

Trump’s America First policy suits India as it is leading to multipolar world: EAM S Jaishankar


The world is becoming increasingly multipolar with different centres of power as a result of the Trump administration’s policies, which suits New Delhi very well, external affairs minister S Jaishankar said at Chatham House here.

“If I were to look at the big priorities of this president, many of them work for us,” he said. “He seems to be committed to kee energy prices reasonably affordable and stable — we welcome that. He is putting a lot of emphasis on tech and on the use of tech as a game changer in global politics. That offers a lot of possibilities for us. When I look at our interests and our expectations of the relationship, there is a lot of promise. We see a president and an administration moving towards multipolarity and that is something which suits India,” he said.



“Just because there is multipolarity, it doesn’t have to translate into currency multipolarity,” he explained. “There is no policy on our part to replace the dollar,” he stressed. “The dollar, as the reserve currency, is the source of international economic stability and we want more economic stability, not less. The assumption that, somehow, there is a united BRICS position against the dollar is not borne out by facts,” he said. “We have no interest in undermining the dollar. On the contrary, a lot of problems in our region are due to the lack of availability of the dollar,” he said.

“Since 1945, one tends to think and talk about the USA as ‘USA and the Western world’ so it’s more like a bloc rather than a nation. What is quite clear is that the US’s own self-perception is now more as a nation; and perhaps a little less as a bloc.” India has spent the past decade develo relations with big players, and non-big ones, he said. “If we can do that successfully with all major powers and grous, that puts you in a much better position in a world which we could see was heading towards multipolarity,” he said, adding that both India and the Global South would benefit from this new world.

Jaishankar also defended India’s human ri hts record from foreign press criticism. “We have been, for political reasons, at the receiving end of a lot of expressions and sometimes even campaigns on human ri hts. We listen to it. We are not perfect, but I would argue if one looks around the world, we have a very strong human ri hts record.

他解释道:“即便存在多极化,也不意味着必然会出现货币的多极化。” 他强调:“我们没有任何取代美元的政策。美元作为储备货币,是国际经济稳定的基石,我们希望国际经济更加稳定,而不是相反。那种认为金砖国家存在一致反对美元的立场的假设,是不符合事实的。我们无意削弱美元的地位。相反,我们所在地区的很多问题恰恰是由于美元供应不足导致的。”

“自1945年以来,人们往往将美国与‘美国和西方世界’联系起来思考和谈论,所以美国更像是一个集团,而不只是一个国家。很明显的是,美国现在对自身的认知更倾向于是一个国家,而作为一个集团的意识或许稍有淡化。” 他表示,在过去十年里,印度一直在与各大强国以及非强国发展关系。“如果我们能够成功地与所有主要大国和集团建立良好关系,那么在一个正走向多极化的世界中,我们就能处于更有利的地位。” 他补充道,印度和全球南方国家都将从这个新的世界格局中受益。

苏杰生还对外国媒体对印度人 权记录的批评进行了辩护。“出于政治原因,我们受到了很多关于人 权问题的言论指责,有时甚至还面临相关的运动。我们听取这些声音。我们并非完美无缺,但我想说的是,如果环顾世界,我们印度在人*方面有着非常出色的记录。”



Bala Srinivasan
JAISHANKAR drove home that British politics of insinuation&division no longer tolerated by INDIA,period.



Absolutely. Every nation should think abt themselves first.



This guy crawling before Trump on BRICS & USD :) He will easily win a somersault competition!
Yea while multipolar world is good, it can also create more drs across many countries & make it difficult for people to live with their heads high!

这家伙在金砖国家和美元问题上,对着特朗普卑躬屈膝呢 。他去参加翻跟头比赛准能轻松夺冠!



Rukmanand Sharma
If India stresses successfully to the idea"Make In India", and trump does the same what's wrong with that?. I am no fan of Trump but the big picture looks good for India.I would not disregard what the EAM has told the Brits and the world.


