Response: “THATS THE UNEDUCATED”


他们从不承认自己的缺点,一旦被人指出,就会倒打一耙,死不认错。比如说 “我们早就没有嫁妆习俗和包办婚姻了”,或者 “我们的社会不存在歧视女性的现象”。那新闻里报道的那些事怎么解释呢?他们的回应是:“那都是没受过教育的人干的。”

Hypocrisy of NRIs. Everyone is so “Oh Mother India” with the whole of their chest. But will peace out and go abroad at the drop of a dime if offered. But then go abroad and constantly complain how everything sucks and how it is done in India is SO much better. But don’t you dare say one bad thing about India or defend your country.

How anyone who isn’t Indian is looked down upon as stupid and not educated enough for anything.

The constant “I am better than you because…..” it gets exhausting. This is between other Indians too.

印度裔海外侨民(NRIs)的虚伪表现也很突出。每个人都满腔热情地喊着 “哦,印度母亲”。但只要一有机会,立马毫不犹豫地出国。可到了国外,又不停地抱怨国外这也不好那也不好,印度的一切都要好得多。但要是你说印度一句不好,或者维护自己的国家,那可就不行了。


那种没完没了的 “我比你强,因为……” 真让人疲惫不堪。甚至印度人之间也这样。


I’m in Australia and I dislike or atleast have to think twice when I’m meeting an Indian for any sort of conversation or business transaction.

The rudest aspect is they assume you know Hindi because you’re from India. Had a gardner call me the other day immidiately starts talking in Hindi till I tell him I can’t understand a word he says cause I’m from the south. Right, ok he swings by my place looks at all the weeds and quotes a $150 for weeding as hes doing it suddenly looks up at me..sir its taking too long give me $200 now? I’m sorry you quoted your job after inspection of my lawn! if he actually stopped talking over the phone throughout the job and focused on the task at hand I’m sure he would have finished the job earlier!


最无礼的一点是,他们因为你来自印度,就假定你懂印地语。前几天有个园丁给我打电话,一接通就开始说印地语,直到我告诉他我一句都听不懂,因为我来自印度南部。好吧,他到我家,看了看满园杂草,报价150澳元除草。可干着干着,他突然抬头对我说:“先生,这耗时太长了,现在给我200澳元吧?” 不好意思,你是在查看过我的草坪后才报的价啊!要是他在干活的时候不一直打电话,而是专注手头的工作,我肯定他能早点完工!

Here is another example speaking loudly in your mother tounge in a public spot. C’mon guys we are better than that! The others actually think this is rude firstly cause you are talking so loudly and secondly, to them, you’re talking gibberish. Unfortunately I see this while going to office, a time when usually people like to be left alone in silence or when coming back from office just when people want to relax. Its quiet irritating!

Somehow Indian people need to understand one thing manners. Had a lady approach my wife and kid the other day in the park. No hi no how are you no may I ask you a question, nothing ..but right away asks rudely albeit “how much rent are you paying” then follows up with “how much do you earn” what what what? Sorry are you my accountant or property agent for me to disclose that to you? We just met so please back off! Havent visited that park ever since!


不知怎的,印度人得明白一个道理——要有礼貌。前几天在公园里,有个女士走向我妻子和孩子。既不打招呼,也不问好,连 “我能问你个问题吗” 都不说,直接就很无礼地问:“你们房租付多少啊?” 接着又问:“你们挣多少钱啊?” 什么什么?不好意思,你是我的会计还是房产中介吗,我得向你透露这些?我们才刚认识,离远点吧!从那以后我就再也没去过那个公园!

Bringing indian work culture to Australia. Had an indian manager bitch about me to my white aussie friends. Some people are offended that I dont ‘sir’ them in the work place. Again talking loudly in hindi to fellow indians in a work setting! Nah

Wen to a try and volunteer for a charity yesterday..hardly any indians butttt somehow we take advantage of those food stalls and get cheap groceries! Disgusting.

The list goes on..use a dryer no one wants to see your baniyan and chaddi hanging outside and user a fabric softner that will stop your clothes from smelling of garam masala. Dress well for formal events.

Get a life outside of where do you work? How much you earn? How much you paid for your house? How much savings?

还有把印度的工作文化带到澳大利亚。有个印度经理向我的澳大利亚白人朋友说我坏话。有些人因为我在工作场合不称呼他们 “先生” 就不高兴。而且又在工作场合大声用印地语和印度同事交谈!够了。


这样的事还有很多…… 用烘干机吧,没人想看到你的内衣裤晾在外面,用点柔顺剂,别让衣服闻起来一股印度香料味。正式场合穿得体面点。

别总围着 “你在哪工作?挣多少钱?房子花了多少钱买的?有多少积蓄?” 这些话题转,找点别的生活乐趣吧。


Thomas Jones

The first thing to say is that people are shaped by their environment and India’s environment is that of survival being more challenging than most places. This is going to shape the attitudes and behaviour of people.

