译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Picturesquely Speechless- China
can't figure out how to incorporate pictures at specific positions in between the text let me put some visually delightful pictures of China's small town Gaogang where I live.A strange thing is happening...After five pictures, the pictures are getting over written- so putting more pictures is a waste of time as you lose the old one when you put the new one...Another strange thing happened when I edited the blog- the number of pictures reduced to four !!
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/picturesquely-speechless-china.html
Divya V
There are 5 pictures in the blog now.. was there supposed to be only 5 or just 4?
You should write someday about China and their secret of shapely leg! :))))
你应该多介绍中国的事情以及中国人是如何保持大腿苗条的 :)navneetkumarbakshi
Haha Yes I will if Sulekha will allow me to post more pictures I saw painstakingly and secretly take :). I will right about micro- minis and dare bare babes. After five pictures became four, I tried to add one more again and it worked. :))
哈哈,如果本站允许的话,我会多贴一些图片让大家欣赏,这些是我煞费苦心偷拍的 :) 我会介绍那些穿着迷你裙、敢露的宝贝们。当5张图片变成4张后,我又上传了一张,居然成功了 :)
Krishnan Bala /
Dear Navneet,
At this rate you may convert most Indians to Maoism ! The look of splendour in the environ and wellness in the people are attractive enough for us to suggest "Why not try ?" You are a good Chinese ambassador but un-fortunately this brand is now out-dated in India !
rajee kushwaha
Hi Navaneet,
Good pics and it tells the tale of China,s success story. They have handled their transition very well. We have invested too much in Democracy, secularism and freedom, which are anti dotes of fast and rapid growth.
I wish you could add some nice write ups with each photo----- but I suppose these are technical problems and Rivr Sulekha is technically not so well equipped to handle these issues----- we should wait . May be one day we would have these facilities.
How r you? How,s China----- it is bulldozing ahead with supersonic speed. India is handicapped by riverine terrain which fracture the growth process. Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha---- too many rivers with heavy rocks but dried up beds!
Yes too many rivers in a nation where everyone is an ocean in himself. Aloof, moody, having his/her own beliefs, ideas and thoughts. In a way it is good but when applied collectively for a common cause which like the Japanese, if be the Nation, the national pride we can turn around but in a common Indian's mind national interest is the least important thing.
That is because we Indians abhor anything that is good. We want corruption, shortages, disorder and a lot of hot air no matter where from it issues.
vijays desk
At the external affairs ministry they have created a separate CHINA DESK just for you.But I think they have competition as China wants you as their brand ambassador.!!!!!
Yes the pictures speak about a spotlessly clean and almost antiseptic China
But Navneet I still go for our India- the warmth, the friendliness of our people.the hustle bustle,the crowds in our country. Sure it has its negatives but there is life and sparkle here.I would rather settle for it any day
For me any day its my India
lovely pictures Navneet, superb
But Navneet I still go for our India- the warmth, the friendliness of our people.the hustle bustle,the crowds in our country. Sure it has its negatives but there is life and sparkle here.I would rather settle for it any day For me any day its my India....
You are right Vijay, it hurts me to think why we can't be like them. Why when we have willing, hard working, intelligent, sincere and nationalist people- then why we end up choosing corrupt people to govern us or let them become corrupt, see it happen and let them get away with it?
At least you could post four........
Navneet....excellent travel writing. What is striking is how clean China is when compared to India. Why are Indians so unclean in their public spaces? I am not looking for pat answers but some detailed psychological analysis.
zhouzzz /
i'm chinese,china has advaced a lot since 1978,our life has improved much .yet most chinese still feel pressure from our daily life,most chinese must work hard to earn their food ,house and education fee for their kids.
Hello,dear navneetkumarbakshi!
I am a chinese too.Thank you for you praise of my homeland.
I believe that every country is great,both Cina and India.
I love my homeland,and you love yours too.But nothing is perfect,we can love our homeland and believe it will be better.
Blessings the both !
Suresh Rao
Good to see nice snapshots from China again. China is clean and kept neat compared to India.
Dear Navneetkumarbakshiji,
Thanks for posting those photographs of Gaogang, a town in China where you live.
I love my mother India even if it is not as beautiful as China.I am in a peace loving country.
We have the freedom of speech and the right to elect the government of our choice.
We are to emulate China to bring prosperity in our country without losing our basic freedom.
阅读全文:《中国给了我新的生活—马特维·蒙格特的中国故事 》
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