India has already cut tariffs for key nations like Australia, UAE: Government
NEW DELHI: As India engages the US, working overtime to stave off President Donald Trump's reciprocal tariff threat, govt said in a studied response that the ongoing talks for a mutually beneficial multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by 2025 fall should be seen in the context of India's recent lowering of tariffs for key developed countries like the UAE, Australia, Norway and Switzerland.
Following commerce minister Piyush Goyal's three-day visit to the US, during which he held talks with the commerce secretary and trade representative, official sources speaking on condition of anonymity said it's natural that both India and the US have their interests and sensitivities and these are legitimate matters for a discussion.
Even in the middle of negotiations for a deal, Trump has continued to target India for "massive tariffs". His remark Friday that India has agreed to "cut their tariffs way down now because somebody is finally exposing them for what they have done" drew criticism from opposition which accused Modi govt of acting under pressure from Trump.
Govt sources recalled that, during the first Trump administration, discussions took place about a limited trade deal between the two nations. "For various reasons, it did not produce an outcome. Since discussions have just begun, it would be premature to talk about its details," said a source, adding there's also a context for each dimension, that would reflect the interests of both sides.
政府消息人士回顾称,在特朗普第一任期内,两国曾就一项有限的贸易协定展开过讨论。一位消息人士表示:“由于种种原因,该讨论并未产生结果。鉴于相关讨论才刚刚起步,此时谈论其细节还为时尚早。” 他还补充道,每个方面都有其相应背景,这将反映出双方的利益。
"It would be recalled that India has reduced its average applied tariffs significantly for key developed countries like Australia, UAE, Switzerland, Norway, etc, under the recently concluded mutually beneficial bilateral trade agreements. Similar negotiations are currently under way with European Union and UK, among other partners. The ongoing discussions with the US should be seen in this context," he said.
Either for good or bad, at least with Trump's threats, the Indian government is forced to reduce tariffs. To become a global manufacturing powerhouse, goods should flow freely, with lower tariffs, and production-linked incentives can accelerate the results.
Raaul Antonio Maino
India blindly imposed tariffs on goods that weren't even produced domestically. And whenever one tried to import anything, the customs officials would demand bribes just to release those products. I'm glad Donald Trump is calling out our incompetent politicians and bureaucrats who, without any logic, imposed heavy tariffs on things that Indians can't produce themselves. It's a very narrow-minded approach. We dream of becoming like China, but we never put in any effort, and on top of that, we want to impose illogical tariffs on other countries.
Trumpwa pele pada hai modi ko..aur gaonphattu modi have no place to hide.
Every coubtry leader have opposed Trump and shown lal aankh, except out gaonfat coward illeterate modi.
Raaul - You are talking too much sense! We Indians don't understand such common sense. We prefer our religious obsession and gobar science, and are very happy because we now have Ram Rajya under the great non-biologically born Viswhaguru Sri Modi ji, who has made India the greatest superpower in the whole galaxy!! (at least that is what the Andh Bhakts like to think!). So, trying to speak based on facts and rationality as you have done, is mostly a waste in India (at least in North India)
Raaul Antonio Maino
yeah in south India they directly evade tariffs by importing things inside their bums that's how great educated they are.
Bhakt ta tti
My fraand trumpu. I wll do whatever you want. Tofah kabool karo!!
Non Biological Fakir
Modi uncle showing red eyes surrendered to his fake friend trump
It looks Sri Trump ji is coming after non-biologically born Sri Modi ji, and Sri Modi ji doesn't know where to hide!
Arun Nath
WOULD LOVE to EAT BEEF BURGERS IMPORTED FROM US and of course STEAK!!! with Chicken, Pork, POULTRY - enough of having to eat what GOVT says!!!
Arun Nath
TRUMP INSULTED INDIA by calling as "we are EXPOSED", "TRAIFF KING" and also for "BRICS which included INdia to find another S***UC***K&&&&ER"" and our non biological PAN&&AUTI and spineless GODI media did not whimper - so called cow cola gobar pseudo nationalists VISWA COW COLA RSScal GARBAGE!!!
User Kumar
Trump wants to keep the pressure on India. He forgets that they are also g
Yes, Daddy we will play.
Laude Na Bhojyam….Jai Ho….
Hasan Ansari
And finally 56" chest bring U.S to it knees....
Ulhas Kulkarni
India may have to pay a HEAVY price for this "FRIENDSHIP"!
Subu chat
There are no friends in geopolitics; it's only national interest that matters. It's high time India stopped protecting its SME and MSME and let them compete fairly with others (wherever applicable). This will be beneficial for India in the long run, just like how market liberalization did in 1991.
Ulhas Kulkarni
Rest of the World is going to FIGHT THHHHUUUUMMMPP. His FRUND might be the ONLY one to cave in.
Cut tariffs lowest to US but say don’t have products to supply then negotiate
User Kumar
sorry got posted before I could complete. ....taxng India. I am not sure whether defence spending also comes under trade?
Gopalakrishnan Kanat
To reduce tariff is or not should not be the point. It should be mutually beneficial. We have to see the welfare of 140 crores where as USA has a very less population to feed. Whichever /whatever Government comes, their main objective should be welfare of the country. What is necessary for India may not be necessary for USA.
finally Australian Angus steak will be cheap in India.
Jagdish Chandra
It is a pivotal point in our life that will influence the decisions and experiences we have in the future. Accepting this shift might result in growth and new opportunities. Axomatic orientation is characterized by the tight chemistry between the two countries in a number of areas. India is the world's largest de ocracy, whereas America is the world's oldest liberal de ocracy and only superpower. Because both countries have a liberal system that is thoroughly embedded.
It is regrettable that, despite the socialist government in china, successive Indian administrations have been unable to open the door for foreign investment and technology because of the East India Company's phobia. This has resulted in a persistent lack of jobs in India as a result of foreign production units moving to China's landscape. The deep reservations of exacerbated taxation between the two giants India and USA had been never seeded and closely work at International level for world peace that may change the geopolitics.
印度是世界上最大的民 主国家,而美国是世界上最古老的自由民 主国家,也是唯一的超级大国
Much of what President Trump says is out of context and mostly for domestic consumption. He is a deal maker and will always find weakness in his victims. Asserting dominance and imposing their demands doesn't work for de ocratic countries. We can see that by European countries to look for alternatives. Self-reliance is the long-term solution to this chaos.
特朗普总统说的很多话都是断章取义的,而且大多是为了迎合他们国内民众。他是个商人,总会找出对手的弱点。在民 主国家,强行确立主导地位和强加要求是行不通的。我们从欧洲国家寻求其他选择的做法中就能看出来。自力更生才是解决这种混乱局面的长期办法。
Vinod Kumar
The Modi government should not do it under pressure or threat. Otherwise, these nations will start acting like Punjab farmers - who are always demanding something and are never satisfied - "WE WANT MORE".
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