译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:China Through My Camera ( Re-posted), Taizhou- A Beautiful City- Part 1

In my last blog I took you to Taizhou from Gaogang. Now let me take you on a tour around the town. Organizers of the Travelogue want a minimum of 750 words of text to accompany the blog and they won't agree with my argument that each picture that I post here is worth a million words and moreover the decision for choosing the best blog will be thrown open to the readers by Team Sulekha and people peer groups will take over, so I don't stand to win the prize anyway. :)

Taizhou that I am writing about is in JiangSu province. VSG brought my attention to this in his comments to my previous blog. There is atleast one more Taizhou in China. The name Taizhou may be as common as "Rampur" is in India. I would like to know the meaning of this word from my Chinese friends who read my blogs and whose number is rapidly increasing. I am yet to reply to their comments on my previous blog on Taizhou.

From the number of two wheelers parked, you can guess that like India most of the people in China have low income

I know little about the diversity of Taizhou captured in the images at the above site. I have no knowledge of Chinese and get little time to go around. With such handicaps you can hardly expect me to tell you much about the place

I just capture the images that speak of vivacity of the people, their moods. I capture the liveliness of the places I visit. The expressions on the faces of the people and the facets of the buildings speak for themselves. Each tree, street, plant here says something...yes it does, try to listen, if you haven't ever.

I am not interested in history. Though history is great but well that should not be all that the people of a country have to speak about.
We live in the present and our present should speak about us. Our eyes should sparkle with dreams of tomorrow and not be dull and listless because of sleeplessness over lost opportunities, over the times lost, over ifs and buts.
I know that I am living in a rich and a prosperous province and possibly deep interior of China is still poor but I see the shape of the things to come.

Excellent roads, planned gardens, pruned hedges, surplus power, twenty four hours water supply, planned townships and no-nonsense local governments that delivers.
Above all I see happy people, inspired and dedicated. I see the people who love their country and are proud of her.
And why shouldn't they be.Today, they belong to the fastest growing nation. Their cash rich government is investing heavily in the country and abroad. There GDP index is ever rising. The prosperity is trickling down to every nook and corner of the society.
It seems all the more remarkable when we consider that all this has been achieved in a short span of twenty years.
We can argue that we have more rights in India. Democracy gives us much more freedom of expression. Yes, it does though every now and then we see a fellow citizen put in jail for taking a picture of a minister or for writing about or questioning about the assets of others and their kins or for writing against bringing a city to a halt mourning of a leader's death.
It also gives us right to spit and pee anywhere we like to. It also gives us rights to murder and gang rape. It also gives many a quick ride to riches all the while donning ministerial garb and maintaining a humble demeanor with hands joined eternally in thanks giving gesture.

I remember once one Greek Chief Engineer who worked with me as my man Friday in Piraeus told me that India probably is the freest country in the world. He was saying it because of his personal experience which he related to me. He said once he got off the ship without documents because of a dispute with the captain, He then stayed in India for two months and flew out of India with fake documents.
Some of you might have read Shantaram by "Gregory David Philips" who was a criminal and a fugitive. He stayed in India for twenty years and worked for a Mafia don in Mumbai.
也许你们中有人读过了Shantaram 的故事,他是一名逃犯,在印度呆了20年,在孟买为一名黑手党卖命。
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