
“印度制造” 与 “美国优先” 能够共存吗

Can 'Made In India' and 'America First' Co-exst?

“印度制造” 与 “美国优先” 能够共存吗?

Could Narendra Modi’s “Made in India” push co-exst with Donald Trump’s “America First”? We spoke with the Rockefeller’s Ruchir Sharma who expects growing tension between the two nations. Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India Raghuram Rajan analyzes some of the major economic problems that India faces.

纳伦德拉·莫迪所推动的 “印度制造” 能否与唐纳德·特朗普的 “美国优先” 并存呢?


I will very simply put, America first. Make in India, make part of the globe.

Until now, the India growth story has been one of the biggest of the post-pandemic world. Its growth rate touched 8%. Its benchmark stock index, the NIFTY50, has outpaced the S&P 500 since the start of 2021.

At least until recently, the shine has come off the India story a bit. Over the last few months, the stock market's fallen quite a bit over the last few months and in general, growth has slowed down.

So I think that that's the typical pattern in any country and that we see that they only carry out economic reforms under some pressure or when they have their back to the wall and investors have started to look elsewhere. Indian equities saw almost $21 billion of foreign inflows in 2023, but they plummeted to just $124 million last year. And investors have withdrawn more than $12 billion so far this year.

So has something gone wrong with the India growth machine?







The philosophy of Mr Raghuram Rajan is only service sector for Indian growth. His theory is flawed.. Many other experts do not accept his philosophy. Further, he is anti BJP and Modi. He is supporter of opposition Congress party and political in his views, and as such Bloomberg is wrong in asking for his views for impartial assesment.



That's because if India starts excelling in Manufacturing sector, you know the factory of the world will get affected.
Somehow Congress and their supporters go out of their way to further that one country's agenda



@BakruddinMaveshi-r7h This is based on emperical evidence and data when he's saying that. More manufacturing jobs are lost primarily due to automation especially now that robotics and AI are quite advanced already. The nature when CHINA took manufacturing way back 40 years ago is different now when automation was not even being applied that time. Take a look of textile and apparel industry, you don't need as many human labor today sewing clothes, making shoes nor processing materials because of industrial automation. Even with high textile exports in Bangladesh, it barely accommodate the available human labor there. Manufacturing for India is too late already in order for it to accommodate jobs for its very huge population. The bus has already left decades ago.





do not care what are rajan's political inclinations. fact is, we need atleast 7% growth to become developed by 2047, and no matter what bjp says, manufacturing is even declining in gdp share.
tell bjp to do something for god's sake rather than blaming rajan who is at least factually right.




I am not sure in which industry you worked. Even automation needs humans to observe and test. The skill becomes more important. Take for example motherboard manufacture in electronic industry. You can not manually assemble the components. Automation is essential not only to increase productivity but also miniscule nature of the job. Here also need man to supervise. People should understand manufacturing needs brain which himan being only have. AI is invention of man only.



​ @mayanksharma-kj5lq you do your work as well covid then war etc we are doing really very well



@walkspiritually ok bhai. 800 million people requiring free grains and that is called "we are doing very well". this is called love for your nation
I need my 800 million to have good lifestyle, you keep doing well. but I really want my nation to do well, thank you.

好吧,兄弟。有8亿人需要免费的粮食,这就叫 “我们做得很不错” 吗?这就是所谓的爱国吗?我希望这8亿人能过上好的生活,你继续觉得 “不错” 吧。但我真的希望我们的国家能发展得好,谢谢。


Stock market always have cycle... That's basic of stock market.. So called India expert is biased.. India will keep growing.



Make in America for America and Make in India for India can co-exst

“美国制造,为了美国” 和 “印度制造,为了印度” 是可以共存的。


Such an ignorant comment. Explains why India has low standards. Brother, America exports a LOT of things. Including Tech. India's economy does not grow without exporting AND COMPETING with foreign companies. Competition made China what it is. And stealing ideas/reverse engineering. But America did that too. Europe does that too.
In India, its taboo but when they actually do it, its always subpar because its meant for the Indian market. And because India has few options, that stagnation in innovation lingers.






