At one place he has written that this is one country where people are ruled by their hearts and he writes that Bombay police always knew about him but they let him live because they knew that he was a good hearted person living in the slums and doing good to the people dispensing medicines and first aid. He further wrote that if ever he went to any place in Europe he will caught and be deported to Australia...and surely once when he went on his illegal mission of sending people out of India on fake documents, he was caught and deported.
While I am living in China, I know police is aware of every step that I take. There are hundreds of cameras recording every movement of everyone. In India it is impossible to imagine this. Even if the cameras are installed for surveillance they are stolen before the dispute between police, electricity department and PWD is sorted out and they are put to work. But all this surveillance gives a sense of security to a good upright citizen. The women move around fearlessly on dark, lonely roads even at the dead of the night.Can they do it India? Will my brethren and friends will allow them to move about alone even if they can? Will society accept that kind of liberty of women without skepticism?

What excessive freedom has given to India? Naxlites, Terrorists, rapists and looters. Has freedom made any difference to you and me? An upright law abiding citizen doesn't need the fear of rod. Discipline ingrained in him.
Here people do not get in the streets and start vandalizing public property to register their anger or happiness they just mind their own business. Rather than taking out religious processions, support rallies or protest marches , they just work relentlessly. In twenty years that hard labour has gone in to building a nation that is an envy of the whole word.

There is an explosion of development every where. Maybe as per the reckoning of the people who know and have seen China
I have seen little and I know little but this little is enough for me to be convinced that if the government, if the people want to bring a change they can bring a sea change
Prasad Ganti
Navneetji, good story and pictures ! Agree that China has grown by leaps and bounds ever since Deng iaopiang started his reforms. It is tragic that de ocratic India got left behind.
The meaning of de ocracy has been misunderstood by us Prasad Ji
Soumya Srinivasan
Very interesting to read Navneet. Great pictures too.
Their cities look so clean and beautiful. We have a lot to learn from them.
But one cannot help feeling sorry for their public who do not enjoy the kind of freedom we do.
No, Soumya Chinese not being free is a myth and Indians are free to do what ever they want to do is a misconception.
graceyan 0
HI, Navneet
Really enjoy your beautiful writings and the pictures!
Tai means peace, prosperity in Chinese. Zhou refers to city. The city of peace and prosperity.
Another Taizhou is in Zhejiang province. These two "Tai"s are two different characters but sound the same so the English writings are the same.
I know from your blogs that you've been to Wuhan twice. Wuhan is a very typical city in middle China, it can represent most cities in the interior part of China. They may not be as advanced and developed as Shanghai and Beiing, but they are not bad, actually, the middle and the west are economically develo faster than east coastline cities recently. They started to develop later but the gap now is narrowing.
Thanks a lot Grace. I understand there are tonal inflections in every language and English has only twenty six alphabets. It is same problem while we try to write Hindi words in English but is not as acute because Chinese has very minute tonal variations which can't be easily picked up. That's why even when I try to speak any newly learnt word of Chinese to any one on the road he/she doesn't understand it :)
每一种语言都会有语调变化,而英语只有24个字母。同样的问题出现在我们用英语来表达印地语词汇的时候,那样会不够准确。中文语调变化很细微,很难把握好。所以我要是学了某个中文词后试图用来交流,别人就会听不懂 :)
graceyan 0
Yes that's right Navneet. We will be confused when the tones are not correct. It probably is the most difficult part for a non-Chinese speaker?
Once an Indian businessman, who were a client of our company, where I did a part-time job when I was a student, taught me how to say Hello, thank you in Hindi. That was very interesting, though I never mastered them! :)
Hahaha- Neehao, that's the only word the Chinese understand when I speak to them. Last year the colony in which I stayed was called Huiang Yuing or at least that's how it was written and no matter how and what I would say no tax driver could understand but this year when I say 'Fu Yo Rinjha' they understand, I don't know if my pronunciation has improved or the way I speak is nearly how it is spoken. :))
哈哈,我唯一能让别人听懂的中文词是“你好”。去年,我住在一个叫做“Huiang Yuing”的小区,不管我怎么说,的士司机就是听不懂。今年,当我说“Fu Yo Rinjha”,他们听得懂了。不知道是否是我的发音有进步了 :)
When I look at these pics, they seem to resemble Delhi a lot. Delhi and especially Noida and greater Noida has improved a lot in the last few years you know. I think I should post some pics to convince you :-) But yeah, even the pics my husband took of Shangai seemed quite similar to the posh areas of Delhi, though he himself was of the opinion that Shangai was way ahead. Maybe the photos don't give the true picture or we don't appreciate the green grass in our gardens :-D
看着这些图片,总觉得很像德里。德里特别是诺伊达区最近几年进步很大,看来我得贴一些图上来才能让你信服 :-)
看了我丈夫拍的上海照片,觉得很像德里的繁华区,但他的观点是上海遥遥领先。也许照片不能真实反映出现状,或者我们欣赏不来自家公园的绿地吧 :-Dnavneetkumarbakshi
Dear Write Spice,
You are a good friend and a serious writer, so I can't call your comment frivolous but while comparing China's progress with Noida you must be joking. Truly the photos don't give the true picture and then one who clicks can be biased and selective too but you got to come to China to see for yourself. Until I came here, I too new little about China and after coming here I can't believe my eyes.
Neighbor's envy, Owner's Pride...
I am really envious.. Good pictures..
India need many avatars to get this status.
Asir- You got to see to believe.
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