

India, China hold 'positive, forward-looking' talks for border management; Doval & Wang to meet in India


As India and China look to reboot ties, building upon a spell of relative calm in the border areas, they held another round of diplomatic talks in a “positive and constructive” atmosphere, seeking ways to advance effective border management. The talks also prepared ground for another meeting of the Special Representatives, Ajit Doval and Wang Yi, that India will host later this year.

A team led by MEA joint secretary (East Asia) Gourangalal Das, which travelled to Beiing this week for what was the 33rd meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC), comprehensively reviewed the LAC situation, stressing peace and tranquillity on the border is critical for the smooth development of overall bilateral relations. China said the meeting was held with a “forward-looking approach” and both sides agreed to take “concrete and effective” measures for maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas.



According to the Indian readout, they exchanged views on early resumption of cross-border cooperation and exchanges, including on trans-border rivers and Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra. Interestingly, the Indian readout did not mention the resumption of direct air services, something which India had agreed to “in principle” during foreign secretary Vikram Misri’s visit to Beiing in January. China is keen on resumption of direct flights, but India apparently doesn’t want to rush into it. Official sources, however, said technical authorities are working to reach an updated framework for the resumption.

“The two sides explored various measures and proposals to give effect to the decisions taken during the 23rd meeting of the Special Representatives on the India-China boundary question in Beiing in December 2024 and to advance effective border management. The two sides agreed to maintain and strengthen relevant diplomatic and military mechanisms towards this end,’’ said the Indian government, adding that both sides will work to make “substantial preparation” for the Special Representatives’ meeting.


印度政府表示:“双方探讨了各种措施和提议,以落实2024年12月在北京举行的中印边界问题特别代表第23次会议上所做出的决定,并推进有效的边境管理。双方同意维持并加强相关外交和军事机制以实现这一目标。” 印度政府还补充称,双方将努力为特别代表会晤做 “充分准备”。

The Special Representatives had met in Beiing in December 2024, after a gap of 5 years that resulted from the 2020 border standoff in eastern Ladakh. The standoff seemed to have finally ended with an agreement in October last year for completion of the troop disengagement process in the remaining areas, namely Depsang and Demchok.



Boston Wrangler
It is futile and pointless to spend billions of dollars on arms and ammunition when there are only endless border talks and no real action. India is unprepared to confront the Chinese, Pakistanis, or rogue elements in Bangladesh. It is shameful that the agenda of 'Vikas' (development) supersedes national pride, dignity, self-respect, and sovereignty. How far can this misguided mindset go?

It is time to reclaim Akshai Chin, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, Rangpur and Chatogram in Bangladesh, and last but not least, liberate , Balochistan, and Sindhudesh to create everlasting peace within the vast sub-continent. In future add Bhutan, Nepal, and parts of Myanmar within the Indian system, if possible, as well...all of this seems to be a very distant dream with a passive, docile, and submissive Santan Dharam DNA within the Indian system or psyche!

当只有无休止的边境谈判而没有实际行动时,花费数十亿美元购买武器弹药是徒劳且毫无意义的。印度没有准备好应对中国人、巴基斯坦人,或是孟加拉国的不法分子。 “发展”议程凌驾于国家自豪感、尊严、自尊和主权之上,这是可耻的。这种错误的观念还能走多远呢?

是时候收复阿克赛钦、巴基斯坦占领的克什米尔地区、孟加拉国的朗布尔和吉大港了,最后但同样重要的是,“解放” 俾路支斯坦和信德斯坦,以在广袤的次大陆实现永久和平。如果可能的话,未来还要把不丹、尼泊尔和缅甸的部分地区纳入印度体系,而这一切对于印度体系或心理中那种被动、温顺和顺从的 “圣道” 基因来说,似乎都是一个非常遥远的梦想!


I agree with your sentiment but how would you achive it??? India is still full of Amichand and Jaichands




User Raj Kumar
The calm before the storm. The Chinese know a thing or two about real warfare (Sun Tzu) whilst we have fictitous heroes like "Shivaji" and others with no documented hitoric proof of their feats or achievements as always touted by Marathis. The Chinese know how, where and when to strike. Even if only with sticks and rocks. It was the British that dislodged the Moghuls who did a lot of great work in the country even according to Lord MacAulay who "came to civilize and Anglicize India". The unfortunate thing about Hinduism is that it exsts like a cult rather than culture or religion. It is full of contradictions like love and compassion, peace and divinity but in real life it is all about castes, domination and subjugation of the poor and weak by the strong and powerful whose strength and power is derived from a fiction called the caste system. The sooner Chinese troops cross the border the better for humanity and the majority of Indians who are of the lower caste. They will welcome the Chinese troops with open arms except for the saffron mob of Brahmins ad extremists.

暴风雨前的平静。中国人对真正的战争略知一二,他们熟读孙子兵法,而我们只有像 “希瓦吉” 这样虚构的英雄,而且没有像马拉地人一直吹嘘的那样有其功绩或成就的历史文献证明。

中国人知道如何、在哪里以及何时发动攻击。即使只是用棍棒和石头。是英国人赶走了莫卧儿人,甚至根据麦考利勋爵(他 “来教化并使印度英国化”)的说法,莫卧儿人在这个国家做了很多伟大的事。印度教的不幸之处在于,它更像是一个邪教组织,而不是一种文化或宗教。它充满了矛盾,比如爱与同情、和平与神性,但在现实生活中,它全都是关于种姓制度,强者和有权势的人对穷人和弱者的统治和压迫,而他们的力量和权势来自于一个被称为种姓制度的虚构概念。


Ha, ha, ha, Pakis,


"They will welcome the Chinese troops with open arms except for the saffron mob of Brahmins ad extremists."



First give back ALL the land taken from India or illegally given by Pakistan. Agree to India maps. No part of North east or Himachal beongs to commu. Put that in writing. Free , leave Akshay Chin and then we willl sing Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai- NOT loke Nehru did

首先,归还从印度夺走的或巴基斯坦非法给予的所有土地。认可印度的地图。东北地区和喜马偕尔邦的任何部分都不属于他们。把这写下来。离开阿克赛钦,然后我们就会高唱 “印中人民是兄弟”


Some of this might be induced by fear of Trump on china. When China talks peace NEVER EVER trust China. They might ne eying piece of India and NOT peace with India.



Been listning this word positive kind of type talks from China but no border solution and still ground zero



Ppaappuu has said that without my lead advice this wouldn’t have taken place.



Rajiv Bhargava
we need to discuss taking back the area taken up by them few years back and let ties be discussed once we get back our land



Ivan Wolf
Why India has to show off a military convoy?


User Raj Kumar
The Indians love movies thats why. But in reality they will run like they always have


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