

三泰虎博客译文《Navneet:山东主要城市——青岛》。Navneet:宋哲先生给我发了一些青岛的图片。让我们再探索这个城市,并以一篇博文来展现。目前,有些人给我写信,并发了一些图片过来,我对这些地方有一种感同身受的 快乐。造访这些地方的前景令我感到激动。一旦钱的问题解决,一切将就绪,哈哈......你知道的,金钱是唯一的障碍。如果有钱,我可以实现我所有的梦想。

译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:Qingdao, A Major City In Shandong Province


Mr. SongZhe has sent to me the pictures of Qingdao. Let’s explore more about the town and write a blog on it. At present I am myself having vicarious pleasures of the places from where people write to me and send the pictures. I am excited about the prospects of visiting all these places. Well, well everything will settle in it’s place once the money is arranged Hahaha… Money is the only hindrance, you know. I could realize all my dreams if I had money.


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What’s so great in my statement, you might say? It may sound silly to you. Yeah, silly it indeed is. For the deep pocketed blokes even booking seats for trips to Mars isn’t silly but for a poor blogger even nurturing a dream of visiting Qingdao is..Sigh and sigh one more time Navneet, and keep sighing till some sponsors comes along, picks you up, hugs you and says “Hello, My friend”, I was looking for you”. If some such a sponsor is to come, I wish that to be a female for if nothing else, I will at least enjoy the hug. Getting sponsors is not that easy and getting a female sponsor is a wishful thinking. A fan impressed by my writings shot off a letter to the mayor of Taizhou, speaking highly about the praises and plaudits showered by me on beauty of the town and her upkeep in my blogs. He was hopeful to get from Taizhou administration a sponsorship for financing a book of my blogs. But he was disappointed to get a mere letter of thanks written on government provided stationery, using government provided computer and printer. The road to a gubernatorial podium is going to be a long one I know but state level honour is not my dream. Although I can register a faint applause in unfamiliar dialect through my weak aural receptors as I tread on an uncertain path of recognition lined by unfamiliar faces on a foreign land I don’t know how long the walk would be.


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So a genuine sponsor may be farther away than the vicarious pleasures I bring to you and the happiness they fill your hearts with is more real and rewarding to me than any real money can buy me. Come let’s enjoy the beauties of the places from the beautiful pictures sent to me by my fans. They are all excited to tell about their places like kids are when asked by the teacher to relate the stories of their adventures.


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译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/qingdao-a-major-city-in-shandong-province.html



city looks so beautiful and lovely..




Yes Sir, Really amazing. China's progress is remarkable.




Navneet Ji:

Yeah, that's why my family recently decide to move to Qingdao because they love there.

and I suggest you visit there too, You already know what ShangHai looks like, and I shall say to give Qingdao one decade, she will be another Shanghai , or probably better.

by the way, I never try that bridge, but I tried the undersea tunnel for times. I recommand you to try once. it is a unique experience to drive under 80 meters water.

And thanks for the writer and you. this is a cool article. so I think I shall write something about my hometown too





Thanks Ocean. I do believe that one day, I will be able to realize my dream of seeing and travelling extensively through China and then I will see Qingdao too. I have travelled through underwater tunnel joining Chnagxng with Shanghai many times as I would to the shipyards on Chngxng and Chongxng islands. From the pictures Qingdao looks no way behind Shanghai.


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