

BYD says it will begin using solid-state batteries in electric cars in 2027





Solid-state batts are the inevitable future of all batteries, no question, with continued trial and error improving cycle life and charge speed. LFP and NMC batts will be viewed like lead acid in the next 7-10 years.



Imagine how good the new generation of cars will be in ten years!! Technology is just moving ahead in leaps and bounds.



If we didn’t have this promise of solid state batteries coming, then EV uptake would be much higher. Global average daily passenger car miles is 23, so most people don’t need huge EV range. And I don’t find it a problem for the few times I drive more than the 200 mile range my car has, I just stop for a 20 minute break every few hours, it’s quite refreshing. This promise of solid state batteries is just another arm of the fossil lobbyists delaying for their own benefit.



Here in the Netherlands cities already started banning all combustion commercial vehicles from the city centers per 1 jan 2025. Amsterdam already expressed plans to extend that ban to personal cars by 2030. If that trend continues probably over 80% of urban areas will be banned for internal combustion vehicles by 2035. Who wants to buy a car by then that is only allowed on the roads in no-man's-land?



BYD is sending shock waves after shock waves to the market! They just announced self driving for even lower end models and now solid state batteries is launching in 2 years??? Other auto makers must be stressed out!



Thinking about the weight advantage in Solid State Batteries, a 60 kWh would probably give the same range as 70 kWh LFP. Similar physical size battery would give 50 % range boost.



There is a lot of hype around solid state batteries. No doubt some of the hype will be overblown but if BYD can provide a car of the size of the Dolphin with a 250 mile range at 70 mph at the current price of the Dolphin that kills the ICE car as an economically viable option for the vast majority of domestic home uses in Europe and most of the world. But obviously not for the USA where everyone drives more than that every day whilst operating their long distance trombone repair business



I bought a 2023 Ford E-Transit Midroof long bed cargo van that is has 120 miles of range.
It will do what I need it to for now, and I plan to put a decent battery in it in 5 -7 years to get the range I want.
Meanwhile, I will be a frequent flyer at Tesla super chargers on longer trips. Not a big deal.

我买了一辆2023款福特E - Transit中顶长轴距货运面包车,续航120英里。




If I was BYD technical head or chief strategy director I would not be giving away any technical advantage until BYD had achieved maxmum absorption and made a 2 year headway development and implementation. Don't give away your technical edge.
CATL wont be far behind.




I have a 2022 Chevy Equinox on lease and it already broke down twice. Never getting another Chevy again. Hopefully I can get an electric vehicle near the end of the year. Also congratulations to the boys



Every nation is moving up the learning curve in EVs. Especially in battery technology.
Every 5-10 years or so, there will be some new battery technologies rollout that leapfrogs everyone else. That means manufacturers have to recover the R&D costs within a half to one decade. Without super-scale mass production, small battery researcher groups, no matter how brilliant, will have to stand at the sidelines and watch the rapid changes going on around them. Or they can simply franchise out their innovation and patents to the big boys!

Many small scale battery manufacturers will go broke with their brilliant innovations only to be surpassed by some upstart that collaborated with mass manufacturer!





It is possible that the Americans or Koreans may leapfrog the Chinese in terms of breakthroughs in solid state battery tech. However, a breakthrough is one thing. Putting that breakthrough into mass production with a supply chain costs that can guarantee a competitive price offer to the consumer and still be profitable is an entirely different story. So it remains to be seen



I can’t wait- they just opened a BYD dealership in El Salvador Central America. We are above 61% renewable energy here. We rock!!



Here in the US, it could take a generational change lasting 20-30 more years as the oldest drivers die off. Just like 120 years ago, a lot of horse and donkey farmers and country bumpkins refused to believe in those new-fangled tin horseless carriages and “nothing can replace good ol’ Bessie” to pull the plow Just like die’hard ICE old guys now will never buy EV.



Time to get a EV with LFP now. Once the solid state goes into steady mass production & proven reliable, that would be the time to trade in my EV for a new one in 5-6 yrs from now.



Not "really dumb ' not everyone has a driveway or lives near a fast charger. For a lot people, especially those living in apartments, it will not be possible. Great channel Sam, but less insults to those that have limited choices.



500/600kw charging speeds are great, BUT the infrastructure needs to be put into place at an affordable cost to use. In UK not got a decent number of 250kw charging yer and it's expensive



Any of these companies could come up with the next breakthrough--and they are all driving each other to greater efforts. That's one of the true benefits of competition (the other benefit is lower prices). We really can't know which new technology will become dominant--if any: we might continue to use different battery technologies for competitive and different use purposes. E.g. cheaper batteries for around town driving, where range isn't a huge issue, etc.

One downside of all of this is that it keeps some buyers on the sidelines. A car is a big investment, and no one wants to buy one only to have something better and cheaper come out a few months later. But whatever EV one might buy, it's going to be better and cheaper (to operate) than the ICE car you're giving up.




Provided R&D cost could achieve 70-80% cost reduction it will have a massive impact on all levels. End user cost, charging speeds, range, safety etc. Things are starting to look very bright. One thought is what it means to all over sales for the near future? If the new tech is 7 years away I would say it does not have significant impact, because the closer we get to the "deadline" I would assume new tech is discovered that pushes hesitations further away, and would NOT impact on sales too much.

倘若研发成本能降低70 - 80%,那将在各个层面产生巨大影响。包括终端用户成本、充电速度、续航里程、安全性等等。前景开始一片光明。有个想法,这对近期全球销售意味着什么呢?如果这项新技术7年后才问世,我觉得影响不大,因为越临近这个“期限”,我猜会有新的技术出现,打消人们的顾虑,所以对销售不会有太大影响。


This is great news. But I would not buy one. The first generation with will be overpriced and prone to unforeseen problems. I would be totally game for one after 3-5 years of working out the problems though.



Unfortunately the USA could get left behind in the EV technology space due to their policies, especially the USA. I don't support China in any way, however they do seems to be supporting their EV industry and the benefits that come with a mature EV technology base. The US / Trump drill baby drill mantra does not exactly set the scene for EV technology advancement.



there are many definitions on what solid state batteries are... these are probably semi-solid state batteries but by the definition of solid state batteries.. even semi-solid state batteries fall under solid state term. Every improvement is good to hear about.. I just worry about the definitions.



Solid battery would be the last technology competition among all EV companies. After its massive implementation, we would see a halt in EV tech evolution for a period, like what the ICE cars are doing now.



2025 will be a good year for E-cars and new 2030s tech will be unbelievable good. And if 1.200 kilometer range mainstream batteries come along in the middle class cars, we might even forget about all the charging infrastructure cost and worries. Charge at home and You´re good.



A solid state battery with only 300 miles range would be more than adequate for most drivers in a mature EV market with ubiquitous fast charging networks. The average driver doesn't need 1,000 miles range and to be carrying around all that extra battery weight. That would only reduce the efficiency of the vehicle.



The problem with EVs is that there is no real data on their long-term cost compared to an ICE car. EVs have expensive motor dives that will wear out after time and batteries that degrade in range.



EU is probably losing EV competition. In light of the recent development regading Ukraine war (Trump is abandoning Ukraine), EU is gonna lose the AI competition, too, as they need to burn additionally tens of billions for Ukraine when the US is no longer there


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