Is China’s military really built for war? New report questions Beiing’s arms buildup
China is not ready for war, according to a contentious report from a US think tank
China has pursued a head-turning military buildup, during which the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) – previously not even one of the strongest in Asia – has started to rival, or in some categories surpass, the US military in analysts’ estimations.
Simulations by US defense experts have repeatedly shown the US – widely regarded as the world’s strongest military – having a tough time matching the PLA in a fight close to China’s shores, especially over the island of Taiwan, which is claimed by Beiing.
A conventional war between the US and China is a “remote possibility,” and Pentagon planners should focus on a wider variety of Chinese threats than missiles and bombs, he added.
Few doubt that the PLA has made great strides in both the number and quality of weapons it can field. Take for example its warships, led by the Type 055 destroyer, classified by many analysts as the most powerful surface combatant in the world.
The PLA Navy launched its 10th Type 055 last year, with as many as six more expected in the coming years. Each requires a crew of about 300 sailors.
Collin Koh, research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said building the high-tech warships may be easier than crewing them – because modern warships need young sailors to take on complex tasks, and that requires extensive training.
“The army could likely assimilate someone from the countryside … who might not get a lot of education … and train him up to be an infantryman. But if you want to train somebody who is able to man the controls in the combat information center in the warship, fire a missile and to maintain a missile, that requires a bit more,” Koh said.
While I would never want a war with China, why wouldn’t we consider China a significant and capable threat? It would be dangerous to underestimate them.
If we get into a war with China, it will get real bad for us! This country is not prepared to fight them while the politicians destroy the country!
The country isn’t prepared for the loss of goods!
I wouldn’t blame the politicians for destroying the country. They don’t just appear magically in office. The people put them there.
No not really, I know this culture! They can’t think for themselves!
Remember when China fought the US to a stalemate, even with political commissars, and an American overwhelming superiority in artillery, armour, air support, naval support etc.
Right now, the US definitely doesn't have that overwhelming superiority any more. In fact, regionally, China will probably have the naval and anti - air, and anti - ship superiority if the clash happens. If China and the US comes to blows over Taiwan, expect a ground invasion by the Chinese army from North Korea to take South Korea and push US forces out.
Amphibious warfare is a very complex undertaking. The invasion of Taiwan with ground troops is almost as far in distance as, the invasion of Normandy. The Allied forces had naval superiority in The English Channel and air superiority at the time ( as with the Pacific theatre's Island Hop Campaign). China would have a more, contested crossing of the Taiwan Strait.
Nope. China would win easy
Korea is the key!
Hmmm, sounds like Trump is trying to do the same in the US. Maybe the thinktanks should soon rethink the preparedness of the US to fight a war. When the President fires or appoints generals for political reasons, we aren't doing much better than appointing political commissars to lead our armies
John Doe
I will agree with you on one point. The US needs to step up it's preparedness in the newest kinds of warfare, electronic warfare being our biggest shortcoming.
So where was all your criticism when Obama was purging the pentagon of all the important right leaning generals?
You know, the ones who were more focused on war, not the ones who were focused on getting more DEI in the military.
Didn't bat an eye did you?
Pretty hypocritical wouldn't you say?
In a near peer war the US will make Ukraine look like Disneyland. Bringing back the mission now, bringing back the swagger we have been sorely missing.
Oh, let's keep Mark Milley and his band of clowns leaving $billions of gear for the Taliban and telling China what we are doing. Not to mention the troops that died in the withdrawal. All under his watch. The same guy who said Russia would take Ukraine in 3 weeks. Some generals need to be purged.
China’s focus has been on improving its society with advances of technology and science.
America is unable to change course and can only hold power through military might.
At this point China can just wait it out as America starts to cripple itself under the weight of its bloated defense budget.
Don’t joke yourself, everything is about military might. Power is a top priority for human beings no matter how much civilized we claim we are. Ask yourself what is tech and science actually going to get you? The newest smartphone? The west knows how important the military is that is why the US pays that much for it.
China's tech advances are from rip of America
I have seen over the last 20 years..... America been making money thru 'destroying'. China going thru different approach. They build to make money. Prove me wrong please.
US lost with its 17 allies to China in Korea War, then Viet Nam war, when China had no advanced weapons. Now US weaponry is obsolete. No air defense against China's hypersonic missiles. No manufacturing capability even to keep up with repairing ships and planes (drops pretty often this year), not to mention its capacity vs China's ship building capacity at 230 times that of US. China is getting 6 generation jets? Where is US's?
have you ever heard of the TR - 3B?
these things are over 40 years old so what do we have now?
If US rely on rumors to fight wars, good luck!
