

India sends request to US seeking crucial info in Rs 64 crore Bofors case


NEW DELHI: India has sent a judicial request to the United States, seeking crucial information in connection with the Rs 64-crore Bofors case, potentially marking the revival of the probe into the scandal related to the purchase of 155mm field artillery guns from Sweden under the Congress govt led by Rajiv Gandhi in the late 1980s.

The Central Bureau of Investigation sent a letter rogatory, issued by a special court, to the US justice department a few days ago, sources told TOI. The agency has sought case details which Michael Hershman, the head of US-based private detective firm Fairfax, had regarding the kickbacks that Swedish arms manufacturer A B Bofors allegedly paid to bag the order for 400 howitzers from India.



In 2017, Hershman had claimed that then PM Rajiv Gandhi was "furious" when he had found a Swiss bank account 'Mont Blanc', where the bribe money from Bofors had allegedly been parked. Hershman had also claimed that the then govt had sabotaged his probe.

The agency had first approached the court in Delhi in October, informing it about their plan to seek details from the US authorities. The move was prompted by Hershman, who shot into prominence in political circles because of his involvement with the Bofors case, agreeing to cooperate with Indian agencies.



Role of Q in Bofors: Questions still linger

A letter rogatory is a formal, written request issued by a court in one country to a court in another country, seeking assistance in gathering evidence or facilitating the probe and prosecution of a criminal case.

The Bofors scam, exposed by Swedish radio, was a big factor in Rajiv Gandhi's defeat in the 1989 elections. Although the Delhi high court quashed the bribery charge against the former PM in 2004, questions related to the scam have lingered. These concern the role of Ottavio Quattrocchi, an Italian businessman who enjoyed formidable clout under the Rajiv Gandhi govt, in the bribery affair, and who was allowed to leave the country for Malaysia when he was under investigation, as well as a letter Madhavsinh Solanki, foreign minister in the then Congress govt, had delivered in 1992 to his Swiss counterpart, asking him to go slow on New Delhi's request for information on the case.





Please stop abusing public money. Everybody knows nothing happens to politicians in monetary fraud. 4 scams coal scam all ended in nothing. Lower courts find them guilty and Supreme Court judges( after getting millions) will release them due to insufficient evidence.



User Pujari
The real culprit is the supreme court. Trash this court. Plenty of money will be saved and will do good to the nation.



Alok Singh
politicians never put their friends in jail...only to hv a hold over each other politically..but never any prosecution..unless out of their hands...that's a politicians code of conduct too... public suffers as the politicians loot..n remain free...but quiet like mayawati, chidi, etc...




No Need To Contril Others
Whether you agree with him or not, Trump is decisive and has an agenda that he is executing swiftly thru Musk. Modi needs to learn and be strong like Trump Indira Israel Pak Army  MBS. Expel illegals. Throw corrupt mafia traitor Nehru family in jails, Move troops to Hindu, Christian, Buddhist areas in Bangladesh; provide safe zone. Clean up bureaucracy. Replace corrupt judges. Remove dishonest EC members. Catch criminals and traitors. Reverse anti-Hindu discriminatory laws. Demand justice and Equality NOW, and reclaim all your land looted from you by and traitor Hindu leftists. Tell the truth in the history textbooks about the atrocities against non-Muslims by Islamists for 1000 years in South Asia and Middle East. Hell with hypocrites at home and abroad. Make Bharat Great Again.



Blue Tesla
worry about tariff. had 40 years to study and waking up to waste tax payers ways. why not. all govt waking up. turning clock back. back to land lines.



No Need To Contril Others
Narcissism plagues Nehrus (fake Gandhis) and that too for four generations!!! It’s all about power, control and corruption. Quit India. Go to your beloved super secular Pak, or Bangladesh. You have shamelessly passed discriminatory laws (HRCE, POW, WQAF) against Hindus. The only country in the world that does that against its own majority which already suffered 1000 years of persecution. You also have been economic failures. Look S Korea, Singapore, China all surpassed India economically. Shame on you!!!





Alok Singh
Scamgress as usual... Sonia italian enjoying the money in Italy.. buying lands in a valley behind milazzo in scisily...is reality..



CON GRESS, good riddance forever. Sonia Maino, Raul Vinci, Priyanka & Robert are the leftovers in India of this Italian Mafia.



Vijay Duggal
So cat is outside the bag. Wherever & whatever you dig of con grass times, you would only find corruption:: it is time rajiv gandhi (in befitting small case) be formally charged post demise & still alive maino iis charged for Q connections & facilitator! For bird brain raga, pack the bags & quit India alongwith priyanka for good; and remaining wadra to spend time in jail for his real estate related crimes! Phinito for con grass!



Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla
PV Narassimha Rao refused to close Bofors, so his decent funeral in capital was denied, Manmohan Singh closed Bofors and so for the slave Antanio Maino demanded funeral at Delhi. Sonia Antanio Maino has tremendous faith on Indians that they will pay Gandhi tax for them for ever.



Guy Max
Just political showmanship. The caged parrot CBI has not gotten enough limelight in the last decade because the ED was Modi's favorite tool. Now the SC has started reigning in the ED, so Modi is back to the CBI now.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 资讯 » 上世界80年代印度与瑞典之间发生的一起军购丑闻,印度就64亿卢比博福斯案向美国索要关键信息
