Why did the ancient Chinese emperors never think of conquering Japan?
Sidharth Praveen
China has never been that kind of empire they have always been much more isolationist This is the same reason during the mink dynasty they pretty much possessed the most powerful navy in the world, but they never bothered to establish a colonial empire because they had all the resources they need. European colonialism exsts in the first place because these countries did not possess the resources in order to build global economies.
Wenhe Lu
It was beyond China’s reach. China had never conquered Korea and occupied Korea in history. Japan was further than Korea.
Joydip Choudhury
China is not imperialist or expansionist.
Japan has no significant natural resources or mineral wealth to speak of.
Japan didn't threaten China until the Japs started modernising in the 1870s.
Gareth Wells
China has long been focused on land based warfare due to the length of its land borders.
The threats to Chinese emperors were always from barbarians in the west and the north. Fast moving mounted cavalry. The Chinese trained endlessly to combat these types of warriors and armies. They focused weapons development and infantry tactics to be able to deal with this primary threat.
The next level of threwlat was from rebellions and civil war. The scale of the Chinese empire pretty well reached an optimum level by the Qing dynasty. Further land based expansion would have returned diminishing results — the supply chains and armies would be too stretched.
Meanwhile, you had a small island nation who's people struggled to survive on a terrible arable ratio, which forced them to become major fishermen and sea-farers. These people were highly war-like and constantly at war with each other. Their islands held almost no valuable resources and produced little of value to the Chinese. In fact, most of the culture, writing and manufacturing (silks, porcelain, soya sauce, architecture, etc) that the Japanese used were acquired from China. There didn't seem to be anything China could learn from Japan either, and to top it all off, this land was constantly facing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and violent typhoons.
So why bother with a herculean campaign to cross the sea, attempt to confront a dangerous enemy always willing to die in battle, and seize territory that had little to no value?
The Mongols, on the other hand, were extreme territorial expansionists who in their day practiced their own form of manifest destiny…and it is they who attempted twice to invade Japan, failing miserably twice, and proving the Chinese to be quite right about leaving Japan to itself.
Tim Cole
Your question rests on a false premise. In Fact, China tried twice to invade Japan, but were pushed back and destoryed by Taifuns both times.
Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan and Mongol Emperor of mainland China, wanted to expand his empire and demanded Japan become a vassal state. When Japan refused, he launched two invasions.The first in 1274 consisted of a Mongol fleet of about 900 ships and 30,000-40,000 troops (Mongols, Chinese, and Koreans) which landed on Kyushu. The samurai, unprepared for Mongol tactics, struggled, but a sudden storm forced the Mongols to retreat.
Kublai Khan launched a second Invasion in 1281 which was much larger invasion and included an estimated 140,000 troops. The Japanese fiercely resisted for weeks, and another massive typhoon, later called "kamikaze" (divine wind), destroyed much of the Mongol fleet, ending the invasion.
Why Did the Invasions Fail? Three reasons: Samurai defenses and tactics improved between invasions; supplying large armies across the sea was difficult; and finally, storms devastated the Mongol fleets, saving Japan both times.
Khengchat Ng
You are thinking like a westerner - lands are there to be conquered and subjugated. That started with Alexander with his eastward match and invading without provocation. Since then, it has been one a norm. The Chinese see no sense in conquering Japan just for the kick of it. Even when they launched those great sea voyages of Zheng He, it was not for conquests. To be fair, China felt self sufficient enough.
Mansha Sharma
Ancient Chinese emperors generally did not attempt to conquer Japan due to a combination of factors including the geographical barrier of the sea, the lack of a strong military incentive to invade an island nation, the often-unpredictable weather conditions of the East China Sea, and the complex political landscape of Japan which could make occupation difficult, even if a landing was successful; essentially, the potential risks and costs of invasion often outweighed any perceived benefits.
Key points to consider:
Logistics and Geography:
The East China Sea presented a significant obstacle, requiring a large and well-equipped navy to transport troops and supplies to Japan, which was not always readily available for Chinese emperors.
Political Landscape in Japan:
Japan often had a decentralized political structure with various warring factions, making it difficult to establish control even if a successful invasion occurred.
Limited Strategic Gain:
Conquering Japan did not necessarily offer major strategic advantages for Chinese emperors, who were often more focused on maintaining control over the vast territory on the mainland.
Historical Attempts with Mixed Results:
While there were attempts at invasion, most notably by the Mongol Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan, these were largely unsuccessful due to typhoons and Japanese resistance.
I think that's an interesting question. Unfortunately, I'm Japanese. I'm not a Chinese emperor, and I'm not familiar with Chinese political thinking, so I don't know why ancient China didn't advance into Japan. But it's an interesting question, so let's think about it together.
Your comments, questions and objection are very welcome.
The first answer is that they have already advanced and Chinese people live in Japan. This is my favolite view share with my Chinese colleague. As you know, many ancient Japanese originate from China. From ancient times to modern times, there have been many Chinese people who find Japan as destination and they make up the large portion Japanese, genetically and culturally.
The next view is that they weren't interested. In my opinion, countries are lazy. Many countries throughout history have ignored threats from neighboring countries. An army costs money. If you don't spend money on an army, you can eat delicious food. That's why it's better to leave distant islands alone.
Another reason is for safety. You probably know many cases in history where an army that goes on an expedition betrail and came back to takes over a country. The army that goes on an expedition becomes very independent and powerful. Then it is easy to comes back and takes over the country. An army that is organized to rule Japan is quite powerful.
The next reason is that Japan was tough than its surface. China is not a maritime trade country. Naval power is not that important in China. Japan has almost no land, so ships are the main means of transportation and military. The Battle of Dannoura was fought between fleets, and by the end of the Edo period, Japan possessed 128 Western-style battleships. Japan was frightened when it learned that China had been invaded by the British.
The Tokugawa Shogunate created a fairly powerful Shogunate Navy.
The todays Japanese fjag was used by the Shogunate Navy as its national flag.
In this way, Japan is tough when fought across the ocean.
Finally, Japan and China had a largely mutually beneficial relationship. If you travel to Japan, you will see how much Japan respects Chinese culture. Also, Japan's unique crafts are loved around the world. There is a lot of interaction between the people. Japanese periodically sent gift for Chinese Emperor.
It is obvious that interacting with China is far more beneficial for both countries than advancing into Japan.
Times have changed. What will happen in the future? I don't know, but let's keep a close watch together.
Thomas Denson
I think that the Chinese just didn’t think there was anything in Japan worth conquering. There was no resource in Japan that couldn’t be also found somewhere in China.
Vladimir Wieyanto
The answer to your question is:
Invasion or conquest are VERY EXPENSIVE.
What you, and many people fail to realise, is that an act of invasion is as dangerous and risky to the invaders as much as it is to the invaded.
Hence why, diplomacy exsts.
In order for invasion or conquest to be justifiable, the rewards must be well worth the risk and cost of such endeavour.
If you launched an invasion and you fail, your country/kingdom/empire is at risk of collapsing from the inside.
Launching an invasion is a lot like asking for pay rise from your boss while threatening to quit the job if you don’t get the rise. If you fail at getting the rise, you lose your job.
That is the reality of invasion.
You win, or you collapse.
Now let me ask you, WHAT are the possible rewards for ancient “Chinese” Dynasties (NOT Mongols, and NOT Manchu) in conquering ancient Japan?
And are those rewards worth the risks?
The answer must have been NO. Hence why they did not.
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