America exports plenty to India as well. They make hella money doing so.



Make in india because india is biggest market and biggest manpower, and india do anything

搞 “印度制造” 吧,印度有最大的市场和最庞大的劳动力,而且印度无所不能。


Raghuramrajan was the worst governor happened to India !! He never say anything positive aboutthe country gave him the top position !



A slow and steady growth is more important in the long term than too fast urbanization. It will be better planned and more robust



India needs as rapid a growth as possible. It has millions of young people entering the workforce every year. The median age is 29! If these people don't get jobs, the country is doomed.



India has only 10 years until its youth will grow old. Slow and steady is another word for slow & inefficient

印度的年轻人再过10年就会变老。所谓的 “缓慢而稳定” 不过是 “缓慢且低效” 的另一种说法罢了。


@sailingadventurer it's more than 10. Real figure is close to 30
But by 2050 we will start to age and the favourable demographic structure will not be there.



Slow steady It's been 75+ years. Since independence every leader came and said we will be superpower. We will have this and that makes false promises.
If you see yourself as a super power then have the ability to implement on ground.
Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Asian countries, Turkey, Middle East... Etc. All have transformed themselves in a decade.
And we are not close to anyone in terms of development






The thing is government has to prioritise in stability more than rapid change.



I think India can't create conditions China had in 1980s when Western countries were at their peak (relatively to the rest). So they didn't mind deindustrialization and outsourcing as well as tech-transfer. But today, it is very different now.



India doesn't need to. It's growing organically. The growth is happening despite exports.



@Bloomberg Television Please remove raghuram ranjan as your SME on Indian economy & Policies primarily because he don't live in india and often times has incorrect understanding of the impact of federal policies on a ground level.. Even when he comes to india he acts as an "Indian Urban Elite"

请不要再让拉古拉姆·拉詹担任你们关于印度经济和政策方面的资深市场专家了,主要是因为他不住在印度,而且常常对联邦政策在基层的影响存在误解。即便他回到印度,充其量也就是一个 “印度城市精英”。


The West has been touting the idea of India replacing China in the supply chain for almost a decade, but the reality is that China has completed its industrial upgrading and now India's competitors are Southeast Asian, African and South American countries, I don't think India has any advantage.



India's only advantage is it's huge market



Yesterday a report came in that apple is now using india as a components source nation for China and vietnam
What about that?



@aaryankumar8770 It's far from enough. India has similar GDP as China in 2007. China achieved manufacturing value added of 1.15 trillion USD at that year while Inida only has 200-250 billion now. India has huge potential, but its future will not be a replacement of China. China walks a new routine in human history and India should find its own as well.


The problem with 'made in China' is the heavy use of government subsidies and market dum in order to bankrupt foreign companies. If India follows fair trading practices, there is no problem.

“中国制造” 的问题在于,中国大量使用政府补贴和进行市场倾销,目的是让外国公司破产。如果印度遵循公平的贸易惯例,那就不会有问题。


As Indian I am with Trump MAGA. Indian goverment do only 5% and feed it in indian people mind like they have done what they said.
I am not ashamed to agree that our goverment have failed in ground implementation. Its been 11 years since Modi gain power in that time period China totally transform itself. And our minister just claiming to be superover.
We urgent need a social, economics and educational reforms. Implement from today itself without playing any dirty politics on religion, region and language.

作为一名印度人,我支持特朗普的 “让美国再次伟大”理念。印度政府只做了5% 的实事,却让印度民众以为他们兑现了承诺。我毫不羞愧,不得不说我们的政府在实际执行方面失败了。莫迪执政已经11年了,在这期间中国实现了彻底的变革。而我们的部长们却还在宣称印度是超级大国。我们迫切需要进行社会、经济和教育改革。从今天就开始实施,不要再在宗教、地区和语言问题上搞任何肮脏的政治手段了。

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