

Manipur talks stuck as Kukis insist on ‘separate hill state’


With the body of a youth killed in Manipur’s Kuki-dominated Kangpokpi on March 8 finally handed over to his family, authorities there said Wednesday they expect protests and blockade in the district to end soon.

However, the road to lasting peace in the restive state may be a long way off. Ongoing talks between the Kuki-Zo community and Centre’s interlocutor A K Mishra are unlikely to make much headway with the former sticking to its demand for a “separate hill state” after hiving off Meitei-dominated Valley areas.



1,000 arms surrendered in Manipur after guv call

The demand, which goes against the Constitutional framework, will not be acceptable to the Centre.

Govt also does not seem keen to concede to the Kuki demand for a separate administrative framework for the tribal-dominated hilly regions either, recognising that it can fuel the demand for a separate state, besides giving fillip to separatist tendencies in the strategically crucial border state.




Still, efforts would be to stay engaged with both Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities, while tactfully persuading the latter to settle for a solution within the four corners of the Constitution, including granting them more autonomy and preserving their unique culture, heritage and language.

Sources said the district magistrate and superintendent of police of Kangpokpi had been engaging with Kuki-Zo protestors over the past few days to persuade them to accept the body of the local killed during protests on March 8, amid clashes between them and security forces.



Sources said the district magistrate and superintendent of police of Kangpokpi had been engaging with Kuki-Zo protestors over the past few days to persuade them to accept the body of the local killed during protests on March 8, amid clashes between them and security forces.

The killing had triggered further tension with Kuki-Zo protestors ordering a shutdown, apart from blocking roads and stop the movement of vehicles. “The blockade call was given for all areas with a significant Kuki-Zo population. But its effect was seen largely in Kangpokpi. However, the talks between the local administration and community representatives have made headway, with the family of the deceased protester taking back his body for last rites,” said a Manipur govt functionary.




User Factual
The public, Hindus in particular need to understand that Kukis are a Christian terror group. The fanatic missionaries, funded from abroad, have converted the good Kuki tribals, to a Hindu hating , rootless militant group, that deals in drug smuggling. This terror group is also internally supported by christian/anti-Hindu parties like Congress and co unists.



Sham Nv
Agree. BJP govr should handle christian terrorists same way as Jihadis. Else they will loose Manipur if they handle with kid gloves. Take over hilly region remove ST status to Kukis as they are christians which is illegal to give sc/St ststus other than Hindus



All problems will amicably be resolved if wekick outfakegandhis out of Hind coz thisfamily is putting ghee on fire for selfish reason in order to grab treasury of Hind bykhoonipanja. Here also they’ve done huge plantation of poppy seeds.



Rise India
so now we see the true reason for violence in Manipur. foreign money has poured into this. a separate state for kuki christians was the goal. then more illegals, arms & drugs will flow in from myanmar easily. ultimate goal (as already stated by western deep state) is to create a Christian country consisting of parts of India, Bangladesh and myanmar. destabilisation efforts in Bangladesh and myanmar has already been successful. but not in india. remember same tactics were used to create a Christian country called timor-leste out of Indonesia. we have modi, shah, yogi, himanta and bjp. we will not allow anymore territory of india to be taken away like we did Pakistan and Bangladesh. no more religious bigotry from either the muslims or the christian western deepstate. talk with the kukis and mske them realize, else keep them in control. a large chunk of them are illegals from myanmar and must be thrown out.




You said it. That's why Muslim inflow from Bangladeshis must be stopped. Mr. Stalin's concern about changing demography too mut be looked at wirh respect to this.



Ishwar Rao
Khangress directed and sponsored Manipur crisis has emboldened kukis to demand separate state . It is good govt rejected outrightly there demand . Kukis are sponsored and funded by Christian missionaries under patronage of anti-national khangress party . Since last 70 years khangress has contributed a lot to Manipur crisis . Today bjp is following the right policy of controlling the kuki militancy



Prakash Bodwade
Ask guruji to visit the region, and give some gyan



Aslam Khan
I have only one Q
From where these group find the weapons?