So it is no surprise that some of the Indians that rise to the top and migrate overseas behave the way they do (i.e. loud, aggressive, deceitful, scamming, racist, arrogant, blustering etc). Of course when you go to India you see that a) it is clear why some people behave like that (ruthless competition) and b) that most Indians are actually pretty good people despite the hardships they go through.



But for the badly behaved Indians overseas they need to realise a) they are giving India a very bad name around the world (this is very much happening) and b) no excuse such as colonialism, history etc is going to prevent them from experiencing blowback.

Every country has its embarrassments and India is no exception. They key is for Indians to reign in the bad actors and improve their global reputation if they want to be respected worldwide.

It must be noted that there is no way i’m endorsing prejudice against Indians in generally who are of course no different to anyone else and are honest, hospitable, trustworthy etc. These people are having their reputation tarnished by some of their countrymen and should probably act to prevent any more reputational damage, which they don’t deserve.






Most of them are rude and they see women as a mere sexual object. Moreover, they suffer a huge inferiority complex towards white Europeans making a relationship with them almost impossible.




The biggest one is the lack of assimilation. Indians tend to have a subconscious superiority complex towards other nationalities. Pair that with a ingoistic tenor, they can often be rude.



Wilhelm Kratochwil

They cannot prepare food - every taste is killed by too much spice. When I first visited Mumbai and
ate there, my mouth was burning from one end to the other. Further their “mutton” with cut bones is
a declaration of incapability.

Second as to my experience too many Indians feel either too less value or are too pretending. Both
shows a bad selfconfidence. Perhaps for this like for prudish customs the former British colonialists
are to blame.

Third I disliked begging foreigners for pens, rupees or for offering drugs in many places. Pickpockets
in a Hindu temple were top of shit.

Along the streets of Mumbai outside of centre there were for about 15 km only open channels with swimming and stinking shit and waste - a fountain of diseases. Inmidst the city of Mumbay between
the skyscrapers people live in plastic tents - naturally equipped with TV - and shit around the tents.
These were the most awful smells of my life and a shock of culture.

Is this enough?








Spike Cullity

Sadly self-entitled and downright rude or impolite by our European standards.

Both of which are considered really undesirable here in Switzerland. Things like “Good morning, may I have this, please, thank you and goodbye, have a nice day” seem to be completely alien to them. Politeness. it’s the type of Vaseline that keeps the world going. They’re as polite as a barn door.

“Give me this”. It’s so offensive.


在瑞士,这两种特质都非常令人反感。像 “早上好,请问我可以要这个吗?谢谢,再见,祝你有美好的一天” 这类礼貌用语,对他们来说似乎完全陌生。礼貌就像凡士林,能让世界运转得顺畅些。可他们就像谷仓门一样毫无礼貌可言。

“把这个给我。” 这种说法太冒犯了。

The self-entitlement is even more offensive in Switzerland. Good on you for your (self-perceived) achievements but don’t look down on me. It makes me want to slap you. Horrid. Most very well off people here don’t behave like that at all.

It all might stem from their horrible cast system. For us it’s a throwback to the Middle Ages. We freed ourselves of that more than 500 years ago.

The funny thing is they don’t realise that, for normal people, they’re at the bottom of our own perceptive class system… bottom of the feeding order. Sad attitude.

The above seems to apply more to the old generation. Second and third generation are somewhat different as some of the Swiss values have been drummed into them at a young age.



有趣的是,他们没意识到,在普通人眼中,在我们的认知阶层体系里,他们处于底层…… 就像食物链底层一样。这种态度很可悲。



Ruth Jones

Indian Customer: What is your price to fix my washing machine please?

English Plumber: I can fix it for £200.

Indian Customer: OK OK

English Plumber: I have finished the job. Your washing machine is working now. Here is my bill.

Indian Customer: OK. I pay you £100

English Plumber: The price is £200

Indian Customer: I pay £100! My father is a very important man.

English Plumber: If you don’t pay me £200 immediately, I will leave now and I will take the door off your washing machine with me. Your choice.

Indian Customer reluctantly hands over £200











Keith A.

I had worked with them, the ones who came directly from India were terrible co-workers. Most of them are know-it-alls and doesn't take accountability for their own mistakes. They are greedy and will cheat you on money too. They have very poor hygiene and not being racist, they ask personal questions on first meetings.



Jaap Koop

Some in my team are of Indian descent. I had a 1:1 with one of them, so we went out for a coffee. So when we were done I picked up our cups to bring them to the counter, as one does. He put his hands on my arm and said: ‘No no, that is their job.’.

Reminded me of what happened about 20 years ago now. At the bank where I was working a lot of people from India were flown in; they were our IT partners. It was not unusual for a lot of them to, when we did overtime, wait for the cleaners to clean, then throw stuff around and then make the cleaners come back to clean their mess up.




Snehal Rana

I'm an Indian, staying in India.

Despite that there are certain habits that make me cringe:

Speaking loudly.

Eating noisily.

Cutting queues.

Staring at foreigners.

Basically, a huge lack of manners and etiquettes.

But then, we Indians also have a great many positive habits that kinda nullifies the negatives.

We respect elders.

We are, mostly, intelligent and hardworking .

We love making friends and living in a society, harmoniously.












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