Why do Koreans always say that China plagiarizes their culture? Does South Korea really have a history of 5,000 years?
Byron of Hellas
Koreans have a very strange logic. They will try every possible way to find a connection with our civilization, and then try every possible way to say that our civilization is the continuation of their civilization, and then, they will say that everything in our civilization is their creation.
It feels like a monkey saying to me, "Hey, you know, you humans evolved from monkeys, so your cars, airplanes, and computers were all invented by us monkeys."
Eunji Kim
As a Korean person here, it is true that some Koreans believe that every culture we have in Korea is original to us and 100% Korean and there are many youtube channels that praise Korea with false information and put down others. Most of us are very embarrassed of those and some people genuinely believe that Koreans are superior than others, which is sooo NOT TRUE!!!! Every culture is equally valuable and I love Chinese culture too! Many culture in the world today is the result of various cultures. Chinese culture definitely has influenced ( A LOT) the culture in Korea.
However, it is also important to acknowledge that some culture are unique to each nations. For example, kimchi is a traditional and unique Korean food that we, Koreans are very proud of! We eat it everyday and we also have like a tradition where all the family members gather to make kimchi. Our traditional cloth hanbok is also Korean. It is a unique Korean clothing that has been passed down since the Goryeo dynasty.
These recent years though, some Chinese people have been arguing in the internet saying that Hanbok and kimchi are not korean and that they are totally Chinese culture. In addition, there have been false influencers and news that spread hate towards Korean culture in China, saying that those culture are chinese when its clearly not with false evidence.
Not only this, these days China also have been copying a lot of korean tv show programs like bokmyeongawang without paying the copyright properly and stealing korean technologies. For this reason, many people don’t have good feelings towards China, and believe that China is trying to steal our culture.
While I would say there were definitely times where some Chinese people argued that Korean culture is theirs without researching properly, I would also say that they are also some korean people that just generalize everything and believe that Chinese people are copying EVERYTHING from our culture, which is not true.
As a Korean myself, I love Chinese culture and Chinese food like maratang, tanghuru and jjam, and jajangmyeon!!!!!! ( I want to eat this right now)
Finally, I think it is important to enjoy each other’s culture! Seeing and experiencing different cultures are always good as long as we respect each other and awknowledge the right origins!
不仅如此,如今中国还在大量抄袭韩国的电视节目,比如《**王朝》(bokmyeongawang ),并且没有妥善支付版权费用,还窃取韩国技术。因此,许多韩国人对中国没有好感,认为中国试图窃取他们的文化。
Seho Lee
I’m from South Korea, and studied Chinese language and literature at university.
It’s true that some Koreans says like that in South Korea. But they are regarded as abnormal in our society.
The most people in South Korea believe that traditional Korean culture is influenced by Chinese tradition, while developed some of our creative ones.
And as far as I know the foundation Korea's Old Joseon in 2333 BC is suggested by a Confucian scholar centuries ago. We don’t believe that seriously with some exceptional people.
Our oldest historical books are from Goryo dynasty of Middle Ages. Some records from three kingdoms of ancient times survive, but they are not originally for historical purposes.
(In South Korea, China’s history between three kingdoms and Tang Dynasty are also named medieval.)
(在韩国,中国从三国时期到唐朝的历史时期也被称作中世纪。 )
Henry Nystorm
Both modern Koreans and modern Chinese share a common ancestor who lived in China thousands of years ago. Neither population is identical to their ancient ancestors, but both have inherited certain traits from them.
King Yang
Korea, as a country, has never truly had its own identity.
Throughout history, it spent thousands of years as a vassal state to China, became a slave to Japan during World War II, and now exsts as a so-called "nation" on a U.S. military base.
So, in a state of extreme inferiority, it's no surprise that they often make absurd claims.
Finally, let me make a declaration: The universe belongs to Korea.