Preetham shetty
Why R U planning buy a second hand one?



Possibly from Fruday or Sunday gatherings



One of the boldest moves would be to reorganise ALL states with NO consideration on religion, language, ..etc. Just take a foot rule and draw vertical / horizontal lines on the map..!!



ENOUGH! of this stupid continuing bifurcation of states. We are one country this cannot be allowed to continue



Madan Murthi
The penchant of these Abrahamic religions to take advantage of social conditions of local populations and convert them with inducements and enticements and often force is the main reason for communal clashes in Bharath. These Abrahamic religions are foreign to Bharath and while the Sanatani people of Bharath permit them to practice their faiths without any interference, they should have the courtsey and sense to respect Sanatani faith and not attempt to convert them and impose their dogmatic beliefs on them.




Separate state is the only solution. The enimity between two groups is beyond reconciliation.



That is actually a good solution. Both communities have developed deep hatred towards each other. Forcing them into staying together is senseless. Same happened in Andhra vs Telangana and now both states are stable with many Andhra folks living peacefully in Telangana.



Sham Nv
Only problem is Kukis hilly region has 90% land with 40% population and Mieties with 60% population has 10% land, since previously Congress govt tactfully gave Kukis ST status and allowed only Kukis to hold land due to pressure from christian missionary. Christian Kukis is supported and finanaced by westren power to buy weapons and form a seperate christian country, 1st step is to ask for autonomy or state and then they will ask for country. Mieties who were orginal inhabitants and rulers of Manipur will be left with 10% of land and leftist like you will be happy even if genocide happens of them as they are hindus, just like it happened in Kashmir Pandits.



Manipur strife is due to the wrong appeasement of the minorities along with the complexties and funding by the Church which needs to be completely stopped. Congress has ensured that Manipuris become a minority in their own state and are later driven out.



Will Pappu G and Soros ji allow peaceful coexstence of Manipur people as pervtheir Manipur strategy.



State of Manipur cleanup of infestation will take time with concurrent peace deal.



Truth Seeker
What is constituionally wrong of having a separate state? The author or govt need to explain why a seaprate state is against constitution - when so many new states have been created. They think just throwing in the word constitution everyone will fall in line. Of course the media also doesn't question or think.



Dev S
They just want to continue growing opium with the charch supporting the terror framwork. Lots of vested interests internally e.g maino pappu and american european evanglists. The impact of conversions



Mukesh Sheladia
Here, we should peep in history, why did Christianity spread in North Eastern tribal belts? Because,this region was grossly neglected by Hindu organisations and Saints. Thereafter, missionaries came out. Discrimination between upper and lower classes, has proved curse for Hindus. Now , we should wake up.



User Hiranandani
This is a particular case of a more general problem of the inability of different groups to get along. Leaders, from ALL walks - political, social, religious and others - need to address this seriously. People do not seem to see the larger picture, but groups and individuals want to advance at the cost of others. This is a fundamental problem.



Gursharan Singh
Kukis will gain freedom soon from India.



Mukesh Sheladia
Division mentality on ethnic identity.




Rise India
yes, they will be thrown out of india and sent back to myanmar. most are illegals, and refugees from slaughter in myanmar. india is kind-hearted, allowed them in to prevent their slaughter. but now they are trying to be trouble mongers here. we will throw them back from where they came from ie myanmar. and let them get slaughtered. no more mercies on refugees who come into india, esca religious persecution, and then turn separatists here. the good ones, who realize how lucky they were and how kind india was to take them, and work for india's interest here, will be welcomed to stay. the bad ones, who after running away from religious persecution and taking advantage of india's kindness, then want to have separate state here just because they became majority in a particular geographical area due to huge number of refugees, are not worth the kindness we showed them when they came here desperately, and we gave them refugee status and later citizenship. let them be thrown back to their original slaughterhouse, whether it is myanmar, bangladesh or pakistan !





Please excuse him. He is just out of a mental asylum.


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