When will India become the richest and most developed country in the world?
Philip Yap
India is already top in many fields. they are rich in unique cultures, they should prserve and maintain them by all mean. The cast system is exceptional, a rich cultural value unique to the country.
The decentralized system is one of the richest in the world, according to a commentater, a load of goods tranported across the country potentially subjected to not less than 3 rounds of taxes by provinces it cross. A unique and ecceptionally rich tax system not available on any part of the earth.
Similarly the bureacratic system are rich in techniques, unique in hooking its prey, it will be exceptionally challenging for any foreigner and foreign company to deal with them.
Most major cities in India are rich in pollution, it will be difficult for any other city around the world to challenge them. Cows are sacked animals and their urine are rich in medical values, their discharges have good protective and defensive values and utilities, often use to protect dwelling against diseases and evil spirit.
India is already the richest in many unique ways and qualities, they just have to preserve and promote them to the outside world to be the most developed country in the world.
Deepak Menon
Richest and most developed - probably never from a per capita basis.
However, we can become a developed country by 2050 with a per capita of 20000 USD if we continue to grow at 7–8% consistently over the next 25 years .
To become the richest country from a nominal GDP perspective - i think we will need to sustain this growth for even longer - 40 -50 years and could overtake China as the richest country in the world by 2060–70 . Assuming of course that china’s population will continue to shrink and its GDP growth will go down to 1–2% over the next decade or so.
Ishan Dutta
Hope before the end of this century but there is a lot of work to be done.
The gap with US is not mere 2x or 3x it’s about 35x. To bring down 35x gap to nil it would take lot of effort from all Indian citizens.
Giridharan Velamore
When was India considered the most developed and wealthy country on Earth? Will it ever reach that status again?
Let me answer the first part of the question - when was India considered the most developed?
India was the most developed and wealth country on earth for the most known history. Since 1st millennium BC to the end of the Mughal rule India had been the most developed country closely followed by China. Between 1000 AD to 1500 AD, China’s economy was the highest closely followed by India. It was the time period when India was successfully invaded. Once again between 1500 AD to 1800 AD, India’s economy was the highest closely followed by China. That was the time of the Mughal period. After 1800 AD, both India and China economies began to flounder and Western economies like that of Britain, France etc., prospered. Since the World wars, the economy of the US has been the highest.
One of the reasons many visitors and outside empires visited China and India has been to trade and study how their societies and economies have developed over the years. India in 17th century was like USA of present day. And within the Mughal empire, Bengal subah was the richest like present day California in the US.
Now coming to the 2nd part of the question, will it ever reach that status again?
Yes, without a doubt. Currently India is the fifth biggest economy, behind USA, China, Germany and Japan. India is on the path to achieve greater economic achievements in the coming decades. It’ll soon become 3rd biggest economy after USA and China. We can’t predict how those countries will evolve but India may become the 2nd and possibly the biggest economy in the world. No one can yet tell when.
Mohan Kalaiselvan
When the Indian minds are freed from Caste, religion . blind faiths and become scientific. People with rich and developed mind only can create a rich and developed country.
Balakrishnan Lakshmanan
It need not become richest, Indians/People's behavior, thinking, lifestyle has to be examplary in the first place. So let us pray and practice good acceptable behavior. Each one of us have to work towards civilized lifestyle, refined behavior. In terms of culture we are already rich, no point in becoming economically rich, when our character and conduct is sick, drained in a gutter.
Liya Shah
Let me counter-question you:
How long will it take Indians to be extremely hard working, be realists and stop fantasizing India will be a Superpower?
Don’t be angry with this answer rather improve your thinking skills.
Pabitra Saha
At this rate, never. It may find it hard to even retain its 3 years old position, in next 2–3 years.
Venkata Ramakrishna Duvvuri
Never. By the time India advances, the other countries could advance still further. So on and so forth. It is a never ending race. Alternatively you should stop them from progressing further until we are on par with them. This is possible of course if we have a world government aiming at uniformity in progress.