The rumor about the TR - 3B first surfaced in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was allegedly coined by a man named Edgar Fouche, who claimed to be a high - ranking Air Force member2. Fouche toured UFO conventions during that time, presenting information about the "Tactical Reconnaissance - 3B" and its supposed mercury propulsion system.
Since then, the TR - 3B has become a popular subject of speculation and conspiracy theories, but there's no concrete evidence to support its exstence.
关于TR - 3B的传言最早出现在20世纪80年代末90年代初。据说是一个叫埃德加•富歇的人编出来的,他自称是美国空军的高级成员。那段时间富歇到处参加不明飞行物大会,介绍所谓“战术侦察 - 3B”及其汞推进系统的信息。
从那以后,TR - 3B就成了猜测和阴谋论的热门话题,但根本没实际证据证明它存在。
The world is returning to normalcy. Goldman Sachs projects China, India, and the U.S. as the top economies respectively by 2070.
Many Americans today can’t comprehend this.
Perhaps some counseling from Historians might help.
by 2070? in the long run we're all dead said Keynes. we are far from any semblance of normalcy.
you cant compare our US gdp to india and china. our per capita gdp is currentlh 5x to 6x that of china or india. but it is not sustainable.
US can't make a budget and shuts down regularly. the longest in history was 35 days, under trump with a republican senate and house, costing the US $5 billion
congress can't balance the budget every year without raising the debt ceiling. in other words the only way we can make our sovereign debt payments is printing money. of we were thr number 2 economy we would not have this luxury - we would default.
The dude who wrote the report for Goldman Sachs must be on drugs. With the ever - growing prison population for violent crimes in the USA, plus a rising number of people depending on zero - dollar shop to make ends meet. The US will not be much of a leading economy. Think about it: 45 years ago, Chinese were going about their business on bicycles and rickshaws. I can't even imagine what China will do by 2070. Beam me up, Scottie.
I'm mixed Korean. I was born in Seoul. Dad was in the 8th Army while I was young. Yonsang Garrison. CSM. I remember how we said all the time how the UN and the USA kicked tail. If it wasn't for political reasons like Truman it wouldn't have been close. We would have nuked China and won.
Then Dad told me otherwise. Told me the Chinese almost won. There was just too many of them and they were like the Soviets. Better in the winter warfare arena.
He told me when he was at Chosin Reservoir, it was like Napoleon, 1812, Russia. The weather was the worst enemy of all.
Dad said he would never underestimate the PLA ever again. He also told me never to do so either.
So I write this. Oh heck no. Until China gets depopulated by their own systems that caused them to shrink into a non - problem, keep an eye to the East.
BTW, the US and the rest of the developed world has the same problem.
It's changing. Tan and Brown actually won the race war thousands of years ago
China may have the means now to hold a super power war. But in terms of developed strategy using their material weapons can be a defining factors how effective they can be. China have not use yet their found military tech power to fight a formidable foe in a coordinated approach and there is no variety in their technique, no real life training. Historically they use swarm technique to subdue an enemy in a military conflict, they did that with Russia, Japan, Vietnam and in Korean war in the 4 major wars China was involved in, and has not yet employed surgical operation except in cabbage strategy in South China sea. Their training in a more complicated war operation as opposed to USA adept in complicated war situation however formidable an enemy might be is very much a questionable. They will have an incoherent response once they battle in a multi - wars affecting multiple places coupled by economic embargo.
As an ethnic chinese, i am highly doubtful of china’s capabilities too. Would be interesting to see how they handle actual war because i simply think that chinese ppl are just not warriors. Most just want a big family and a lot of food to eat. Of course, they will still charge if the masters tell them to, but so did the russians
Since 1991 Russia has fought in 2 Chechen wars, Georgia, in Syria and with Ukraine. China hasn't fought since it was in Vietnam in 79. Look at what has happened to Russia in Ukraine. No one could have expected that. Even the North Korean soldiers were said to be highly motivated and effective because of ideology. China won't have it easy.
china is making a big push right now before the big decline. china's population pyramid is upside down. They will lose 40% of their workforce in the next 5 to 10 years due to retirement or death. They know it's coming and are in absolute panic.
All this talk is the same thing we heard for years about Russia. The same Russia who cannot touch a bunch of farmers with 1980s weapons. China has built their military from stolen technology. You don’t think we know what they have? We let them see what we want.
I would say right now their main focus is maintaining control. But they will start to focus more on projection in the next few years.
What always surprises me about these US v China things. China has so many regional enemies, At least a few would try to take back contested land.
That's also why I think China is currently more concerned about protection at home. They need to be able to hold off a ground invasion on multiple fronts while fighting the US.
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