Rio M
after you understand the 2 pictures, you can understand the reason. A person with low self-esteem always shows off what he has, while a confident person will not show off what he has.
the first picture is an atlas from South Korea, now you can see how large is South Korea, how large is China/US/Russia, etc.
the second picture is also from South Korea, four great civilizations in the world.the 4 great civilizations are not famous in Western Culture, and here is details in Wikipedia.
Hudson Zhang
Because Korea has always plagiarized other cultures, their perception is that others have done it too. For Koreans to plagiarize cultures, all the countries in the same cultural circle know about it.
Go check out the 2008 Japanese manga, Korea in Hetalia: Axs Powers. All East Asian countries know that Koreans
Mickelson Moaselle
Because that's what they did, Korean couldn't even write before they adopted Chinese script.
And Chinese characters don't even suit Korean language at all, but they adopted Chinese writing system regardless.
Not only that Korean also steal everything from China, government system, clothing, calendar, festivals etc
Then came the European and Korean learn that you can actually write down your language based on how it sounds so they copy concept of the Latin alphabet and created hangul.
Then came America so Korean converted to Christianity, become a de ocracy, then started to adopt American culture like feminism, and of course American pop culture.
See Korean culture is like eating pizza with fried rice as the top while having a kimchi salad on the side and drinking tea mixed with coffee and wine image how that would taste.
But Korean did that and overtime they started to think that this is how the original pizza ,fried rice, salad, wine coffee and tea should be their inventions and everyone else just take a piece from them.
Thats how Korean logic works
接着美国人来了,韩国人便改信基督教,成了所谓的民 主国家,随后开始接纳美国文化,比如女权主义,当然还有美国流行文化。
Eden Chen
Koreans has over 100k years of history, so yes, every country are copying them.
Is this the answer you’re looking for? To re-affirm your idiocracy?
HS Kim
Originally Answered: Why does South Korea like to tell Chinese culture as their own ? (that is, plagiarizing Chinese culture)
Why are Chinese spreading this same question again and again in quora yet disappear and never reply when I ask for direct proof of this Chinese claim of Korea-origin theories?
You know what? Japanese did exactly like that online, spreading lies about Korea's past, namely how Japanese colonization only benefitted Korea, how Kpop is nothing but imitation of Japanese pop, that ancient Japan was never influenced by ancient Korea etc., basically riling Koreans up just for fun.
Few decades later, many of those Japanese turned out broken and lost because whatever knowledge they insisted lost its steam because there was no historic evidence or record to back up their argument and their actions were a great waste of time while Koreans that defended own culture and history became more knowledgeable in the overeall history of Asia.
Okay, never mind, keep shouting how Koreans are theives. Most people don't care and perhaps Koreans need more Chinese like you to further dumb-down China, so Korean culture can keep exceeding China. Okay go on and keep plagiarizing K-pop and K-drama and cover it up by calling Koreans theives instead.
Sean Landy
Don't mind,
As a tradition, they will telling everyone they invented fired chicken in 22th century.
It already happend in some Middle East markets.
Wan Ling Tain
South Koreans have feeling of inferiority in some extent, however, plagiarizing Chinese culture will only make other people ridicule them.
Goodi Shang
South Korea has a strong sense of inferiority.
People with a strong sense of inferiority are eager to save themselves with pride. However, ancient Korea was very poor and hardly created any cultural heritage. They just want to steal China's cultural heritage. The UNESCO cultural heritage certification system has created opportunities for Koreans to steal cultural heritage.
I suggest South Korea not to steal China's cultural heritage anymore. Firstly, South Korea is unable to successfully steal because China has a lot of archaeological excavation evidence, and the accusation of theft can make people feel more insecure.
Alan Yuen
There are ultra nationalists in every country. South Koreans are no different, at the end of the day, facts and truths are out there if we care to check.
The simple, naive and gaullable would be brainwashed into anything that propagandists want them to be.
By the way, how many S. Kreans believe that China has stolen their culture?
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