Antony John pete
Trump is taking bold steps to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN , but whether it will really make the USA  great again is a matter to be seen in the long run
Similarly, India is trying it's best to regain it's past glory of the Congress rule, but has not been successful so far because it is focusing more on a particular religious group, rather than on the welfare of all the citizens.




Rukmanand Sharma
Some people, ignorant of Khangress's lack of good governance , call it glory! That is funny. India says development for everyone with everyone, is not pandering to Hindu Bharat. You are biosed to the reality of what Khangress did in 70 yers of rule and what has been done in last 10 years.I would call you ungrateful if you were not ignorant of history since 1940s.



Ab Cd
Enough of this guy. He is neither smart nor intelligent. He is just a loudmouth like his master and lies all the time. He just gives everything a spin to prove that things are in favor if India and Modi. This guy needs to STFU. We are tired of hearing this f00l.



Krishn Bala
I don`t accept his claim of a dollar dominant world and just as he said, there is a multipolar centers of power then it must be extrapolated to non dollar dominance as well meaning multi currency centers of power as well which would not only take the shine of the dollar but will bring in competition as well for the betterment of the world economically.



Sriramalu Chandrasekaran
1 Shanker is an invalid coin & good for nothing because he failed to stop the execution of three Indians by UAE govt recently.
2 There is nothing truth in his statements.He is Modi fan & impractical person/weak politician who scored fail mark for his. prrfomsnce in office.

1. 苏杰生毫无价值,一无是处,他最近没能阻止阿联酋政府处决三名印度人。

2. 他的言论毫无真实性可言。他是莫迪的拥护者,是个不切实际的人,也是个无能的政客,其执政表现简直不及格。


Krishn Bala
you are just a phuckin imbecile.



devils den
Come and sell Pakora



They earn better than you



Pradeep Mehta
The relations must be based upon equality, transparency and reciprocity. I appreciate Trump for being honest for the good of his own country. Criminals should be treated the way the USA has deported Indians living illegally there. He wants to increase the tariffs on items is also justified. India too should take every decision for own good.
-Mr Modi must start taking hard decisions e.g. taking action against enemies from within and NRIS/ OCIs for indulging in anti Bharat activities. India must demand the details of the Indians who have taken political asylum there and ask for their deportation. India too should follow the same strategy and implement NRC with Narcoanalysis etc as part of investigation and throw out all the illegal migrants.
- India must take strict action against MNCs, UNO, USA/UK/Canada etc state departments, for indulging in anti India activities. During elections 24 they did their best to defeat Modi.


- 莫迪先生必须开始做出艰难的决定,比如对国内的敌人以及参与反印活动的海外印度裔和印度裔侨民(OCIs)采取行动。印度必须要求获取那些在他国寻求政治庇护的印度人的详细信息,并要求将他们遣返。印度也应采取同样的策略,实施国家公民登记(NRC),并将毒品分析等手段作为调查的一部分,驱逐所有非法移民。

- 印度必须对跨国公司、联合国、美国、英国、加拿大等国家的部门采取严厉措施,因为他们参与了反印活动。在2024年的选举期间,他们竭尽全力想要让莫迪败选。


Shiela Roberts
Not to worry. Mr Modi already surface bombed Indians regularly with mechanisms such as demonetization. Gives him money to surrender it for Trump's exports.



It was an honour to listen to you sir in person for the first time... You are one of the finest external affairs ministers India has ever had ... Hope to attend more of your talks



Rajendra sharma
Very unfourtunate incidents happened with you sir, by Khalistani supporters, GOI is very soft on these repetated incidents happening in UK,
GOI must immediately recalled indian high commissioner of UK and WITHDAW security of UK high commissioner of India with immediate effect.




Ankush Bhattacharjee
Jaishankar sir please coney your and whole India annoyance of those horrible khalistani more forcefully to uk
How can they talk about saving Ukraine/Europe when they even can't protect an important foreign minister from those rallis protestors they dare to tear ou flay in front.




Europe hates India and we don’t want anymore mentally deranged Europeans in India messing with our internal security and interfering they have no respect for India so why do we bend backwards to accommodate white facist colonists


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