Can India beat China in any industries? If so, which ones?
Zhu Leon
There are definitely some industries where India outperforms China.
For instance, during my time supplying parts to Chinese tractor manufacturers, I learned from our customers that India produces significantly more tractors than China. In 2022, India produced around 900,000 tractors, accounting for approxmately one-third of the global production, while China produced about 600,000. India and China ranked first and second, respectively, in this industry. I was also surprised to discover that Mahindra Tractors, the largest tractor manufacturer in the world, also has factories in China.
例如,在我为中国拖拉机制造商供应零部件期间,我从客户那里了解到,印度生产的拖拉机数量比中国多得多。2022年,印度生产了约90万台拖拉机,约占全球产量的三分之一,而中国生产了约60万台。在这个行业中,印度和中国分别位居第一和第二。我还惊讶地发现,全球最大的拖拉机制造商马恒达拖拉机公司(Mahindra Tractors)在中国也设有工厂。
I found it fascinating to learn that Indians are building mobile cranes mounted on tractors. This unique innovation is currently only available in India
Dr. Vijesh Jain
I was born and brought up in India. I have been a freelance professor of international trade and have the privilege to know little about this subject. What I understand that international trade is built on the principle of comparative and absolute advantages especially when we talk of manufacturing and industries. The concept require cooperation by nations to understand the principles to increase the overall wealth of the nations. That is how world benefits from trade. In these principles there is not question of one nation bearing another in any particular industry. If that approach is used no nation will benefit from international trade. We will then again be forced to adopt the theory of mercantilism where one nation benefit at the cost of another. Partly that has already started in present times. Adam smith must be very uncomfortable at this juncture in his grave seeing this reversal of approach to international trade.
So therefore if you agree with the benefits and sanctity of theory of absolute advantage and comparative advantage and serious about increasing the wealth of nations through scientific means then probably I will be able to answer this question.
Assuming these time tested theories are followed by all nations. Then India will be better off concentrating on industries such as manufacturing of small cars including EVs, focusing on industries that require semi skilled and skilled labour in abundance such as gems and jewellery, textiles, heavy machinery, consumer goods, art and craft, tourism, IT & back office services and some more. China should graduate into complementary industries such as robotics, hi tech electronics, biotechnology, aviation and others. No one need to beat anyone. It is just to be at the right place at the right time. This is the only way to increase the wealth of the nations collectively.
Rajesh Tiwary
Let's first talk about Japan.
It's 1980s and Japan is growing like a mad boy. At 10–15% per annum. Japan is leading manufacturer of cars , electronics, machine hardwares and many other stuff.
One of the highest per capita GDP and income. Overqualified, highly skilled people everywhere you go. You got to be a millionaire to buy an okayish flat in Tokyo. Money is literally flowing in the streets(Okay I made this one up…)
$ 4.9 trillion economy which was only behind of USA’s $7 trillion economy. Almost every “Expert” predicted that Japan will overtake USA’s economy by 2010 or so…
But we all know that never really happened. So what went wrong?
As it turned out, almost Everything….. The young Japanese people preferred staying single than marrying and having children.
About 30% Japanese people never marry. So the population started aging rapidly. The population even started declining. The problem with this is, in order to have a flourishing economy you need constant supply of young, innovative work force. And Japan ran out of just that..
So in 1990s, Japan entered a phase of GREAT STAGNATION. That means it showed almost zero growth in last 3 decades!. It's economy is still $4.9 trillion.
China which had 50 times smaller economy than Japan back in 1980s, ironically has 3 times larger economy compared to Japan today. All that in 4 decades.
The whole point is, as of now, China is indeed doing great in terms of economy as compared to India...
China has foreign reserves of 5 times as India.
China has great infrastructure and it has literally become powerhouse of manufacturing and exports.
It's way above India in anything related economy as of now.
- 中国的外汇储备是印度的五倍。
- 中国拥有完善的基础设施,已然成为制造业和出口领域的强大力量。
- 就目前而言,在任何与经济相关的领域,中国都远远领先于印度。
But the question is for how long?
With controversial one child policy, even China’s population is aging rapidly, talent pool is shrinking too, so what happened to Japan might very well happen to China.
Another thing is, much of China’s progress is based upon it's policy of disrespecting Intellectual property rights and avoiding free trade and thereby curtailing competition. Most of countries including USA have sensed that and as a result now they are demanding China to shed off its trade protectionism.
I laugh gleefully when my fellow Indians say “India can never beat China even in dreams”. Economics is a Bitch…there was a time when Venezuela was developed and Norway was poor country, at world stage it doesn't take a lot of time to go from rag to riches and other way around.
At present India’s potential growth is hugely suppressed by corruption, excessive government control, socialist leaning policies, hostile neighbours and awful education system.. But things are changing rapidly.
当我的印度同胞们说“印度哪怕在梦里都永远无法超越中国”时,我会暗自好笑。经济这东西变化无常…… 曾经有一段时间,委内瑞拉是发达国家,而挪威却是穷国,在世界舞台上,从一贫如洗到富甲一方,或者从富有走向贫穷,往往都不需要太长时间。
It's not impossible that India becomes 3rd or 2nd largest economy in the world in the next two decades.
Only time will tell whether India leaves China behind or not, Only thing that I can say that it's not impossible.
Jack Gao
Is India better than China in everything?
I am from China and now working in US. I have to say India is a better country than China. If we just simply compare those data - GDP, high speed rail way, electric generation, and so on. It will come to the the result that China is better. But if you look a little deeper, you will reveal the true power of India.
India people is exetreme intelligent. IIT is one of best University in the world. There is a saying that student who cannot go to IIT have to go to MIT. India parents attach great important to education. Yes, maybe in currently stage India is still a develo country. But it’s just a matter of time for a country to rise which weight education a lot.
Good political architecture. I think it is no need to say any more about this point. Every one know India is the largest de ocratic country . In the long term, Indian will show its power.
Great history and culture. India has a magnificent history and culture. One of “The Four Great Ancient Civilizations”. India and China have many in common. We both have brilliant history and culture, as well as a dark time of being colonized.The Western bully us for centuries. India and China should not be enemy, on the contrary, we should corporate closely and take back what we have lost. China is now Challenging order which is established by Western. If China fail, I hope India can carry on unfinished cause and make ASIA GREAT AGAIN.
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