Kirthi Anand Karthikeyan
The following policies must be implemented as soon as possible to become the number one country in the world
Introduce and promote Cooperative societies across all fields of life.
Bring banking reforms in every possible way.
Make savings like PF, PPF and insurances compulsory for every citizen.
Government should disinvest from Public Sector Industries and invest in private sector industry. Support start-ups and international coopertive projects.
Improve ties with every countries in the world to have a technical and economical trade and cultural exchanges.
Focus on Infrastructure upgrades time and again. The five year plans should the phases of long-term plans rather than just simple five year plans.
Recycling and reusing of products should be promoted.
Lesser dependency on imports must be a priority. Mass manufacturing should be appreciated with research.
Spreadout industries across the nation. Craftsmanship of various cultural and industrial items should be promoted.
Mohan Kalaiselvan
May be half a century under progressive minded corporates who believe in paying fair wages for good work , under a government that invests heavily to develop the main resource we have that is human resource and political parties that promote welfare economy .
Mahanthesh G R
I think India should take that position but shouldn't not take that title.
Because prime example is china it is economic Super power but it's thirst for title landed it directly in the firinig line of economic and military power houses and US in particular goes to any extent to tackle a country that poses threat to its title.
Paras Mehar
The Republic of India is considered one of the emerging superpowers of the world.In 2015, India became the world's fastest growing economy with a 7.5% estimated GDP rate (mid year terms). The country must overcome many economic, social, and political problems before it can be considered a superpower. It is also not yet as influential on the international stage when compared to the United States and former Soviet Union.
Points against the rise of India as a superpower
As a country must overcome many economic, social, and political problems before it can be considered a superpower
1. 政治方面
2. 经济方面
3. 生态方面
4. 社会方面
Niranjan B
India's population is simply too high become a developed country in our lifetime. Norway is currently the most developed country in the world. But, we can't compare it with India as Norway's population is only about 50 lacs (275X less than India). Norway is an oil rich country, India is not. So, let's take a large country for comparison. The most developed among the large countries is none other than the United States. But, the US still has only 1/4th of India's population and it has the highest nominal GDP in the world. India is not even close. To be on par with the US, India's GDP should at least 4 times that of the US. It's practically impossible to achieve something like that even in centuries. So, the only country we can try to overtake is China. China too is far ahead and well on it's way to become the largest economy of the world by 2040 (or earlier). If India reduces it's population to pre-independence levels and works really hard, it may become a developed country in the 2200s. 19th century saw the rise of the UK, 20th century saw the rise of the US, 21th century, we are seeing the rise of PR China, 22nd century or 23rd century could see the rise of India if we start working towards it now.
Pradip Gangopadhyay
We can make an estimate assuming an average economic growth rate and inflation. Let us assume that Indian economic will grow at an average rate of 5 % with an inflation rate of 4 % per year. That would mean that Indian economy will double every 8 years. If India economy keeps doubling every 8 years for 32 years then Indian GDP will be (16 x Rs 200 trillion) Rs 3200 trillion. If the $-Re rate is 100 in 2052 then Indian GDP will be $ 32 trillion. The population of India would peak to about 1.6 billion and will then decline. That would mean that Indian GDP/person will be $ 20,000 in 2052 which would imply a near developed status in 32 years. Of course if the $-Re rate is 200 in 2052 then the per capita income will be only $ 10,000. The moot point is that India will become a rich and developed country after 2050.
India’s population is of course depressing India’s per capita income and reducing space per person. It will be 2150 and after when India’s current average population density of 400 persons/sq km will go below 200 persons/sq km.
Anupam Majmudar
Earliest AD 2220, if you have not travelled abroad or lived there, you can have no idea of the gulf. Not only in the prosperity levels but in thought processes. It is a barometer that f society’s development when it learns to give widest opportunities for differing thoughts to develop.. Their institutions are so well developed that is beyond belief here. For example, anyone writing slightly different about our divine figures, his house will be burnt and he will be hounded forever. While there, people have written hundreds of books questioning most piously held beliefs and there is not even a reaction. That is index of development. Physical riches comes after that and we will need centuries to reach that level
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